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    <title>Applications of the Twisted Framework</title>
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    <h1>Applications of the Twisted Framework</h1>
    <p>Jp Calderone</p>


    <p>Two projects developed using the Twisted framework are described;
    one, Twisted.names, which is included as part of the Twisted
    distribution, a domain name server and client API, and one, Pynfo, which
    is packaged separately, a network information robot.</p>

    <h2>Twisted (dot) Names</h2>

    <p>The field of domain name servers is well explored and numerous
    strong, widely-deployed implementations of the protocol exist.  DNSSEC,
    IPv6, service location, geographical location, and many of the other DNS
    extension proposals all have high quality support in BIND, djbdns,
    maradns, and others.  From a client's perspective, though, the landscape
    looks a little different.  APIs to perform arbitrary domain name lookups
    are sparse.  In contrast, Twisted.names presents a richly featured,
    asynchronous client API.</p>

    <h3>Names Server</h3>
    <p><b>Names</b> is capable of operating as a fully functional domain
    name server.  It implements caching, recursive lookups, and can act as
    the authority for an arbitrary number of domains.  It is not, however, a
    finely tuned performance machine.  Responding to queries can take about
    twice the time other domain name servers might need.  It has not been
    investigated whether this is a design limitation or merely the result of
    an unoptimized implementation.</p>

    <h3>Names Client</h3>
    <p>As a client, <b>Names</b> provides an easy interface to every type of
    record supported by.  Looking up the MX records for a host, for example,
    might look like this:</p>

    <pre class="python">
    def _cbMailExchange(results):
        # Callback for MX query
        answers = results[0]
        print 'Mail Exchange is: ', answers

    def _ebMailExchange(failure):
        # Error callback for MX query
        print 'Lookup failed:'

    from twisted.names import client
    d = client.lookupMailExchange('')
    d.addCallbacks(_cbMailExchange, _ebMailExchange)

    <p>Looking up other record types is as simple as calling a different
    <code>lookup*</code> function.</p>


    <p>As with most network software written using Twisted, the first step
    in developing <b>Names</b> was to write the protocol support.  In this
    case, the protocol was DNS, and support was partially implemented. 
    However, it attempted to merge support for both UDP and TCP, and ended
    up with less than optimal results.  Much of this code was discarded,
    though some of the lowest level encoding and decoding code worked well
    and was re-used.</p>

    <p>With the two protocol classes, DNSDatagramProtocol and DNSProtocol
    (the TCP version) implemented, the next step was to write classes which
    created the proper behavior for a domain name server.  This logic was
    put in the <code>twisted.names.server.DNSServerFactory</code> class,
    which in turn relies on several different kind of <code>Resolver</code>s
    to find the appropriate response to queries it receives from the
    protocol instance.</p>

    <p>The chain of execution, then, is this: a packet is received by the
    protocol object (a <code>DNSDatagramProtocol</code> or
    <code>DNSProtocol</code> instance); the packet is decoded by
    <code>twisted.protocols.dns.RRHeader</code> in cooperation with one of
    the record classes (<code>twisted.protocols.dns.Record_A</code> for
    example); the decoded <code>twisted.protocols.dns.Query</code> object is
    passed up to the <code>twisted.names.server.DNSServerFactory</code>,
    which determines the query type and invokes the appropriate lookup
    method on each of its resolver objects in turn; if an answer is found,
    it is passed back down to the protocol instance (otherwise the
    appropriate bit for an error condition is set), where it is encoded and
    transmitted back to the client.</p>

    <p>There are four kinds of resolvers in the current implementation.  The
    first three are authorities, caches, and recursive resolvers.  They are
    generally queried, in this order, using the fourth resolver, the "chain"
    resolver, which simply queries the resolvers it knows about, moving on
    to the next when any given resolver fails to produce a response, and
    generating the proper exception when the last resolver has failed.</p>

    <p>There are several aspects of Twisted.Names that might preclude its
    use in "production" software.  These issues stem mainly from its
    immaturity, it being less than six months old at the writing of this

