srv_resolv.c   [plain text]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * License
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Jabber Open Source License
 * Version 1.0 (the "JOSL").  You may not copy or use this file, in either
 * source code or executable form, except in compliance with the JOSL. You
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 * Software distributed under the JOSL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the JOSL
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * JOSL.
 * Copyrights
 * Portions created by or assigned to, Inc. are 
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Contact
 * information for, Inc. is available at
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Jeremie Miller.
 * Acknowledgements
 * Special thanks to the Jabber Open Source Contributors for their
 * suggestions and support of Jabber.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
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 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "jabberd.h"

#include <netinet/in.h>
#define BIND_8_COMPAT
#include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include <resolv.h>

#include "srv_resolv.h"

#ifndef T_SRV
#define T_SRV 33

typedef struct __srv_list
     int   priority;
     char* port;
     char* host;
     struct __srv_list* next;
} *srv_list, _srv_list;

char* srv_inet_ntoa(pool p, unsigned char* addrptr)
     char result[16];
     result[15] = '\0';
     snprintf(result, 16, "%d.%d.%d.%d", addrptr[0],addrptr[1],addrptr[2],addrptr[3]);
     return pstrdup(p, result);

#ifdef WITH_IPV6
char* srv_inet_ntop(pool p, const unsigned char* addrptr, int af)
    char result[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    inet_ntop(af, addrptr, result, sizeof(result));
    return pstrdup(p, result);

char* srv_port2str(pool p, unsigned short port)
     char* result = pmalloco(p, 6);
     snprintf(result, 6, "%d", port);
     return result;

char* srv_lookup(pool p, const char* service, const char* domain)
     unsigned char    reply[1024];	   /* Reply buffer */
     int              replylen = 0;
     char             host[1024];
     register HEADER* rheader;		   /* Reply header*/
     unsigned char*   rrptr;		   /* Current Resource record ptr */
     int              exprc;		   /* dn_expand return code */
     int              rrtype;
     long             rrpayloadsz;
     srv_list       svrlist  = NULL;
     srv_list       tempnode = NULL;
     srv_list       iternode = NULL;
     HASHTABLE        arr_table;	   /* Hash of A records (name, ip) */
     spool            result;
     char*            ipname;
     char*            ipaddr;
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
     int	      error_code;
     struct addrinfo  hints;
     struct addrinfo* addr_res;
     struct hostent*  hp;

     /* If no service is specified, use a standard gethostbyname call */
     if (service == NULL)
	  log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Standard resolution of %s", domain);
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
	  hints.ai_flags = 0;
	  hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
	  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	  hints.ai_protocol = 0;
	  hints.ai_addrlen = 0;
	  hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
	  hints.ai_addr = NULL;
	  hints.ai_next = NULL;

	  error_code = getaddrinfo(domain, NULL, &hints, &addr_res);
	  if (error_code)
	      log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Error while resolving %s: %s", domain, gai_strerror(error_code));
	      return NULL;

	  switch (addr_res->ai_family)
	      case PF_INET:
		  ipaddr = pstrdup(p, srv_inet_ntop(p, (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in*)addr_res->ai_addr)->sin_addr, addr_res->ai_family));
	      case PF_INET6:
		  ipaddr = pstrdup(p, srv_inet_ntop(p, (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6*)addr_res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, addr_res->ai_family));
		  ipaddr = NULL;

	  log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Resolved %s to: %s", domain, ipaddr);
	  return ipaddr;
	  hp = gethostbyname(domain);
	  if (!hp)
	       log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Unable to resolve: %s", domain);
	       return NULL;
	       return pstrdup(p, srv_inet_ntoa(p, hp->h_addr));

     log_debug(ZONE, "srv: SRV resolution of %s.%s", service, domain);

     /* Setup A record hash table */
     arr_table = ghash_create(11, (KEYHASHFUNC)str_hash_code, (KEYCOMPAREFUNC)j_strcmp);

     /* Initialize lookup system if needed (check global _res structure) */
     if (((_res.options & RES_INIT) == 0) && (res_init() == -1))
	  log_debug(ZONE, "srv: initialization failed on res_init.");
	  return NULL;

     /* Run a SRV query against the specified domain */
     replylen = res_querydomain(service, domain, 
				C_IN,	   /* Class */
				T_SRV,	   /* Type */
				(unsigned char*)&reply,	   /* Answer buffer */
				sizeof(reply)); /* Answer buffer sz */

     /* Setup a pointer to the reply header */
     rheader   = (HEADER*)reply;

     /* Process SRV response if all conditions are met per RFC 2052:
	1.) reply has some data available
	2.) no error occurred
	3.) there are 1 or more answers available */
     if ( (replylen > 0) && (ntohs(rheader->rcode) == NOERROR) && (ntohs(rheader->ancount) > 0) )
	  /* Parse out the Question section, and get to the following 
	     RRs (see RFC 1035-4.1.2) */
	  exprc = dn_expand(reply,		      /* Msg ptr */
			    reply + replylen,	      /* End of msg ptr */
			    reply + sizeof(HEADER),  /* Offset into msg */
			    host, sizeof(host));      /* Dest buffer for expansion */
	  if (exprc < 0)
	       log_debug(ZONE, "srv: DN expansion failed for Question section.");
	       return NULL;

