jabber_config_migrator.pl   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Migrate a 10.4,10.5,10.6 configuration to 10.6

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use XML::Simple;
use strict;

my $DEBUG = 0;
my $SERVERMGR_JABBER_CGI_PATH = "/usr/share/servermgrd/cgi-bin/servermgr_jabber";
my $MKTEMP_PATH = "/usr/bin/mktemp";
my $logPath = "/Library/Logs/Migration/jabbermigrator.log";
my $MKDIR_PATH = "/bin/mkdir";
my $PLISTBUDDY = "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy";
my $CERT_PATH = "/etc/certificates";

sub usage {
    print "This script reads a jabberd config XML and migrates the config data into jabberd 2.1.\n";
    print "It uses servermgr_jabber to perform the necessary changes to jabberd2 config files.\n\n";
    print "Usage:  $0 [-d] [-c path] [-s version]\n";
    print "Flags:\n";
    print " -d: Debug mode.\n";
    print " -c <path>: Source jabberd config file to use. Should be a \"com.apple.ichatserver.plist\" for\n";
    print "            10.5, 10.6 or \"jabber.xml\" for 10.4. (REQUIRED)\n";
    print " -s <source version>: Source OS version. \"10.4\", \"10.5\", and \"10.6\" supported. (REQUIRED)\n";
    print " -?, -h: Show usage info.\n";

sub log_message
    open(LOGFILE, ">>$logPath") || die "$0: cannot open $logPath: $!";
    my $time = localtime();
    print LOGFILE "$time: ". basename($0). ": @_\n";
    print "@_\n" if $DEBUG;

sub bail
    exit 1;

############ MAIN
if (! -d dirname($logPath) ) {
    my $logDir = dirname($logPath);
    qx{ $MKDIR_PATH -p $logDir };
    if ($? != 0) {
        &log_message("\"$MKDIR_PATH -p $logDir\" returned failure status $?");

my %opts;
getopts('ds:c:?h', \%opts);

if (defined $opts{'?'} || defined $opts{'h'}) {
    exit 0;

if (defined $opts{'d'}) {
    $DEBUG = 1;

my $src_ver;
if (defined $opts{'s'}) {
    my $tmp_src_ver = $opts{'s'};
    if ($opts{'s'} =~ /^10\.4/) {
        &log_message("Treating source OS as 10.4.x");
        $src_ver = "10.4";
    } elsif ($opts{'s'} =~ /^10\.5/) {
        &log_message("Treating source OS as 10.5.x");
        $src_ver = "10.5";
    } elsif ($opts{'s'} =~ /^10\.6/) {
        &log_message("Treating source OS as 10.6.x");
        $src_ver = "10.6";
    } else {
        &bail("Unrecognized source OS version specified, don't know how to parse the source config file. Aborting.\n");
} else {
    &bail("Source OS version was not specified, aborting.\n");

my $source_config = "";
if (defined $opts{'c'} && $opts{'c'} ne "") {
    $source_config = $opts{'c'};
} else {
    &bail("You must specify the source configuration file to use, aborting");

open(IN, "<$source_config") || &bail("ERROR: Cannot open source config $source_config: $!");
my @lines = <IN>;

my $tmpname;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $tmpname = qx{ $MKTEMP_PATH /tmp/jabber_migration.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX };
    if (-e $tmpname) {
    if ($i == 4) {
        &bail("ERROR: Cannot create temporary file: $tmpname");

my $res;
if ($src_ver eq "10.5" || $src_ver eq "10.6") {
    &log_message("Importing settings from file: $source_config");
    my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new (KeepRoot => 1);
    my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($source_config);
    my @keys;
    for (my $i = 0; (defined $doc->{plist}->{dict}->{key}->[$i]); $i++) {
        push(@keys, $doc->{plist}->{dict}->{key}->[$i]);
        if ($DEBUG) { print "found key: ".$doc->{plist}->{dict}->{key}->[$i]."\n"; }

    open(OUT, ">$tmpname") || &bail("ERROR: Could not open file $tmpname: $!");
    print OUT <<"EOF";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

    # Gather certificate file data for later use
    my @cert_files;
    my $ret = opendir(CERTS_DIR, $CERT_PATH);
    if (! $ret) {
        &log_message("ERROR: unable to read dir: $CERT_PATH");
    } else {
        @cert_files = readdir(CERTS_DIR);
    my $prospective_chainfile = "";
    my $configured_chainfile = 0;
NEXTKEY: foreach my $key (@keys) {
        $ret = qx { $PLISTBUDDY -x -c "Print :$key:" "$source_config" };
        if ($DEBUG) { print "DEBUG: $PLISTBUDDY output: $ret\n"; }
        my @lines = split("\n", $ret);
        if ($ret eq "" || $#lines < 4) {
            &log_message("ERROR: PlistBuddy problem getting value for key \"$key\" from file \"$source_config\", it returned:\n$ret\n");
        # Magic numbers used assume this output from PlistBuddy:
        # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        # <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
        # <plist version="1.0">
        # <string>example</string>
        # </plist>

        # We want to filter out directory paths that have empty values, otherwise our writeSettings will fail.        
        if (($key eq "dataLocation" ||
                    $key eq "jabberdDatabasePath" ||
                    $key eq "savedChatsLocation")
            && ($lines[3] eq "<string></string>")) {