    <li><p>Possibly of foremost interest to those who might use it in a
    high-load environment, it has somewhat poor runtime performance
    characteristics.  One potential reason for this is the extensive use of
    exceptions to signal the relatively common case of a resolver lookup
    failing.  Solutions to this problem are apparent, but an implementation
    change has not been attempted.  Until this area of its development is
    more fully examined, it will likely not be of use in anything other than
    for low- to mid-load tasks, or with more hardware available to it than
    might seem reasonable.</p></li>

    <li>No attempt has been made to implement DNSSEC.</li>

    <li>Certain areas of the server remain out of compliance with the
    standardized RFCs, occasionally causing undesirable behavior when
    interacting with clients.  This most frequently manifests itself as a
    lookup which fails the first time and succeeds on subsequent attempts.
    It is not believed that these represent architectural flaws, only small
    oversights in areas such as the "additional processing" sections of the
    current authority resolver implementations.</li>

    <p>Pynfo was originally begun as a learning project to become acquainted
    with the Twisted framework.  After a brief initial development period
    and an extended period of non-development, Pynfo was picked up again to
    serve as a replacement for several existing robots, each with fragile
    code bases and with designs not intended for future integration with
    other services.  After it subsumed the functions of network relaying and
    Google searches, other desired features, which enhanced the IRC medium
    and had not previously been considered due to the difficulty of
    extending existing robots, were added to Pynfo, prompting the development
    of an elementary plug-in system to further facilitate the integration

    <p>Pynfo performs such simple tasks as noting the last time an
    individual spoke and querying the Google search engine, as well as
    several more complex operations like relaying traffic between different
    IRC networks and publishing channel logs through an HTTP interface.</p>

    <p>Toward these ends, it is useful to abstract the functionality into
    several different layers:</p>

    <li><p>The factory:  All shared data, such as the channels a given user is
    known to be in, the plugins currently loaded, and the addresses of servers
    to connect to, is aggregated here.  When it is necessary to make a
    connection, the factory creates an instance of the appropriate Protocol
    subclass, in a manner similar to this:

    <pre class="python">
    def buildProtocol(self, address):
        for net in['networks'].values():
            if net.address == address:

        proto = IRCProtocol(net)
        self.allBots[net.alias] = proto
        proto.factory = self
        return proto

    The factory instance is created only once, and that instance persists
    through the entire time a particular Pynfo bot operates.</p>

    <li><p>The protocol: Each kind of service Pynfo can connect to has a
    Protocol class associated with it, a class which handles the specifics
    of communicating over this protocol.  Unlike the factory, protocols
    instances can be short lived and are created and destroyed as many times
    as network connectivity demands.  When a Pynfo robot shuts down and is
    serialized to disk, all Protocol instances are destroyed and discarded,
    to be created anew when the robot is restarted.</p>

    <li><p>Plugins: These give Pynfo most of its functionality.  From the
    very simple logging module, which does no more than write strings to
    disk, to the esoteric lookup module, which translates hostnames into
    dotted-quads, to the informative dictionary module, which queries an <a
    href="">online dictionary</a>, plugins come in all shapes
    and sizes, and can be written to fill almost any niche.</p>

    <h3>Employing Components</h3> 
    <p>Twisted provides a <i>component</i> system which Pynfo relies on to
    split up useful functionality used in different areas of the code.  The
    Interface class is the primary element in the component system, and is
    used as a location for a semi-format definition of an API, as well as
    documentation.  Classes declare that they implement an Interface by
    including it in their __implements__ tuple attribute.  Interfaces can
    also be added to classes by third parties using the registerAdapter()
    function.  This takes an Adapter type in addition to the interface being
    registered and the type it is being registered for.  Adapters are a
    objects which can store additional state information and implement
    functionality without being part of the classes that are "actually"
    being operated upon.  They, as their name suggests, adapt components to
    conform to interfaces.</p>

