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<html><head><title>Twisted Tutorial</title></head>

<h1>Twisted Tutorial</h1>

<h2>Twisted -- The Tutorial</h2><ul>

<li>Gimmick -- Charmed quotes</li>

<hr />
<em>Prue (Something Wicca This Way Comes, season 1) -- Piper, the girl has no vision, no sense of the future.</em>
<h2>Twisted -- Networking For Python</h2><ul>
<li>Handles the icky socket stuff</li>

<li>Handles the icky select stuff</li>

<li>No threads, no blocking</li>

<hr />
<em>Leo (Bite Me, season 4) -- As far as I know they're apart of a whole different network now.</em>
<li>Send username</li>

<li>Get back some stuff about user</li>

<li>Will only implement subset of protocol here</li>

<hr />
<em>Natalie (Blinded By the Whitelighter) -- I'll assume a demon attacked your finger</em>
<h2>Finger - Protocol code</h2>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.protocols import basic

class FingerClient(basic.LineReceiver):

    # This will be called when the connection is made
    def connectionMade(self): self.sendLine(self.factory.user)

    # This will be called when the server sends us a line.
    # IMPORTANT: line *without "\n" at end.
    # Yes, this means empty line does not mean EOF
    def lineReceived(self, line): print line

    # This will be called when the connection is terminated
    def connectionLost(self, _): print "-"*40
<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Blind Sided, season 1) -- Standard dating protocol.</em>
<h2>Finger - client factory</h2><ul>
<li>Keep configuration information</li>

<li>In this case, just the username</li></ul>

<pre class="python">
from twisted.internet import protocol

class FingerFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
    protocol = FingerProtocol

    def __init__(self, user): self.user = user

    def clientConnectionFailed(self, _, reason):
        print "error", reason.value

<hr />
<em>Jack (Ms. Hellfire, season 2) -- Well, they'd better be a rich client</em>
<h2>Finger - tying it all together</h2><ul>
<li>Actually run above code</li>

<li>Use reactors</li></ul>

<pre class="python">
from twisted.internet import reactor
import sys

user, host = sys.argv[1].split('@')
port = 79
reactor.connectTCP(host, port, FingerFactory(port))
<hr />
<em>Prue/Phoebe/Piper (Something Wicca This Way Comes, season 1) -- The power of three will set us free</em>
<h2>Finger - a bug</h2><ul>
<li>Succeed or fail, program doesn't exit</li>

<li>Reactor continues in a loop</li>

<li>Takes almost no CPU time...</li>

<li>...but still wrong behaviour</li>

<hr />
<em>Leo (Trial By Magic, season 4) -- Demons you can handle but not rats?</em>
<h2>Digression - Deferreds</h2><ul>
<li>In order to be more flexible, we want callbacks</li>

<li>Common callbacks are too weak</li>

<li>We used 'deferreds' as an abstraction for callbacks</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (Morality Bites, season 2) -- Talk about it later.</em>
<h2>Finger - reimplementing correctly</h2>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer
import sys

class FingerClient(basic.LineReceiver):

    def connectionMade(self):

    def lineReceived(self, line):

<h2>Finger - reimplementing correctly (cont'd)</h2>
<pre class="python">
class FingerFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
    protocol = FingerProtocol

    def __init__(self, user):
        self.user, self.d = user, defer.Deferred()

    def gotLine(self, line): print line

    def clientConnectionLost(self, _, why): self.d.callback(None)

    def clientConnectionFailed(self, _, why): self.d.errback(why)

<h2>Finger - reimplementing correctly (cont'd 2)</h2>
<pre class="python">
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    from twisted.python import util
    user, host = sys.argv[1].split('@')
    f = FingerFactory(user)
    port = 79
    reactor.connectTCP(host, port, FingerFactory(port))
    f.d.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
    f.d.addErrback(lambda _: (util.println("could not connect"),
<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Charmed and Dangerous, season 4) -- That's what we were missing.</em>
<li>Servers are actually easier</li>

