mtq.c   [plain text]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * License
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Jabber Open Source License
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 * Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Jeremie Miller.
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 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "jabberd.h"

/*** mtq is Managed Thread Queues ***/
/* they queue calls to be run sequentially on a thread, that comes from a system pool of threads */

typedef struct mtqcall_struct
    pth_message_t head; /* the standard pth message header */
    mtq_callback f; /* function to run within the thread */
    void *arg; /* the data for this call */
    mtq q; /* if this is a queue to process */
} _mtqcall, *mtqcall;

typedef struct mtqmaster_struct
    mth all[MTQ_THREADS];
    int overflow;
    pth_msgport_t mp;
} *mtqmaster, _mtqmaster;

mtqmaster mtq__master = NULL;

/* cleanup a queue when it get's free'd */
void mtq_cleanup(void *arg)
    mtq q = (mtq)arg;
    mtqcall c;

    /* if there's a thread using us, make sure we disassociate ourselves with them */
    if(q->t != NULL)
        q->t->q = NULL;

    /* What?  not empty?!?!?! probably a programming/sequencing error! */
    while((c = (mtqcall)pth_msgport_get(q->mp)) != NULL)
        log_debug("mtq","%X last call %X",q->mp,c->arg);

/* public queue creation function, queue lives as long as the pool */
mtq mtq_new(pool p)
    mtq q;

    if(p == NULL) return NULL;


    /* create queue */
    q = pmalloco(p, sizeof(_mtq));

    /* create msgport */
    q->mp = pth_msgport_create("mtq");

    /* register cleanup handler */
    pool_cleanup(p, mtq_cleanup, (void *)q);

    return q;

/* main slave thread */
void *mtq_main(void *arg)
    mth t = (mth)arg;
    pth_event_t mpevt;
    mtqcall c;

    log_debug("mtq","%X starting",t->id);

    /* create an event ring for receiving messges */
    mpevt = pth_event(PTH_EVENT_MSG,t->mp);

    /* loop */

        /* before checking our mp, see if the master one has overflow traffic in it */
            /* get the call from the master */
            c = (mtqcall)pth_msgport_get(mtq__master->mp);
            if(c == NULL)
            { /* empty! */
                mtq__master->overflow = 0;
            /* debug: note that we're waiting for a message */
            log_debug("mtq","%X leaving to pth",t->id);
            t->busy = 0;

            /* wait for a master message on the port */

            /* debug: note that we're working */
            log_debug("mtq","%X entering from pth",t->id);
            t->busy = 1;

            /* get the message */
            c = (mtqcall)pth_msgport_get(t->mp);
            if(c == NULL) continue;

        /* check for a simple "one-off" call */
        if(c->q == NULL)
            log_debug("mtq","%X one call %X",t->id,c->arg);

        /* we've got a queue call, associate ourselves and process all it's packets */
        t->q = c->q;
        t->q->t = t;
        while((c = (mtqcall)pth_msgport_get(t->q->mp)) != NULL)
            log_debug("mtq","%X queue call %X",t->id,c->arg);
            if(t->q == NULL) break;

        /* disassociate the thread and queue since we processed all the packets */
        /* XXX future pthreads note: mtq_send() could have put another call on the queue since we exited the while, that would be bad */
        if(t->q != NULL)
            t->q->t = NULL; /* make sure the queue doesn't point to us anymore */
            t->q->routed = 0; /* nobody is working on the queue anymore */
            t->q = NULL; /* we're not working on the queue */


    /* free all memory stuff associated with the thread */
    return NULL;

void mtq_send(mtq q, pool p, mtq_callback f, void *arg)
    mtqcall c;
    mth t = NULL;
    int n; pool newp;
    pth_msgport_t mp = NULL; /* who to send the call too */
    pth_attr_t attr;

    /* initialization stuff */
    if(mtq__master == NULL)
        mtq__master = malloc(sizeof(_mtqmaster)); /* happens once, global */
        mtq__master->mp = pth_msgport_create("mtq__master");
            newp = pool_new();
            t = pmalloco(newp, sizeof(_mth));
            t->p = newp;
            t->mp = pth_msgport_create("mth");
            attr = pth_attr_new();
            pth_attr_set(attr, PTH_ATTR_PRIO, PTH_PRIO_MAX);
            t->id = pth_spawn(attr, mtq_main, (void *)t);
            mtq__master->all[n] = t; /* assign it as available */

    /* find a waiting thread */
    for(n = 0; n < MTQ_THREADS; n++)
        if(mtq__master->all[n]->busy == 0)
            mp = mtq__master->all[n]->mp;

    /* if there's no thread available, dump in the overflow msgport */
    if(mp == NULL)
        log_debug("mtqoverflow","%d overflowing %X",mtq__master->overflow,arg);
        mp = mtq__master->mp;
        /* XXX this is a race condition in pthreads.. if the overflow
         * is not put on the mp, before a worker thread checks the mp
         * for messages, then it will set this variable to 0 and not
         * check the overflow mp until another item overflows it */

    /* track this call */
    c = pmalloco(p, sizeof(_mtqcall));
    c->f = f;
    c->arg = arg;

    /* if we don't have a queue, just send it */
    if(q == NULL)
        pth_msgport_put(mp, (pth_message_t *)c);
        /* if we use a thread, mark it busy */
        if(mp != mtq__master->mp)
            mtq__master->all[n]->busy = 1;

    /* if we have a queue, insert it there */
    pth_msgport_put(q->mp, (pth_message_t *)c);

    /*if(pth_msgport_pending(q->mp) > 10)
        log_debug("mtqoverflow","%d queue overflow on %X",pth_msgport_pending(q->mp),q->mp);*/

    /* if we haven't told anyone to take this queue yet */
    if(q->routed == 0)
        c = pmalloco(p, sizeof(_mtqcall));
        c->q = q;
        pth_msgport_put(mp, (pth_message_t *)c);
        /* if we use a thread, mark it busy */
        if(mp != mtq__master->mp)
            mtq__master->all[n]->busy = 1;
        q->routed = 1;