TEST   [plain text]

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# This script is run Test::Harness on the tests found under the
# "t" directory.

# First we check if we already are within the "t" directory
unless (-d "base") {
    # try to move into test directory
    chdir "t" or die "Can't chdir: $!";

    # fix all relative library locations
    foreach (@INC) {
	$_ = "../$_" unless m,^([a-z]:)?[/\\],i;
# Pick up the library files from the ../blib directory
unshift(@INC, "../blib/lib", "../blib/arch");
#print "@INC\n";

use Test::Harness;
$Test::Harness::verbose = shift
  if defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/ || $ARGV[0] eq "-v";

my @tests;

if (@ARGV) {
    for (@ARGV) {
	if (-d $_) {
	    push(@tests, <$_/*.t>);
	} else {
            $_ .= ".t" unless /\.t$/;
	    push(@tests, $_);
} else {
    @tests = (<base/*.t>, <html/*.t>, <robot/*.t>, <local/*.t>);
    push(@tests,  <live/*.t>) if -f "live/ENABLED";
    push(@tests, <net/*.t>) if -f "net/config.pl";

runtests @tests;