<li>Servers meant to wait for events</li>

<li>Most of concepts similar to clients</li>

<hr />
<em>Genie (Be Careful What You Witch For, season 2) -- All I know is that you rubbed and now I serve.</em>
<h2>Finger - protocol</h2>
<pre class="python">
class FingerServer(basic.LineReceiver):

    def lineReceived(self, line):
<hr />
<em>Secretary (The Painted World, season 2) -- Well, you won't have any trouble with this if you figured that out.</em>
<h2>Finger - factory</h2>
<pre class="python">
class FingerServerFactory(protocol.Factory):

    protocol = FingerServer

    def __init__(self):
        self.users = {}
        self.message = "No such user\n"

    def getUser(self, name):
        return self.users.get(name, self.message)

    def setUser(self, user, status):
        self.users[user] = status
<hr />
<em>Prue (The Demon Who Came In From the Cole, season 3) -- Okay, so who are they?</em>
<h2>Finger - glue</h2>
<pre class="python">
factory = FingerServerFactory()
factory.setUser("moshez", "Online - Sitting at computer\n")
factory.setUser("spiv", "Offline - Surfing the waves\n")

reactor.listenTCP(79, factory)
<hr />
<em>Prue (All Halliwell's Eve, season 3) -- Put it all together, it may just work.</em>
<h2>Finger Server - problem</h2><ul>
<li>What if server has to actually work to find user's status?</li>

<li>For example, read status from a website</li>

<li>API forces us to block -- not good</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (All Halliwell's Eve, season 3) -- We've got big problems, a little time and a little magic.</em>
<h2>Finger server -- new protocol</h2>
<pre class="python">
class FingerServer(basic.LineReceiver):

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        d = self.factory.getUser(line)

    def writeResponse(self, response):

    def writeError(self, error):
        self.transport.write("Server error -- try later\n")
<hr />
<em>Piper (Ex Libris, season 2) -- We'll worry about it later.</em>
<h2>Finger - factory</h2>
<pre class="python">
class FingerServerFactory(protocol.Factory):

    protocol = FingerServer

    def __init__(self):
        self.users = {}
        self.message = "No such user\n"

    def getUser(self, name):
        return defer.succeed(self.users.get(name, self.message))

    def setUser(self, user, status):
        self.users[user] = status
<hr />
<em>Piper/Zen Master (Enter the Demon, season 4) -- It is a different realm down there with new rules.</em>
<h2>Finger - web factory</h2>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.web import client

class FingerWebFactory(protocol.Factory):
    protocol = FingerServer

    def getUser(self, name):
        url = "" % name
        d = client.getPage(url)
        d.addErrback(lambda _: "No such user\n")
        return d
<hr />
<em>Applicant #3 (The Painted World, season 2) -- in this day and age, who can't write in the HTML numeric languages, right?</em>
<li>The Twisted way of configuration files</li>

<li>Decouple configuration from running</li></ul>

<h2>Application (Example)</h2>
<pre class="python">
# File: finger.tpy
from twisted.internet import app
import fingerserver

factory = fingerserver.FingerServerFactory()
factory.setUser("moshez", "Online - Sitting at computer\n")
factory.setUser("spiv", "Offline - Surfing the waves\n")
application = app.Application("finger")
application.listenTCP(79, factory)

<hr />
<em>Paige (Hell Hath No Fury, season 4) -- I am taking full responsibility for being late with the application.</em>
<li>TWISTed Daemonizer</li>

<li>Daemonizes Twisted servers</li>

<li>Takes care of log files, PID files, etc.</li>

<li>twistd -y finger.tpy</li>

<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Sleuthing With the Enemy, season 3) -- Was it some sick twisted demonic thrill?</em>
<h2>twistd examples</h2><ul>
<li>twistd -y finger.tpy -l /var/finger/log</li>

<li>twistd -y finger.tpy --pidfile /var/run/</li>

<li>twistd -y finger.tpy --chroot /var/run</li>

<hr />
<em>Professor Whittlessy (Is There a Woogy In the House?, season 1) -- I use your house as an example</em>
<h2>Writing Plugins</h2><ul>
<li>Automatically create application configurations</li>

