lore.html   [plain text]


<h2>Lore - A Document Generation System</h2><ul>
<li>Gimmick -- Gilmore girls quotes</li>

<li>Goal - take something which is easy to write, transforms to something easy to read</li>

<li>For correct definitions of 'easy', of course</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Concert Interruptus, season 1) -- Yeah, well I've always thought easy is completely overrated.</em>
<h2>Source Format</h2><ul>
<li>Subset of XHTML 1.0<ul><li>Except for some new attributes</li>

<li>Shouldn't bother browsers</li>

<li>Slanted towards logical markup</li>

<hr />
<em>Alex (I Solemnly Swear, season 3) -- That would've been far too logical.</em>

<h2>Output Formats</h2><ul>
<li>Screen and paper<ul><li>Screen - 'fancy HTML'</li>

<li>Paper - LaTeX<ul><li>Use LaTeX to produce PDF or PostScript</li>

<hr />
<em>Madelaine (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton, season 1) -- You don't know she's going out for the paper.</em>
<h2>Minimal Lore Document</h2>

<hr />
<em>Luke (There's the Rub, season 2) -- You said minimal</em>
<h2>Minimal Lore Document Explained</h2><ul>
<li>title element in head -- a must</li>

<li>h1 element in head -- a must<ul><li>Must have same content</li>

<hr />
<em>Tom (There's the Rub, season 2) -- Hey, this is minimal</em>
<h2>External Listings</h2><ul>
<li>Advantage -- no need to quote</li>

<li>Advantage -- test your examples</li>

<li>Example:<ul><li><code>&lt;a class="python-listing" href="/usr/lib/python2.2/os.py"&gt;os.py&lt;/a&gt;</code>

<hr />
<em>Kirk (Red Light on the Wedding Night, season 2) -- I include it as an example of the excellence I aspire to.</em>
<h2>Using Lore to Generate HTML</h2><ul>
<li>Write template</li>

<li>[optional] Write stylesheet</li>

<li>Run lore</li>

<hr />
<em>Paris (Run Away, Little Boy, season 2) -- I went on the web and found this site</em>
<h2>Generating LaTeX</h2><ul>
<li>lore -olatex file.html --&gt; produces file.tex</li>

<li>Default is to create an 'article'</li>

<li>Creating PostScript<ul><li>latex file.tex</li>

<li>latex file.tex</li>

<li>dvips -o file.ps file.dvi</li>

<li>Creating PDF<li>latex file.tex</li>
<li>pdflatex file.tex</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Christopher Returns, season 1) -- He had already printed like a million</em>
<h2>Using Lint</h2><ul>
<li>lore -olint doc/howto/*.html</li>

<li>lore -n -olint doc/howto/*.html #no output except warnings</li>

<hr />
<em>Max (The Deer-Hunters, season 1) -- I know a D seems pretty dismal</em>
<h2>Further Reading</h2><ul>
<li>Man page -- doc/man/lore.xhtml</li>

<li>Howto -- doc/howto/lore.xhtml</li>

<li>Extending howto -- doc/howto/extending-lore.xhtml</li>

<li>Documentation standard -- doc/howto/doc-standard.xhtml</li>

<li>Lore paper -- doc/historic/2003/pycon/lore/lore.html</li>

<hr />
<em>Paris (The Bracebridge Dinner, season 2) -- Rereading the Iliad a third time is not not doing anything</em>
<em>Lorelai (Forgiveness and Stuff, season 1) -- A person needs details.</em>
<h2>Bonus Slides</h2>
<em>Miss James (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton, season 1) -- If you do it in Latin you get extra credit.</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - LaTeX</h2><ul>
<li>Very good at printed results</li>

<li>Model makes alternative parsers near-impossible</li>

<li>Renderers to HTML are buggy and fragile</li>

<li>People find it hard to use</li>

<hr />
<em>Michel (Love, Daisies and Troubadors, season 1) -- It increases my ennui</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - HTML</h2><ul>
<li>Too flexible</li>

<li>No support for needed idioms<ul><li>Special-purpose Python markup</li>

<li>Tables of contents</li>



<li>Renders badly to dead trees with current tools</li>

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (Love, Daisies and Troubadors, season 1) -- It was broken [...] I'm not crazy</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - Docbook</h2><ul>
<li>Using correctly requires too much work<ul><li>Write a DTD with special elements</li>

<li>Write Jade stylesheets</li>

<li>Lore is probably smaller than docbook specialisation</li>

<li>People find it hard to use</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Hammers and Veils, season 2) -- What do you want me to do it?</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - Texinfo</h2><ul>
<li>Next slide, please</li>

<hr />
<em>Man (Hammers and Veils, season 2) -- There's a ton of hurt that almost happened here.</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - reST</h2><ul>
<li>Completely new language (no editor support)</li>

<li>Hard to add new tags</li>

<li>No linter</li>

<hr />
<em>Emily (Hammers and Veils, season 2) -- And this is what we need to discuss right now?</em>
<h2>Lore Alternatives - LyX</h2><ul>
<li>Dependent on GUI</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Hammers and Veils, season 2) -- Well, it's just dressed up a little.</em>
<h2>Some Standard Tags -- XHTML Primer</h2><ul>


