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<title>Managing the Release of a Large Python Project</title>

<h1>Managing the Release of a Large Python Project</h1>

<li>Christopher Armstrong <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Moshe Zadka <a href=""></a></li>


Twisted is a Python networking framework. At last count, the project
contains nearly 60,000 lines of effective code (not comments or blank
lines). When preparing a release, many details must be checked, and
many steps must be followed. We describe here the technologies and
tools we use, and explain how we built tools on top of them which help
us make releasing as painless as possible.



One of the virtues of Python is the ease of distributing code. Its
module system and the lack of necessity of compilation are what make
this possible. This means that for simple Python projects, nothing
more complicated then tar is needed to prepare a distribution of a
library. However, Twisted has auto-generated documentation in several
formats, including docstring generated documentation, HOWTOs written
in HTML, and manpages written in nroff. As Twisted grew more complex
and popular, a detailed procedure for putting out a release was made
necessary. However, human fallibility being what it is, it was decided
that most of these steps should be automated.


<h2>Overview of Steps</h2>

Despite heavy automation, there are still a number of manual steps
involved in the release process. We've reduced the amount of manual
steps quite a bit, and most of what's left is not fully automatable,
although the process could be made easier (see <q>Future
Directions</q> below).


    <li>Unit tests</li>
    <li>Acceptance tests</li>
    <li>Pre-release tests</li>
  <li>Update the Changelog and README files</li>
  <li>Run the release script
    <li>unix runs admin/release-twisted</li>
    <li>Win32 runs win32/bdist_wininst.bat</li>
  <li>Deploy: update twisted deployment on</li>
  <li>Upload to SourceForge mirror</li>
  <li>Update Website</li>



Twisted has three categories of tests: unit, acceptance, and
pre-release. Testing is an important part of releasing quality
software, of course, so these will be explained.



Unit tests are run as often as possible by each of the developers as
they write code, and must pass before they commit any changes to
CVS. While the Twisted team tries to follow the XP practice of
ensuring all code is releasable, this isn't always true. Thus, running
the unit tests on several platforms before releasing is necessary.
Our BuildBot runs the unit tests constantly on several hosts and
multiple platforms, so the <a
href="">status page</a>
is simply checked for green lights before a release.



Acceptance tests (which, unfortunately, are not quite the same as <a
href="">Extreme Programming's</a> Acceptance
Tests) are simply interactive tests of various Twisted services. There
is a script that executes several system commands that use the Twisted
end-user executables and start several clients (web browsers, IRC
clients, etc) to allow the user to interactively test the different
services that Twisted offers. These are only routinely run before a
release, but we also encourage developers to run these before they
make major changes.



The pre-release tests are for ensuring the web server (One of the most
popular parts of Twisted, and which the web site
uses) runs correctly in a semi-production environment. The script
starts up a web server on, similar to the one on
port 80, but on an out-of-the-way port. <q>lynx</q> is then run
several times, with URLs strategically chosen to test different
features of the web server. Afterwards, the log of the web server is
displayed and the user is to check for any errors.


<h2>The release-twisted Script</h2>


Like many other build/release systems, the automated parts of our
release system started out as a number of small shell
scripts. Eventually these became a single Python script which was a
large improvement, but still had many problems, especially since our
release process became more complex (documentation generation,
different types of archive formats, etc). This led to problems with
steps in the middle of the process breaking; the release manager would
need to restart the entire thing, or enter the remaining commands



The solution that we came up with was a simple framework for
pseudo-transactions; Every step of the process is implemented with a
class that has <code class="python">doIt</code> and <code
class="python">undoIt</code> methods. Each step also has a
command-line argument associated with it, so a typical run of the
script looks something like this:

<pre class="shell">
$SOMEWHERE/admin/release-twisted -V $VERSION -o $LASTVERSION --checkout \
--release=/twisted/Releases --upver --tag --exp --dist --docs --balls \
--rel --deb --debi




As stated above, our transaction system is very simple. One of our
rather simple transaction classes is <code


<pre class="python">
class Export(Transaction):
    def doIt(self, opts):
        print "Export"
        root = opts['cvsroot']
        ver = opts['release-version']
        sh('cvs -d%s export -r release-%s Twisted' % (root, ver.replace('.', '_')))

    def undoIt(self, opts, fail):
        sh('rm -rf Twisted')


One useful feature to note is the <code
class="python">sensitiveUndo</code> attribute on Transaction
classes. If a transaction has this set, the user will be prompted
before running the <code class="python">undoIt</code> method. This is
useful for very long-running processes, like documentation generation,
debian package building, and uploading to sourceforge. If something
goes wrong in the middle of one of these processes, we want to give
the user a chance to manually fix the problem rather than redoing the
entire transaction. They can then continue from the next command by
omitting the commands that have already been accomplished from the
<code class="shell">release-twisted</code> arguments.



