03-question.t   [plain text]

# $Id: 03-question.t 704 2008-02-06 21:30:59Z olaf $    -*-perl-*-

use Test::More tests => 200;
use strict;

use Net::DNS;

#1	new() class constructor method must return object of appropriate class
isa_ok(Net::DNS::Question->new(), 'Net::DNS::Question', 'new() object');

#2	string method returns character string representation of object
is(Net::DNS::Question->new()->string,	".\tIN\tA",	'$question->string' );

#3	Default values used when new() arguments omitted or undefined
my $domain = 'example.com';
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain)->string,		"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(undef)->string,		".\tIN\tA",		"new(undef)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, 'A')->string,	"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,A)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, undef)->string,	"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,undef)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(undef, 'A')->string,		".\tIN\tA",		"new(undef,A)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(undef, undef)->string,	".\tIN\tA",		"new(undef,undef)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, 'A', 'IN')->string,	"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,A,IN)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, 'A',undef)->string,	"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,A,undef)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain,undef,'IN')->string, "$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,undef,IN)" );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain,undef,undef)->string, "$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,undef,undef)" );

#13	Trailing dot stripped from domain name argument
is(Net::DNS::Question->new("$domain.")->string,		"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain.)" );

#14	Tolerate arguments in zone file order
is(Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, 'IN', 'A')->string,	"$domain.\tIN\tA",	"new($domain,IN,A)" );

#15	parse() class constructor method must return object of appropriate class
my $example = Net::DNS::Question->new('example.com');
my $example_data = pack("C a* C a* C n2", 7, 'example', 3, 'com', 0, 1, 1);
my $question = Net::DNS::Question->parse(\$example_data, 0);
isa_ok($question, 'Net::DNS::Question', 'parse() object');
is_deeply($question, $example, 'parse() object matches input data' );

#17	parse method called in list context returns (object,offset) pair
my ($object, $next) = Net::DNS::Question->parse(\$example_data, 0);
isa_ok($object, 'Net::DNS::Question', 'in list context, parse() returned object');
is($next, length $example_data, 'in list context, parse() provides offset to next data');

#19	parse method raises exception for incomplete data
my $truncated = $example_data;
while ( chop $truncated ) {
	my ($object, $offset) = eval{ Net::DNS::Question->parse(\$truncated, 0) };
	like(lc $@,	'/exception/',	'exception raised for incomplete data' );

#36	parse method raises exception for unparsable data
my $empty = '';
my $circular = pack("C a* n3", 7, 'invalid', 0xc000, 1, 1);
my $corrupt = pack("C a* n3", 7, 'invalid', 0xc100, 1, 1);
foreach my $unparsable ($empty, $circular, $corrupt) {
	my ($object, $offset) = eval{ Net::DNS::Question->parse(\$unparsable, 0) };
	like(lc $@,	'/exception/',	'exception raised for unparsable data' );

#39	data method produces binary representation of object
foreach my $class ( qw(CH IN ANY) ) {
	foreach my $type ( qw(A AAAA MX NS SOA ANY) ) {
		my $packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new();
		my $example = Net::DNS::Question->new($domain, $type, $class);
		my $example_data = $example->data($packet, 0);
		my $question = Net::DNS::Question->parse(\$example_data, 0);
		is_deeply($question, $example, $example->string );

#57	Every access method able to read and modify corresponding variable
my $q = Net::DNS::Question->new();
foreach my $method ( qw(qname qtype qclass zname ztype zclass) ) {
	foreach my $value ('', 'P', 'Q.', '.') {
		my $initial = $q->$method;
		my $written = $q->$method($value);
		my $read = $q->$method;
		isnt($read,	$initial,	"call $method('$value')" );
		is($read,	$written,	"$method() is '$written'" );

#105	new() interprets IPv4 address as PTR query
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('')->string,	"\tIN\tPTR",	'IPv4 PTR query' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('', 'NS')->qtype,	'NS',	'NS query in IPv4 space' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('', 'SOA')->qtype,	'SOA',	'SOA query in IPv4 space' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('', 'ANY')->qtype,	'ANY',	'ANY query in IPv4 space' );
foreach my $n ( 1, 123 ) {
	my $ip4 = "$n.$n.$n.$n";
	my $rev = "$ip4.in-addr.arpa";
	is(Net::DNS::Question->new($ip4)->qname,		$rev,	'IPv4 address' );
	is(Net::DNS::Question->new("::ffff:$ip4")->qname,	$rev,	'IP6v4 syntax' );

#113	new() interprets IPv4 prefix as reverse query of length sufficient to contain specified bits
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(0)->qname,		'0.in-addr.arpa',	'IPv4 prefix 0' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(10)->qname,		'10.in-addr.arpa',	'IPv4 prefix 10' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('10.2')->qname,	'2.10.in-addr.arpa',	'IPv4 prefix 10.2' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('10.2.3')->qname,	'3.2.10.in-addr.arpa',	'IPv4 prefix 10.2.3' );
foreach my $n ( 1..32 ) {
	my $m = (($n + 7)>>3)<<3;
	my $ip4 = '';
	my $equivalent = Net::DNS::Question->new("$ip4/$m")->qname;
	is(Net::DNS::Question->new("$ip4/$n")->qname,	$equivalent,	"IPv4 prefix /$n" );

#149	new() interprets IPv6 address as PTR query
	"\tIN\tPTR",	'IPv6 PTR query' );
	"\tIN\tPTR",	'IPv6 PTR query' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('::', 'NS')->qtype,	'NS',		'NS query in IPv6 space' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('::', 'SOA')->qtype,	'SOA',		'SOA query in IPv6 space' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('::', 'ANY')->qtype,	'ANY',		'ANY query in IPv6 space' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('::x')->string, "::x.\tIN\tA",	'::x (not IPv6)' );

#155	new() interprets IPv6 prefix as reverse query of length sufficient to contain specified bits
is(Net::DNS::Question->new(':')->qname, Net::DNS::Question->new('0:0')->qname, 'IPv6 prefix :' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('1:')->qname, Net::DNS::Question->new('1:0')->qname, 'IPv6 prefix 1:' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2')->qname, Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/32')->qname, 'IPv6 prefix 1:2' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3')->qname, Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/48')->qname, 'IPv6 prefix 1:2:3' );
is(Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3:4')->qname, Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64')->qname, 'IPv6 prefix 1:2:3:4' );
foreach my $n ( 1..8, 124..128 ) {
	my $m = (($n + 3)>>2)<<2;
	my $ip6 = '1234:5678:9012:3456:7890:1234:5678:9012';
	my $equivalent = Net::DNS::Question->new("$ip6/$m")->qname;
	is(Net::DNS::Question->new("$ip6/$n")->qname,	$equivalent,	"IPv6 prefix /$n" );

#173	Abbreviated IPv6 address expands to same length as canonical form
my $canonical = length Net::DNS::Question->new('1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8')->qname;
foreach my $i (reverse 0 .. 6) {
	foreach my $j ($i+3 .. 9) {
		my $ip6 = join(':', 1..$i).'::'.join(':', $j..8);
		is(length Net::DNS::Question->new("$ip6")->qname, $canonical, "expand $ip6" );