<li><code>&lt;strong&gt;strong emphasis&lt;/strong&gt;</code>


<li>Lists<ul><li>&lt;ol&gt;&lt;li&gt;ordered list item&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ol&gt;</li><li>&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;unordered list item&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</li></ul></li>

<li><code>&lt;img src="http://example.com/img.png" /&gt;</code>
<ul><li>Note '/' at end!</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Kiss and Tell, season 1) -- See, even a little information in your hands is dangerous.</em>
<h2>More HTML</h2><ul>
<li>Indicating authorship -- &lt;link rel="author" href="author@example.com" title="Author Name" /&gt;</li>

<li>Put in &lt;head&gt;</li>

<li>sub/sup -- subscripts, superscripts</li>

<hr />
<em>Max (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton, season 1) -- Tolstoy's favourite author, for instance, was...</em>
<h2>More HTML -- cross references</h2><ul>
<li>Label<ul><code>&lt;a name="label-name" /&gt;</code>

<li>Reference in file<ul><li><code>&lt;a href="#label-name"&gt;reference text&lt;/a&gt;</code></li>

<li>Reference in other file<ul><li><code>&lt;a href="file-name#label-name"&gt;reference text&lt;/a&gt;</code></li>

<li>Refer to URL<ul><li><code>&lt;a href="http://example.com"&gt;reference text&lt;/a&gt;</code></li>

<hr />
<em>Christopher (Christopher Returns, season 1) -- It's just a weird reference.</em>
<h2>Special Markup</h2><ul>
<li>Things not in XHTML are done with div/span classes</li>

<li>&lt;div class="note"&gt;note&lt;/a&gt; -- notes</li>

<li>&lt;div class="doit"&gt;doit&lt;/a&gt; -- something not implemented</li>

<li>&lt;span class="footnote"&gt;footnote&lt;/a&gt; -- put in a footnote</li>

<hr />
<em>Taylor (Take The Deviled Eggs, season 3) -- Out attention spans are gnat-like tonight</em>
<h2>API References</h2><ul>
<li><code>&lt;code class="API"&gt;urllib&lt;/code&gt;</code>

<li><code>&lt;code base="urllib" class="API"&gt;urlencode&lt;/code&gt;</code>

<li><code>&lt;code base="twisted" class="API"&gt;copyright.version&lt;/code&gt;</code>

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (The Road Trip To Harvard, season 2) -- We're just kinda hanging out between classes</em>
<h2>API References Explained</h2><ul>
<li>Integrate with systems for docstring generation</li>

<li>Generate links to auto-generated docs</li>

<hr />
<em>Luke (Love and War and Snow, season 1) -- How do you know? Do you have written documentation?</em>
<h2>Inline Listings</h2><ul>
<li>Use &lt;pre&gt;</li>

<li>Possible classes: python, shell, python-interpreter</li>


&lt;pre class="python"&gt;
def foo():
    return forbnicate(4)
<hr />
<em>Taylor (Take The Deviled Eggs, season 3) -- That's not even English.</em>
<h2>Inline Listings -- short</h2><ul>
<li>Use &lt;code&gt;</li>

<li>Possible classes: python, shell, py-signature</li>

<li>...and more</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Double Date, season 1) -- It's like this weird code thing with her.</em>
<h2>Generating HTML -- writing templates</h2><ul>
<li>Templates are XHTML documents</li>

<li>Put in reference to stylesheet -- head is mostly kept as is</li>

<li>Title will be prepended to document's title</li>

<li>&lt;div class="toc" /&gt; will be replaced by table of contents</li>

<li>&lt;div class="body" /&gt; will be replaced by processed body</li>

<hr />
<em>Paris (I Can't Get Started, season 2) -- How's this sound for a template?</em>
<h2>Generating HTML -- using commandline</h2><ul>
<li>Full details: the lore manpage</li>

<li>Basic format: lore file.html --&gt; outputs file.xhtml<ul><li>--config template=template.tpl to use different template</li>

<li>--config baseurl=format-string for the url of the auto-generated docstring docs</li>

<hr />
<em>Richard (The Third Lorelai, season 1) -- Your wish is my command.</em>
<h2>Generating HTML -- using commandline -- examples</h2><ul>
<li>lore --config template=strange.tpl foo.html</li>

<li>lore --docsdir doc/howto/</li>

<li>lore -p --docsdir doc/howto/ # use plain progress</li>

<hr />
<em>Jackson (A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving, season 3) -- Deep-fried cake!</em>
<h2>Generating HTML -- using commandline -- examples (cont'd)</h2><ul>
<li>lore --docsdir doc/howto/ --config baseurl=../api/%s.html</li>

<li>lore --ext='' foo.html # produce 'foo' as output</li>

<hr />
<em>Jackson (A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving, season 3) -- Deep-fried shoe!</em>
<h2>Generating HTML -- notes about stylesheets</h2><ul>
<li>Many 'class's in the output</li>