A list of all of the transactions defined in release-twisted follows.



  checks out the latest revision of Twisted from CVS and puts it in
  the <q>Twisted.CVS</q> directory.



  changes the version number of the current release -- updating
  twisted/ (the canonical location for the current
  version) and a few other text files where the current version is



  tags the revisions in the current source tree with the version
  passed in on the command line.




  runs the cvs <q>export</q> command, which is similar to
  <q>checkout</q>, but leaves out CVS support directories; this is
  what we package up in the archives.



  simply copies the directory containing the version of Twisted to be
  released to a new directory specifically for the release
  process. The reason that we have this extra copy is that sometimes
  one will want to create a release from a directory that wasn't
  created from the <q>Export</q> command; having the release script
  munge that directory in-place would be impolite.




  generates the various documentation: HTML API documentation (via
  Epydoc), HTML, PostScript, and PDF howto documentation (via
  twisted.lore), and HTML man-pages (via lore, converted from the
  nroff source).



  creates the various archives that each Twisted release involves:
  tarred and gzipped or bzip2ed versions of archives with code plus
  documentation, code without documentation, and only documentation.




  copies all of the archives to a directory specified by the --release
  parameter. This is meant to be a publically accessible directory,
  thus the name <q>Release</q>.




  creates the .deb packages and support files for the Twisted Debian



  Creates an apt-gettable Debian package repository in the
  (unfortunately hard-coded) <q>/twisted/Debian</q> directory.



  uploads the archives and debian packages to Twisted's sourceforge
  mirror at <a




  Installs the recently-generated Debian packages via <q>dpkg</q> on
  the local machine.



Twisted has an extensive and very customized script. We have
a number of C extension modules and try to ensure that they all build,
or at least fail gracefully, on win32, Mac OSX, Linux and other
popular unix-style OSes.



We have overridden three of the distutils <q>command classes</q>:
<code class="python">build_ext</code>, <code
class="python">install_scripts</code>, and <code


<h3>Building C extensions</h3>


<code class="python">build_ext_twisted</code> detects, based on
various features of the platform, which C extensions to build. It
overrides the <code class="python">build_extensions</code> method to
first check which C extensions are appropriate to build for the
current platform before proceeding as normal (by calling the
superclass's <code class="python">build_extensions</code>). The
module-detection consists of several simple tests for platform
features and conditional additions to the `extensions' attribute. One
especially useful feature is the <code
class="python">_check_header</code> method, which takes the name of an
arbitrary head file and tries to compile (via the distutil's C
compiler interafce) a simple C file that only #includes it.


<h3>Installing scripts</h3>


<code class="python">install_data_twisted</code> ensures that the data
files are installed along-side the python modules in the twisted
package. This is accomplished with the incantation:


<pre class="python">
class install_data_twisted(install_data):
    def finalize_options (self):
            ('install_lib', 'install_dir')

<h3>Windows Releases</h3>

This section will cover the problems with packaging Python projects
for windows, especially ones which contain scripts. The problem of
clickability is especially acute, as windows determines types by
extensions and not by #! lines.


Packaging software for windows involves a unique set of problems. The
problem of clickability is especially acute; Several customizations to
the distutils setup had to be made.



The first customization was to make the <q>scripts</q> end with a
<q>.py</q> extension, since Windows relies on extension rather than a
she-bang line to specify what interpreter should execute a file. This
was accomplished by overriding the <code
class="python">install_scripts</code> command, like so:


<pre class="python">
class install_scripts_twisted(install_scripts):
    """Renames scripts so they end with '.py' on Windows."""

    def run(self):
        if == "nt":
            for file in self.get_outputs():
                if not file.endswith(".py"):
                    os.rename(file, file + ".py")


We also wanted to have a Start-menu group with a number of icons for
running different Twisted programs. This was accomplished with a
post-install script specified with the command-line parameter
<code class="shell"></code>.


<h2>Future Directions</h2>


The theme is, of course, automation, and there are still many manual
steps involved in a Twisted release. The currently most annoying step
is updating the documentation and downloads section of the website. Automating this would be a major
improvement to the time it takes from the running of the release
script to a fully completed release.



Another major improvement will involve further integration with
BuildBot. Currently we have BuildBot running unit tests, building C
extensions, and generating documentation on several hosts. Eventually
we would like to have it constantly generating full release archives,
and have an additional web form for <q>finalizing</q> any particular
build that we deem releasable. The result would be uploading the
release to the mirrors and updating the website.



The tagging scheme used by the release-twisted scripts can sometimes
be problematic. If we find serious problems in the code-base after the
Tag command is executed (which is fairly early in the process), we are
forced to fix the bug and increase the version number. This can be
prevented by, instead of making the official tag, using the unofficial
tag <q>releasing-$version</q> (as opposed to <q>release-$version</q>)
at that early stage. Once most of the steps are complete, the official
tag will be made. If something in between goes wrong, we can just
re-use the unofficial <q>releasing-$version</q> tag and not worry
about users trying to use that tag.