<li>Accessible via commandline or GUI</li></ul>

<h2>Writing Plugins (Example)</h2>
<pre class="python">
# File finger/
from twisted.python import usage

class Options(usage.Options):
    synopsis = "Usage: mktap finger [options]"
    optParameters = [["port", "p", 6666,"Set the port number."]]
    longdesc = 'Finger Server'
    users = ()

    def opt_user(self, user):
        if not '=' in user: status = "Online"
        else: user, status = user.split('=', 1)
        self.users += ((user, status+"\n"),)

<h2>Writing Plugins (Example cont'd)</h2>
<pre class="python">
def updateApplication(app, config):
    f = FingerFactory()
    for (user, status) in config.users:
        f.setUser(user, status)
    app.listenTCP(int(config.opts['port']), s)
<hr />
<em>Paige (Bite Me, season 4) -- They won't join us willingly.</em>
<h2>Writing Plugins (Example cont'd 2)</h2>
<pre class="python">
# File finger/plugins.tml
         description="Finger Server",
<hr />
<em>Queen (Bite Me, season 4) -- That's what families are for.</em>
<h2>Using mktap</h2><ul>
<li>mktap finger --user moshez --user spiv=Offline</li>

<li>twistd -f finger.tap</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (Charmed and Dangerous, season 4) -- We'll use potions instead.</em>
<h2>Delayed execution</h2><ul>
<li>Basic interface: reactor.callLater(&lt;time&gt;, &lt;function&gt;, [&lt;arg&gt;, [&lt;arg&gt; ...]])</li>

<li>reactor.callLater(10, reactor.stop)</li>

<li>reactor.callLater(5, util.println, 'hello', 'world')</li>

<hr />
<em>Cole (Enter the Demon, season 4) -- I know, but not right now.</em>
<h2>callLater(0,) -- An idiom</h2><ul>
<li>Use to set up a call in next iteration of loop</li>

<li>Can be used in algorithm-heavy code to let other code run</li></ul>

<pre class="python">
def calculateFact(cur, acc=1, d=None):
    d = d or defer.Deferred()
    if cur&lt;=1: d.callback(acc)
    else: reactor.callLater(0, calculateFact, acc*cur, cur-1, d)

).addCallback(lambda n: (util.println(n), reactor.stop()))
<hr />
<em>Piper (Lost and Bound, season 4) -- Someone, I won't say who, has the insane notion</em>
<h2>UNIX Domain Sockets</h2><ul>
<li>Servers<ul><li>reactor.listenUNIX('/var/run/finger.sock', FingerWebFactory())</li>

<li>Clients<ul><li>reactor.connectUNIX('/var/run/finger.sock', FingerFactory())</li>

<hr />
<em>Kate (Once Upon a Time, season 3) -- Fairies don't talk the same way people do.</em>
<h2>SSL Servers</h2>

<pre class="python">
from OpenSSL import SSL

class ServerContextFactory:

    def getContext(self):
        ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
        return ctx

reactor.listenSSL(111, FingerWebFactory(), ServerContextFactory())

<h2>SSL Clients</h2>

<li>from twisted.internet import ssl</li>

<li>reactor.connectSSL(111, 'localhost', FingerFactory(), ssl.ClientContextFactory())</li>
<hr />
<em>Natalie (Blinded By the Whitelighter, season 3) -- I mean, in private if you wouldn't mind</em>
<h2>Running Processes</h2><ul>
<li>A process has two outputs: stdout and stderr</li>

<li>Protocol to interface with it is different</li></ul>

<pre class="python">
class Advertizer(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
    def outReceived(self, data): print "out", `data`

    def errReceived(self, data): print "error", `data`

    def processEnded(self, reason): print "ended", reason

                     "echo", ["echo", "hello", "world"])
<hr />
<em>Prue (Coyote Piper, season 3) -- You have to know that you can talk to me</em>
<h2>Further Reading</h2><ul>
<li><a href="">Twisted Docs</a></li>

<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Animal Pragmatism, season 2) -- Ooh, the girls in school are reading this.</em>
<em>Piper (Something Wicca This Way Comes, season 1) -- Tell me that's not our old spirit board?</em>
<h2>Bonus Slides</h2>
<em>Prue (Sleuthing With the Enemy, season 3) -- All right, you start talking or we start the bonus round.</em>
<h2>Perspective Broker</h2><ul>
<li>Meant to be worked async</li>