<li>The stylesheet Twisted uses can be used as example<ul><li>Especially the .py-src-* classes: used for syntax highlighting</li>

<hr />
<em>Miss Patty (Cinnamon's Wake, season 1) -- If you had a better hair style I might consider dating</em>
<h2>Generating LaTeX -- examples</h2><ul>
<li>lore -olatex --config section file.html</li>

<li>lore -olatex --config book file.html</li>

<li>lore -olatex --config section --docsdir doc/howto/</li>

<hr />
<em>Luke (Hammers and Veils, season 2) -- Just an example</em>
<h2>Using Lint -- notes</h2><ul>
<li>If there is an element which lint gives a warning you disagree with: &lt;element hlint="off"&gt;mistake&lt;/element&gt;</li>

<li>But usually the linter is right</li>

<li>lint exits with non-zero status iff some document was not clean -- useful in shell scripts</li>

<hr />
<em>Paris (The Deer-Hunters, season 1) -- That would be cause for concern.</em>
<h2>Understanding Lint Warnings</h2><ul>
<li>Format: file:line:column:warning</li>

<li>Line/column always point to start/end of element</li>

<li>Some justifications:<ul><li>&lt;pre&gt; with &gt;80 characters/line renders badly, both in HTML and in LaTeX</li>

<hr />
<em>Jess (Teach Me Tonight, season 2) -- I appreciate the warning.</em>
<h2>Using Lore For Slides</h2><ul>
<li>lore -ilore-slides -omgp file.html for magic point</li>

<li>lore -ilore-slides -oprosper file.html for prosper</li>

<li>lore -ilore-slides -ohtml file.html for HTML next/prev</li>

<li>Splits on 'h2'</li>


<hr />
<em>Emily (Road Trip to Harvard, season 2) -- Why in the world do you insist on taking slides?</em>
<h2>Extending Lore</h2><ul>
<li>Accept more input tags</li>

<li>Change how documents are processed</li>

<li>Add more output formats</li>

<hr />
<em>Rory (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton, season 1) -- Well, add a couple of plaid skirts</em>
<h2>Extending Lore -- example</h2><ul>
<li>We want to add a way to blink: &lt;span class="blink"&gt;</li>

<li>Modify HTML output</li>

<li>Modify lint output</li>

<li>Make it 'small caps' in LaTeX</li>

<li>Distribute as package 'blinker'</li>

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore, season 2) -- No, no, if you wanna do it, I'll help. It's just weird.</em>
<h2>Extending Lore -- example (cont'd)</h2>
# blinker/html.py
from twisted.lore import tree
from twisted.web import microdom, domhelpers

def doBlink(document):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, 'class',
        newNode = microdom.Element('blink')
        newNode.children = node.children
        node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node)

def doFile(fn, docsdir, ext, url, templ, linkrel=''):
    doc = tree.parseFileAndReport(fn)
    cn = templ.cloneNode(1)
    tree.munge(doc, cn, linkrel, docsdir, fn, ext, url)
    cn.writexml(open(os.path.splitext(fn)[0]+ext, 'wb'))

<hr />
<em>Christopher (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore, season 2) -- I can't believe you're letting her do it.</em>
<h2>Extending Lore -- example (cont'd 2)</h2>
# blinker/latex.py
class BlinkerLatexSpitter(latex.LatexSpitter):

    def visitNode_span_blink(self, node):
        self.writer('{\sc ')

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore, season 2) -- I'm sorry, I meant what scenario on my planet</em>
<h2>Extending Lore -- example (cont'd 3)</h2>
# blinker/factory.py
from blinker import html, latex
from twisted.lore import default

class ProcessingFunctionFactory(default.ProcessingFunctionFactory):

    doFile = [doFile]

    latexSpitters = {None: latex.BlinkLatexSpitter}

    def getLintChecker(self):
        checker = lint.getDefaultChecker()
        checker.allowedClasses = checker.allowedClasses.copy()
        oldSpan = checker.allowedClasses['span']
        checker.allowedClasses['span'] = (lambda x:oldSpan(x) or
        return checker

factory = ProcessingFunctionFactory()
# blinker/plugins.tml
         description="Lore format with blink",
<p>...and that's it!</p>

<hr />
<em>Rory (Presenting Lorelai Gilmore, season 2) -- Sorry, we haven't tamed my wild ways yet.</em>
<h2>Man page support</h2><ul>
<li>No output</li>

<li>Man-&gt;Lore conversion</li>

<li>lore -iman -olint file.1 --&gt; generates file.html</li>

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (Concert Interruptus, season 1) -- would you like to write out some sort of instruction manual to go with the dishes?</em>
<h2>Man page support</h2><ul>
<li>No output</li>

<li>Man-&gt;Lore conversion</li>

<li>lore -iman -olint file.1 --&gt; generates file.html</li>

<hr />
<em>Lorelai (Concert Interruptus, season 1) -- would you like to write out some sort of instruction manual to go with the dishes?</em>
