basic.t   [plain text]

######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.

use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 19 }
use Module::Build;

use File::Spec;
require File::Spec->catfile('t', '');

######################### End of black magic.

ok $INC{'Module/'}, '/blib/', "Make sure Module::Build was loaded from blib/";

chdir 't';

# Test object creation
  my $build = new Module::Build
     module_name => 'ModuleBuildOne',
  ok $build;
  ok $build->module_name, 'ModuleBuildOne';

# Make sure actions are defined, and known_actions works as class method
  my %actions = map {$_, 1} Module::Build->known_actions;
  ok $actions{clean}, 1;
  ok $actions{distdir}, 1;

# Test prerequisite checking
  local @INC = (@INC, 'lib');
  my $flagged = 0;
  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $flagged = 1 if $_[0] =~ /ModuleBuildOne/};
  my $m = new Module::Build
     module_name => 'ModuleBuildOne',
     requires => {ModuleBuildOne => 0},
  ok $flagged, 0;
  ok !$m->prereq_failures;

  $flagged = 0;
  $m = new Module::Build
     module_name => 'ModuleBuildOne',
     requires => {ModuleBuildOne => 3},
  ok $flagged, 1;
  ok $m->prereq_failures;
  ok $m->prereq_failures->{requires}{ModuleBuildOne};
  ok $m->prereq_failures->{requires}{ModuleBuildOne}{have}, 0.01;
  ok $m->prereq_failures->{requires}{ModuleBuildOne}{need}, 3;


  # Make sure check_installed_status() works as a class method
  my $info = Module::Build->check_installed_status('File::Spec', 0);
  ok $info->{ok}, 1;
  ok $info->{have}, $File::Spec::VERSION;

  # Make sure check_installed_status() works with an advanced spec
  my $info = Module::Build->check_installed_status('File::Spec', '> 0');
  ok $info->{ok}, 1;
  local $Foo::Module::VERSION = '1.01_02';
  my $info = Module::Build->check_installed_status('Foo::Module', '1.01_02');
  ok $info->{ok}, 1;
  print $info->{message}, "\n";

# Test verbosity
  require Cwd;
  my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();

  chdir 'Sample';
  my $m = new Module::Build(module_name => 'Sample');

  # Use uc() so we don't confuse the current test output
  ok uc(stdout_of( sub {$m->dispatch('test', verbose => 1)} )), qr/^OK 2/m;
  ok uc(stdout_of( sub {$m->dispatch('test', verbose => 0)} )), qr/\.\.OK/;
  chdir $cwd or die "Can't change back to $cwd: $!";