        # For 10.5 sources, certificates were named differently than 10.6+.
        # 10.5: mycert.crtkey
        # 10.6: mycert.6E60F5812D4DE84616E92E1ACB9F0B35ED6A2229.concat.pem
        # 10.5: mycert.chcrt
        # 10.6: mycert.6E60F5812D4DE84616E92E1ACB9F0B35ED6A2229.chain.pem
        # We need to use the migrated certificates in the new configuration.
        # SSLCAFile (chain file) notes:
        #   If the source has sslCAFile defined, AND it has been moved to a new filename, use the new file.
        #   If the source has sslCAFile defined, AND and there's no new migrated version, use the original sslCAFile value.
        #   If the source has no sslCAFile defined, but has a valid sslKeyFile, then look for a chain file
        #      that has been created during migration based on the old sslKeyFile.
        #   (10.5 systems that have an sslKeyFile but no corresponding chain file are going to 
        #   have a new chain file generated for them during migration, so lets use it.)
        my $cert_prefix;
        my $cert;
        if ($key eq "sslKeyFile") {
            if ($lines[3] =~ /^<string>(.*)\.crtkey<\/string>$/) {
                $cert_prefix = $1;
                $cert_prefix =~ s/.*[\/](.*)/$1/;
                foreach $cert (@cert_files) {
                    if ($cert =~ /^$cert_prefix.([A-F0-9]+).concat.pem$/) {
                        print OUT "\t\t<key>$key</key>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t<string>$CERT_PATH/$cert</string>\n";
                        $prospective_chainfile = "$CERT_PATH/$cert_prefix.$1.chain.pem";
                        next NEXTKEY;
        } elsif ($key eq "sslCAFile") {
           if ($lines[3] =~ /^<string>(.*)\.chcrt<\/string>$/) {
                $cert_prefix = $1;
                $cert_prefix =~ s/.*[\/](.*)/$1/;
                foreach $cert (@cert_files) {
                    if ($cert =~ /^$cert_prefix.([A-F0-9]+).chain.pem$/) {
                        print OUT "\t\t<key>sslCAFile</key>\n";
                        print OUT "\t\t<string>$CERT_PATH/$cert</string>\n";
                        $configured_chainfile = 1;
                        next NEXTKEY;
            } elsif ($lines[3] !~ /^<string><\/string>$/) {
                $configured_chainfile = 1;

        print OUT "\t\t<key>$key</key>\n";
        for (my $i = 3; $i < $#lines; $i++) {
            print OUT "\t\t$lines[$i]\n";
    } ## NEXTKEY

    if (! $configured_chainfile && $prospective_chainfile ne "" && -e $prospective_chainfile) {
        print OUT "\t\t<key>sslCAFile</key>\n";
        print OUT "\t\t<string>$prospective_chainfile</string>\n";

    print OUT <<"EOF";

    &log_message("Importing settings from file: $source_config");
    $res = qx{ $SERVERMGR_JABBER_CGI_PATH < $tmpname };
} elsif ($src_ver eq "10.4") {
    # parse out original service.host elements to get our realms
    my $in_service_elem = 0;
    my @realms;
    my $realm;

    # realms
    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        if ($line =~ /<service id=\"sessions\">/) {
            &log_message("Found service tag in $source_config") if $DEBUG;
            $in_service_elem = 1;
        if ($line =~ /<host>([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)<\/host>/ && $in_service_elem) {
            &log_message("Found host tag in $source_config: $1") if $DEBUG;
            push(@realms, $1);
        if ($line =~ /<\/service>/) {
            $in_service_elem = 0;
    # Get SSL certificate data
    my @cert_files;
    my $ret = opendir(CERTS_DIR, $CERT_PATH);
    if (! $ret) {
        &log_message("ERROR: unable to read dir: $CERT_PATH");
    } else {
        @cert_files = readdir(CERTS_DIR);
    my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new (KeepRoot => 1);
    my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($source_config);
    my $old_cert = basename($doc->{jabber}->{io}->{ssl}->{key}->{content});
    my $cert_prefix;
    my $cert;

    # Write the new file for import
    open(OUT, ">$tmpname") || &bail("ERROR: Could not open file $tmpname: $!"); 
    print OUT <<"EOF";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    if ($#realms >= 0) {
        print OUT "\t\t<key>hosts</key>\n";
        print OUT "\t\t<array>\n";
        foreach $realm (@realms) {
            print OUT  "          <string>$realm</string>\n";
        print OUT "\t\t</array>";
    } else {
        &log_message("No realms to migrate.");
    if ($old_cert =~ /^(.*)\.crtkey$/) {
        $cert_prefix = $1;
        foreach $cert (@cert_files) {
            if ($cert =~ /^$cert_prefix.([A-F0-9]+).concat.pem$/) {
                print OUT "\t\t<key>sslKeyFile</key>\n";
                print OUT "\t\t<string>$CERT_PATH/$cert</string>\n";
    } else {
        &log_message("Problem matching SSL certificate path from source config: $old_cert");
    print OUT <<"EOF";    

    &log_message("Importing settings from file: $source_config");
    $res = qx{ $SERVERMGR_JABBER_CGI_PATH < $tmpname };

###  file ownership changes for changes in jabberd/mu-conference identity
# mu-conference files should now be owned by user _jabber
my $cmd_ret = qx{ serveradmin settings jabber:hosts };
@lines = split("\n", $cmd_ret);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
	if ($line =~ /^.*\"(.*)\"$/) {
		system("chown -R _jabber:_jabber /private/var/spool/conference.$1");

system("chown -R _jabber:_jabber /private/var/jabberd/log");

&log_message("New servermgr_jabber settings:\n$res");
&log_message("Upgrade completed successfully.");