# This file is auto-generated by the Perl DateTime Suite time zone # code generator (0.07) This code generator comes with the # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory # # Generated from /tmp/UWJ7kcRuTI/northamerica. Olson data version 1 # # Do not edit this file directly. # package DateTime::TimeZone::America::Managua; use strict; use Class::Singleton; use DateTime::TimeZone; use DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB; @DateTime::TimeZone::America::Managua::ISA = ( 'Class::Singleton', 'DateTime::TimeZone' ); my $spans = [ [ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, 59611182308, DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, 59611161600, -20708, 0, 'LMT' ], [ 59611182308, 61014577512, 59611161596, 61014556800, -20712, 0, 'MMT' ], [ 61014577512, 62240767200, 61014555912, 62240745600, -21600, 0, 'CST' ], [ 62240767200, 62297442000, 62240749200, 62297424000, -18000, 0, 'EST' ], [ 62297442000, 62426268000, 62297420400, 62426246400, -21600, 0, 'CT' ], [ 62426268000, 62434818000, 62426250000, 62434800000, -18000, 1, 'CDT' ], [ 62434818000, 62457717600, 62434796400, 62457696000, -21600, 0, 'CST' ], [ 62457717600, 62466267600, 62457699600, 62466249600, -18000, 1, 'CDT' ], [ 62466267600, 62829943200, 62466246000, 62829921600, -21600, 0, 'CST' ], [ 62829943200, 62852994000, 62829925200, 62852976000, -18000, 1, 'CDT' ], [ 62852994000, 62861565600, 62852972400, 62861544000, -21600, 0, 'CST' ], [ 62861565600, 63048171600, 62861547600, 63048153600, -18000, 0, 'EST' ], [ 63048171600, 63248796000, 63048150000, 63248774400, -21600, 0, 'CST' ], [ 63248796000, 63263912400, 63248778000, 63263894400, -18000, 1, 'CDT' ], [ 63263912400, DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, 63263934000, DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, -21600, 0, 'CT' ], ]; sub has_dst_changes { 4 } sub _max_year { 2016 } sub _new_instance { return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans ); } 1;