<li>Can transfer references or copies</li>

<li>Secure (no pickles or other remote execution mechanisms)</li>

<li>Lightweight (bandwidth and CPU)</li>


<hr />
<em>Paige (Charmed Again, season 4) -- I guess I just kind of feel - connected somehow.</em>
<h2>PB Remote Control Finger (Server)</h2>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.spread import pb

class FingerSetter(pb.Root):

    def __init__(self, ff): self.ff = ff

    def remote_setUser(self, name, status):
        self.ff.setUser(name, status+"\n")

ff = FingerServerFactory()
setter = FingerSetter(ff)
<hr />
<em>Piper (Be Careful What You Witch For, season 2) -- Okay, you think you can control the power this time?</em>
<h2>PB Remote Control Finger (Client)</h2>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.internet import reactor
import sys

def failed(reason):
    print "failed:", reason.value;reactor.stop()

pb.getObjectAt("unix", "/var/run/finger.control", 30
).addCallback(lambda o: o.callRemote("setUser", *sys.argv[1:3],
).addCallbacks(lambda _: reactor.stop(), failed)
<hr />
<em>Leo (Be Careful What You Witch For, season 2) -- How about you just keep your arms down until you learn how to work the controls.</em>
<h2>Perspective Broker (Trick)</h2><ul>
<li>Add to the application something which will call reactor.stop()</li>

<li>Portable (works on Windows)</li>

<li>Gets around OS security limitations</li>

<li>Need to add application-level security</li>

<li>The docs have the answers (see 'cred')</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (Lost and Bound, season 4) -- They're not good or bad by themselves, it's how we use them</em>
<h2>Perspective Broker (Authentication)</h2><ul>


<li>Can get remote user with every call<ul><li>Inherit from pb.Perpsective</li>

<li>Call methods perspective_&lt;name&gt;(self, remoteUser, ...)</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (She's a Man, Baby, a Man!, season 2) -- Okey-Dokey. I get the point.</em>

<h2>Perspective Broker - About Large Data Streams</h2>


<li>Sending large (>640kb) strings is impossible -- feature, not bug.</li>

<li>It stops DoSes</li>

<li>Nobody would ever need...<ul><li>JokeTooOldError</li></ul></li>

<li>Use twisted.spread.utils.Pager -- sends the data in managable chunks.</li>


<hr />
<em>Piper (Womb Raider, season 4) --
Oral tradition tales of a giant whose body served as a portal to other

<h2>Producers and Consumers</h2><ul>
<li>Use for things like sending a big file</li>

<li>A good alternative to manually reactor.callLater(0,)-ing</li>

<li>See twisted.internet.interfaces.{IProducer,IConsumer}</li>

<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Black as Cole, season 4) -- Apparently he feeds on the remains of other demons' victims.</em>
<h2>Threads (callInThread)</h2><ul>
<li>Use for long running calculations</li>

<li>Use for blocking calls you can't do without</li>

<li>deferred = reactor.callInThread(function, arg, arg)</li>

<hr />
<em>Piper (The Painted World, season 2) -- There will be consequences. There always are.</em>
<h2>Threads (callFromThread)</h2><ul>
<li>Use from a function running in a different thread</li>

<li>Always thread safe</li>

<li>Interface to non-thread-safe APIs</li>

<li>reactor.callFromThread(protocol.transport.write, s)</li>

<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Witch Trial, season 2) -- Maybe it's still in the house. Just on different plane.</em>

<h2>Using ApplicationService</h2><ul>
<li>Keep useful data...</li>

<li>...or useful volatile objects</li>

<li>Support start/stop notification</li>

<li>Example: process monitor</li>

<hr />
<em>Phoebe (Marry Go Round, season 4) -- Yeah, that's just in case you need psychic services.</em>

<h2>Playing With Persistence</h2><ul>
<li>Shutdown taps are useful</li>

<li>Even if you use twistd -y</li>

<li>So remember<ul><li>Classes belong in modules</li>

<li>Functions belong in modules</li>

<li>Modifying class attributes should be avoided</li>

<hr />
<em>Cole (Marry Go Round, season 4) -- That Lazerus demon is a time bomb waiting to explode</em>