	  /* Determine offset of the first RR */
	  rrptr = reply + sizeof(HEADER) + exprc + 4;

	  /* Walk the RRs, building a list of targets */
	  while (rrptr < (reply + replylen))
	       /* Expand the domain name */
	       exprc = dn_expand(reply, reply + replylen, rrptr, host, sizeof(host));
	       if (exprc < 0)
		    log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Whoa nelly! DN expansion failed for RR.");
		    return NULL;

	       /* Jump to RR info */
	       rrptr += exprc;
	       rrtype      = (rrptr[0] << 8 | rrptr[1]);  /* Extract RR type */
	       rrpayloadsz = (rrptr[8] << 8 | rrptr[9]);  /* Extract RR payload size */
	       rrptr += 10;

	       /* Process the RR */
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
		   /* AAAA records should be hashed for the duration of this lookup */
	       case T_AAAA:
		   /* Allocate a new string to hold the IP address */
		   ipaddr = srv_inet_ntop(p, rrptr, AF_INET6);
		   /* Copy the domain name */
		   ipname = pstrdup(p, host);

		   /* Insert name/ip into hash table for future reference */
		   ghash_put(arr_table, ipname, ipaddr);

		    /* A records should be hashed for the duration of this lookup */
	       case T_A: 
		    /* Allocate a new string to hold the IP address */
		    ipaddr = srv_inet_ntoa(p, rrptr);
		    /* Copy the domain name */
		    ipname = pstrdup(p, host);

		    /* Insert name/ip into hash table for future reference */
		    ghash_put(arr_table, ipname, ipaddr);
		    /* SRV records should be stored in a sorted list */
	       case T_SRV:
		    /* Expand the target name */
		    exprc = dn_expand(reply, reply + replylen, rrptr + 6, host, sizeof(host));
		    if (exprc < 0)
			 log_debug(ZONE, "srv: DN expansion failed for SRV.");
			 return NULL;

		    /* Create a new node */
		    tempnode = pmalloco(p, sizeof(_srv_list));
		    tempnode->priority = (rrptr[0] << 8 | rrptr[1]);
		    tempnode->port     = srv_port2str(p, (rrptr[4] << 8 | rrptr[5]));
		    tempnode->host     = pstrdup(p, host);

		    /* Initialize iteration node */
		    iternode = svrlist;
		    /* Insert the node in the list */		    
		    if (iternode == NULL)
			 svrlist = tempnode;
			 /* Find the first entry greater in priority that the tempnode */
			 while ( (tempnode->priority > iternode->priority) && (iternode->next != NULL) )
			      iternode = iternode->next;
			 /* If iternode == svrlist, update svrlist */
			 if (iternode == svrlist)
			      tempnode->next = svrlist;
			      svrlist = tempnode;
			      /* Insert the tempnode */
			      tempnode->next = iternode->next;
			      iternode->next = tempnode;
	       } /* end..switch */

	       /* Increment to next RR */
	       rrptr += rrpayloadsz;

	  /* Now, walk the nicely sorted list and resolve the target's A records, sticking the resolved name in
	     a spooler -- hopefully these have been pre-cached, and arrived along with the SRV reply */
	  result = spool_new(p);

	  iternode = svrlist;
	  while (iternode != NULL)
	       /* HACK */
	       if (result->len != 0)
		    spool_add(result, ",");
	       /* Check the A record hash table first.. */
	       ipaddr = (char*)ghash_get(arr_table, iternode->host);
	       if (ipaddr != NULL)
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
	            if (strchr(ipaddr, ':')) {
			spooler(result, "[", ipaddr, "]:", iternode->port, result);
		        spooler(result, ipaddr, ":", iternode->port, result);
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
	       /* Otherwise, request the A record */
#ifdef WITH_IPV6
		    log_debug(ZONE, "srv: attempting A / AAAA record lookup.");

		    hints.ai_flags = 0;
		    hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
		    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
		    hints.ai_protocol = 0;
		    hints.ai_addrlen = 0;
		    hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
		    hints.ai_addr = NULL;
		    hints.ai_next = NULL;

		    error_code = getaddrinfo(iternode->host, NULL, &hints, &addr_res);
		    if (error_code)
			log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Error while resolving %s: %s", domain, gai_strerror(error_code));
			switch (addr_res->ai_family)
			    case PF_INET:
					srv_inet_ntop(p, (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in*)addr_res->ai_addr)->sin_addr, addr_res->ai_family),
					":", iternode->port, result);
			    case PF_INET6:
				spooler(result, "[",
					srv_inet_ntop(p, (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6*)addr_res->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, addr_res->ai_family),
					"]:", iternode->port, result);
				ipaddr = NULL;

		    log_debug(ZONE, "srv: attempting A record lookup.");
		    /* FIXME: Is this really retrv'ing A record? */
		    hp = gethostbyname(iternode->host);
		    if (!hp)
			 log_debug(ZONE, "srv: Unable to resolve SRV reference to: %s\n", iternode->host);
			 spooler(result, srv_inet_ntoa(p, hp->h_addr), ":", iternode->port, result);
	       iternode = iternode->next;
	  /* Finally, turn the fully resolved list into a string <ip>:<host>,... */
	  return spool_print(result);
     /* Otherwise, return NULL -- it's for the caller to finish up by using
	standard A records */
     return NULL;	