patch-flash-v3rc1   [plain text]

--- /home/wolpert/src/jabberd-2.0cvs/c2s/c2s.c	2005-01-07 07:39:20.000000000 -0700
+++ c2s/c2s.c	2005-02-10 10:48:51.835153956 -0700
@@ -20,6 +20,65 @@
 #include "c2s.h"
+ * M.Bootsma, LogicaCMG Hoofddorp, Netherlands
+ * October 2004
+ *
+ * Added a patch for flash:stream support
+ *
+ * Flash is not 100% compatible with the XML stream standard:
+ * 1. it terminates every XML message with a '\0'
+ * 2. it terminates the stream header with a /
+ *    (this would close the stream)
+ * 3. it starts the stream with a flash:stream header instead of
+ *    a stream:stream header.
+ *
+ * The patch checks the first message of a starting session stream
+ * for any '\0'. If found it flags the session as a Flash session
+ * and replases the complete header with a Jabber compatible
+ * header.
+ * After that every incoming message is filtered and '\0' is 
+ * replaced with ' '.
+ * For every outgoing message, a '\0' is appended and the response
+ * of the header is replaced for a flash friendly version
+ *
+ * The whole flash patch can be switched off by undefining CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+ * in config.h(.in)
+ */
+#ifdef CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+#define FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE 256
+static const char caStreamHeader [] = "<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' to='%s' >";
+static const char caFlashHeader []  = "<?xml version='1.0'?><flash:stream xmlns:flash='' xmlns:stream='' xmlns='jabber:client' from='%s' id='%s' />";
+static void ExtractValue(char *pMessage, char *pVariable, char *pValue) { 
+    int iLen; 
+    char *p;
+    char *pEnd;
+    /*
+     * extract the value of an attribute from a XML message
+     * eg: <.... id='1234567890' ....> returns 1234567890
+     */
+    p = strstr(pMessage, pVariable);
+    if (p != NULL) {
+        p += (strlen(pVariable) + 1);
+        /* find end of value, search for closing ' or " */
+        pEnd = strchr(p, p [-1]);
+        iLen = pEnd - p;
+        if (iLen < FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+            memcpy(pValue, p, iLen);
+            pValue[iLen] = '\0';
+            log_debug(ZONE, "++++ Extracted Var %s: [%s]\n", pVariable, pValue);
+        }
+    }
 static int _c2s_client_sx_callback(sx_t s, sx_event_t e, void *data, void *arg) {
     sess_t sess = (sess_t) arg;
     sx_buf_t buf = (sx_buf_t) data;
@@ -28,6 +87,12 @@
     nad_t nad;
     char root[9];
+#ifdef CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+    char *p, *pEnd;
+    char caHost[FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    char caID[FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
     switch(e) {
         case event_WANT_READ:
             log_debug(ZONE, "want read");
@@ -94,15 +159,74 @@
                 return -1;
-            log_debug(ZONE, "read %d bytes", len);
             buf->len = len;
+#ifdef CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+            /* check for 0 bytes in the first packet
+             * if found it must be a flash client
+             * remove any 0 in the data and
+             * the / that ends the <?xml... header
+             */
+            pEnd = &buf->data[len];
+            if (sess->s->state == state_NONE) {
+                /* stream is new, look for flash signature */
+                if (strstr(buf->data,"flash:stream")){
+                    log_debug(ZONE, "++++ Flash Stream detected\n%.*s", buf->len, buf->data);
+                    sess->flash_client = 1;
+                    /* extract destination host */
+                    ExtractValue(buf->data, "to=", caHost);
+                    /* create normal stream:stream header, resize data buffer first */
+                    _sx_buffer_alloc_margin(buf, 0, sizeof(caStreamHeader) + strlen(caHost) + 8);
+                    sprintf(buf->data, caStreamHeader, caHost);
+                    buf->len = strlen(buf->data);
+                    log_debug(ZONE, "++++ Converted to\n%.*s", buf->len, buf->data);
+                }
+            }
+            /* Check all other messages in the stream to remove \0's etc */
+            if (sess->flash_client) 
+                /* remove 0's from flash packets */
+                for (p = buf->data; p < pEnd; p++)
+                    if (*p == '\0')
+                        *p = ' ';
+            log_debug(ZONE, "read %d bytes", len);
             return len;
         case event_WRITE:
             log_debug(ZONE, "writing to %d", sess->fd);
+#ifdef CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+            if (sess->flash_client) {
+                /* look for the header <? xml ...*/
+                if (strncmp(buf->data, "<?xml ", 6) == 0) {
+                    /* replace normal stream header with flash friendly header */
+                    log_debug(ZONE, "++++ Found <?xml..., \n%.*s", buf->len, buf->data);
+                    /* extract id from id="123456567778765" or id='45454545454' */
+                    ExtractValue(buf->data, "from=", caHost);
+                    ExtractValue(buf->data, "id=", caID);
+                    /* create flash:stream header, realloc buffer first */
+                    _sx_buffer_alloc_margin(buf, 0, sizeof(caFlashHeader) + strlen(caHost) + strlen(caID) + 8);
+                    sprintf(buf->data, caFlashHeader, caHost, caID);
+                    buf->len = strlen(buf->data);
+                    log_debug(ZONE, "++++ Converted to %s", buf->data);
+                }
+                /* add a 0 to flash packets */
+                buf->data[buf->len] = '\0';
+                buf->len++;
+            }
             len = send(sess->fd, buf->data, buf->len, 0);
             if(len >= 0) {
                 log_debug(ZONE, "%d bytes written", len);
--- /home/wolpert/src/jabberd-2.0cvs/c2s/c2s.h	2004-12-07 08:38:02.000000000 -0700
+++ c2s/c2s.h	2005-01-11 14:57:42.000000000 -0700
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
     int                 bound;
     int                 active;
+#ifdef CP2005_FLASH_PATCH
+    int                 flash_client;
     nad_t               result;
     int                 sasl_authd;     /* 1 = they did a sasl auth */