    <p>Components can implement interfaces themselves, or maintain a cache
    of adapter objects for each interfaces that is requested of them.  These
    persist like any other attribute, and so state stored in adapters
    remains associated with the component as long as that component exists, or
    until the adapter is explicitly removed.</p>

    <p>Pynfo's Factory class uses two adapters to implement two basic
    Interfaces that many plugins find useful.  The first is the IStorage

    <pre class="python">
    class IStorage(components.Interface):

        def store(self, key, version, value):
            Store any pickleable object

        def retrieve(self, key, version):
            Retrieve the previously stored object associated with key and
    An example usage of this interface is the PyPI plugin, which polls the
    Python Package Index and reports updates to a configurable list of

    <pre class="python">
    def init(factory):
        global notifyChannels
        store = factory.getComponent(interfaces.IStorage)
            notifyChannels = store.retrieve('pypi', __version__)
        except error.RetrievalError:
            notifyChannels = []

    <p>The module requests the component of factory which implements
    IStorage, then attempts to load any previously stored version of
    "notifyChannels".  If none is found, it defaults to none.  In the
    finalizer below, this global is stored, using the same interfaced, to be
    retrieved when the module is next initialized.</p>

    <pre class="python">
    def fini(factory):
        s = factory.getComponent(interfaces.IStorage)'pypi', __version__, notifyChannels)

    The second interface allows low granularity scheduling of events:
    <pre class="python">
    class IScheduler(components.Interface):
        MINUTELY = 60
        HOURLY = 60 * 60
        DAILY = 60 * 60 * 24
        WEEKLY = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7

        def schedule(self, period, fn, *args, **kw):
            Cause a function to be invoked at regular intervals with the given
    The Adapter which implements this interface is just as simple:
    <pre class="python">
    class SchedulerAdapter(components.Adapter):
        __implements__ = (interfaces.IScheduler,)

        def schedule(self, period, fn, *args, **kw):
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            def cycle():
                fn(*args, **kw)
                reactor.callLater(period, cycle)
            reactor.callLater(period, cycle)
    <p>Implementing these interfaces as adapters using the component system
    has two primary advantages over a simple inheritance or mixins approach. 
    First, it allows plugins to add completely new behavior to the system
    without complex and fragile manipulation of the factory's __class__
    attribute.  This is a big win when it comes to plugins that want to
    share new functionality with other plugins.  For example, the "ignore"
    plugin adds an IDiscriminating interface and an adapter which implements
    it.  Once this plugin is loaded, any other plugin can request the
    component for IDiscriminating and add users to or remove users from the
    ignore list.</p>

    <h3>The Plugin Framework</h3>

    <p>Before a module can be loaded and initialized as a plugin, it must be
    located.  This could be done with a simple use of
    <code>os.listdir()</code>, or <code>__all__</code> could be set to include
    each new plugin added.  Twisted provides another way, though.</p>

    <p>The <code>twisted.python.plugin</code> provides the most high-level
    interface to the plugin system, a function called
    <code>getPlugIns</code>.  It usually takes one argument, a plugin type,
    which is an arbitrary string used to categorize the different kinds of
    plugins available on a system.  Twisted's own "mktap" tool uses the
    "tap" plugin type.  For Pynfo, I have elected to use the "infobot"
    string.  <code>getPlugIns("infobot")</code> searches the system (by way
    of PYTHONPATH) for files named "plugins.tml".  These files contain
    python source, and are run as such; a function, "register" is placed in
    their namespace, and the most common action for them is to invoke this
    function one or more times, providing information about a plugin.  Here
    is a snippet from one which Pynfo uses:</p>

    <pre class="python">
        description="Commands to check the weather at "
                    "various places around the world.",

    <p>Any number of plugin.tml files may exist in the filesystem, allowing
    per-user and even per-robot plugins to be installed, all without
    modifying the Pynfo installation itself.

    The second argument indicates the module which may be imported to get
    this plugin.  Pynfo traverses the resulting list, importing these modules,
    and initializing them if necessary.</p>
