print "1..13\n"; use WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File; $file = "test-$$"; $r = new WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File "myrobot/2.0", $file; $r->parse("", ""); $r->visit(""); print "not " if $r->no_visits("") != 1; print "ok 1\n"; $r->push_rules("", "/aas", "/per"); $r->push_rules("", "/god", "/old"); @r = $r->rules(""); print "Rules: @r\n"; print "not " if "@r" ne "/aas /per /god /old"; print "ok 2\n"; $r->clear_rules("per"); $r->clear_rules(""); @r = $r->rules(""); print "Rules: @r\n"; print "not " if "@r" ne ""; print "ok 3\n"; $r->visit("", time+10); $r->visit(""); print "No visits: ", $r->no_visits(""), "\n"; print "Last visit: ", $r->last_visit(""), "\n"; print "Fresh until: ", $r->fresh_until(""), "\n"; print "not " if $r->no_visits("") != 2; print "ok 4\n"; print "not " if abs($r->last_visit("") - time) > 2; print "ok 5\n"; $r = undef; # Try to reopen the database without a name specified $r = new WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File undef, $file; $r->visit(""); print "not " if $r->no_visits("") != 3; print "ok 6\n"; print "Agent-Name: ", $r->agent, "\n"; print "not " if $r->agent ne "myrobot"; print "ok 7\n"; $r = undef; print "*** Dump of database ***\n"; tie(%cat, AnyDBM_File, $file, 0, 0644) or die "Can't tie: $!"; while (($key,$val) = each(%cat)) { print "$key\t$val\n"; } print "******\n"; untie %cat; # Try to open database with a different agent name $r = new WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File "MOMSpider/2.0", $file; print "not " if $r->no_visits(""); print "ok 8\n"; # Try parsing $r->parse("", <rules(""); print "not " if "@r" ne "/foo /bar"; print "ok 9\n"; print "not " if $r->allowed("") >= 0; print "ok 10\n"; print "not " if $r->allowed(""); print "ok 11\n"; sleep(5); # wait until file has expired print "not " if $r->allowed("") >= 0; print "ok 12\n"; $r = undef; print "*** Dump of database ***\n"; tie(%cat, AnyDBM_File, $file, 0, 0644) or die "Can't tie: $!"; while (($key,$val) = each(%cat)) { print "$key\t$val\n"; } print "******\n"; untie %cat; # Otherwise the next line fails on DOSish while (unlink("$file", "$file.pag", "$file.dir", "$file.db")) {} # Try open a an emty database without specifying a name eval { $r = new WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File undef, $file; }; print $@; print "not " unless $@; # should fail print "ok 13\n"; unlink "$file", "$file.pag", "$file.dir", "$file.db";