# $Id: 04node.t,v 2004/05/20 17:55:25 jpetri Exp $ ## # this test checks the DOM Node interface of XML::LibXML # it relies on the success of t/01basic.t and t/02parse.t # it will ONLY test the DOM capabilities as specified in DOM Level3 # XPath tests should be done in another test file # since all tests are run on a preparsed use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 130 }; use XML::LibXML; use XML::LibXML::Common qw(:libxml); my $xmlstring = q{bar}; my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); my $doc = $parser->parse_string( $xmlstring ); print "# 1 Standalone Without NameSpaces\n\n"; print "# 1.1 Node Attributes\n"; { my $node = $doc->documentElement; my $rnode; ok($node); ok($node->nodeType, XML_ELEMENT_NODE); ok($node->nodeName, "foo"); ok(not defined $node->nodeValue); ok($node->hasChildNodes); ok($node->textContent, "bar&foo bar"); { my @children = $node->childNodes; ok( scalar @children, 5 ); ok( $children[0]->nodeType, XML_TEXT_NODE ); ok( $children[0]->nodeValue, "bar" ); ok( $children[4]->nodeType, XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE ); ok( $children[4]->nodeValue, "&foo bar" ); my $fc = $node->firstChild; ok( $fc ); ok( $fc->isSameNode($children[0])); ok( $fc->baseURI =~ /unknown-/ ); my $od = $fc->ownerDocument; ok( $od ); ok( $od->isSameNode($doc)); my $xc = $fc->nextSibling; ok( $xc ); ok( $xc->isSameNode($children[1]) ); $fc = $node->lastChild; ok( $fc ); ok( $fc->isSameNode($children[4])); $xc = $fc->previousSibling; ok( $xc ); ok( $xc->isSameNode($children[3]) ); $rnode = $xc; $xc = $fc->parentNode; ok( $xc ); ok( $xc->isSameNode($node) ); $xc = $children[2]; { print "# 1.2 Attribute Node\n"; ok( $xc->hasAttributes ); my $attributes = $xc->attributes; ok( $attributes ); ok( ref($attributes), "XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap" ); ok( $attributes->length, 1 ); my $attr = $attributes->getNamedItem("foo"); ok( $attr ); ok( $attr->nodeType, XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE ); ok( $attr->nodeName, "foo" ); ok( $attr->nodeValue, "foobar" ); ok( $attr->hasChildNodes, 0); } { my @attributes = $xc->attributes; ok( scalar( @attributes ), 1 ); } print "# 1.2 Node Cloning\n"; { my $cnode = $doc->createElement("foo"); my $c1node = $doc->createElement("bar"); $cnode->appendChild( $c1node ); my $xnode = $cnode->cloneNode(0); ok( $xnode ); ok( $xnode->nodeName, "foo" ); ok( not $xnode->hasChildNodes ); $xnode = $cnode->cloneNode(1); ok( $xnode ); ok( $xnode->nodeName, "foo" ); ok( $xnode->hasChildNodes ); my @cn = $xnode->childNodes; ok( @cn ); ok( scalar(@cn), 1); ok( $cn[0]->nodeName, "bar" ); ok( !$cn[0]->isSameNode( $c1node ) ); print "# clone namespaced elements\n"; my $nsnode = $doc->createElementNS( "foo", "foo:bar" ); my $cnsnode = $nsnode->cloneNode(0); ok( $cnsnode->nodeName, "bar" ); ok( $cnsnode->localNS(), undef ); print "# clone namespaced elements (recursive)\n"; my $c2nsnode = $nsnode->cloneNode(1); ok( $c2nsnode->toString(), $nsnode->toString() ); } print "# 1.3 Node Value\n"; my $string2 = "barfoo"; { my $doc2 = $parser->parse_string( $string2 ); my $root = $doc2->documentElement; ok( not defined $root->nodeValue ); ok( $root->textContent, "barfoo"); } } { my $children = $node->childNodes; ok( defined $children ); ok( ref($children), "XML::LibXML::NodeList" ); } print "# 2. (Child) Node Manipulation\n"; print "# 2.1 Valid Operations\n"; { print "# 2.1.1 Single Node\n"; my $inode = $doc->createElement("kungfoo"); # already tested my $jnode = $doc->createElement("kungfoo"); my $xn = $node->insertBefore($inode, $rnode); ok( $xn ); ok( $xn->isSameNode($inode) ); $node->insertBefore( $jnode, undef ); my @ta = $node->childNodes(); $xn = pop @ta; ok( $xn->isSameNode( $jnode ) ); $jnode->unbindNode; my @cn = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn), 6); ok( $cn[3]->isSameNode($inode) ); $xn = $node->removeChild($inode); ok($xn); ok($xn->isSameNode($inode)); @cn = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn), 5); ok( $cn[3]->isSameNode($rnode) ); $xn = $node->appendChild($inode); ok($xn); ok($xn->isSameNode($inode)); ok($xn->isSameNode($node->lastChild)); $xn = $node->removeChild($inode); ok($xn); ok($xn->isSameNode($inode)); ok($cn[-1]->isSameNode($node->lastChild)); $xn = $node->replaceChild( $inode, $rnode ); ok($xn); ok($xn->isSameNode($rnode)); my @cn2 = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn), 5); ok( $cn2[3]->isSameNode($inode) ); } { print "\n# insertAfter Tests\n"; my $anode = $doc->createElement("a"); my $bnode = $doc->createElement("b"); my $cnode = $doc->createElement("c"); my $dnode = $doc->createElement("d"); $anode->insertAfter( $bnode, undef ); ok( $anode->toString(), '' ); $anode->insertAfter( $dnode, undef ); ok( $anode->toString(), '' ); $anode->insertAfter( $cnode, $bnode ); ok( $anode->toString(), '' ); } { print "\ntest\n" ; my ($inode, $jnode ); $inode = $doc->createElement("kungfoo"); # already tested $jnode = $doc->createElement("foobar"); my $xn = $inode->insertBefore( $jnode, undef); ok( $xn ); ok( $xn->isSameNode( $jnode ) ); print( "# ". $xn->toString() ); } { print "# 2.1.2 Document Fragment\n"; my @cn = $doc->documentElement->childNodes; my $rnode= $doc->documentElement; my $frag = $doc->createDocumentFragment; my $node1= $doc->createElement("kung"); my $node2= $doc->createElement("foo"); $frag->appendChild($node1); $frag->appendChild($node2); my $xn = $node->appendChild( $frag ); ok($xn); my @cn2 = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn2), 7); ok($cn2[-1]->isSameNode($node2)); ok($cn2[-2]->isSameNode($node1)); $frag->appendChild( $node1 ); $frag->appendChild( $node2 ); @cn2 = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn2), 5); $xn = $node->replaceChild( $frag, $cn[3] ); ok($xn); ok($xn->isSameNode($cn[3])); @cn2 = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn2), 6); $frag->appendChild( $node1 ); $frag->appendChild( $node2 ); $xn = $node->insertBefore( $frag, $cn[0] ); ok($xn); ok($node1->isSameNode($node->firstChild)); @cn2 = $node->childNodes; ok(scalar(@cn2), 6); } print "# 2.2 Invalid Operations\n"; print "# 2.3 DOM extensions \n"; { my $str = "com"; my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string( $str ); my $elem= $doc->documentElement; ok( $elem ); ok( $elem->hasChildNodes ); $elem->removeChildNodes; ok( $elem->hasChildNodes,0 ); $elem->toString; } } print "# 3 Standalone With NameSpaces\n\n"; { my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new(); my $URI ="http://kungfoo"; my $pre = "foo"; my $name= "bar"; my $elem = $doc->createElementNS($URI, $pre.":".$name); ok($elem); ok($elem->nodeName, $pre.":".$name); ok($elem->namespaceURI, $URI); ok($elem->prefix, $pre); ok($elem->localname, $name ); ok( $elem->lookupNamespacePrefix( $URI ), $pre); ok( $elem->lookupNamespaceURI( $pre ), $URI); my @ns = $elem->getNamespaces; ok( scalar(@ns) ,1 ); } print "# 4. Document swtiching\n"; { print "# 4.1 simple document\n"; my $docA = XML::LibXML::Document->new; { my $docB = XML::LibXML::Document->new; my $e1 = $docB->createElement( "A" ); my $e2 = $docB->createElement( "B" ); my $e3 = $docB->createElementNS( "http://kungfoo", "C:D" ); $e1->appendChild( $e2 ); $e1->appendChild( $e3 ); $docA->setDocumentElement( $e1 ); } my $elem = $docA->documentElement; my @c = $elem->childNodes; my $xroot = $c[0]->ownerDocument; ok( $xroot->isSameNode($docA) ); } print "# 5. libxml2 specials\n"; { my $docA = XML::LibXML::Document->new; my $e1 = $docA->createElement( "A" ); my $e2 = $docA->createElement( "B" ); my $e3 = $docA->createElement( "C" ); $e1->appendChild( $e2 ); my $x = $e2->replaceNode( $e3 ); my @cn = $e1->childNodes; ok(@cn); ok( scalar(@cn), 1 ); ok($cn[0]->isSameNode($e3)); ok($x->isSameNode($e2)); $e3->addSibling( $e2 ); @cn = $e1->childNodes; ok( scalar(@cn), 2 ); ok($cn[0]->isSameNode($e3)); ok($cn[1]->isSameNode($e2)); } print "# 6. implicit attribute manipulation\n"; { my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); my $doc = $parser->parse_string( '' ); my $root = $doc->documentElement; my $attributes = $root->attributes; ok($attributes); my $newAttr = $doc->createAttribute( "kung", "foo" ); $attributes->setNamedItem( $newAttr ); my @att = $root->attributes; ok(@att); ok(scalar(@att), 2); $newAttr = $doc->createAttributeNS( "http://kungfoo", "x:kung", "foo" ); $attributes->setNamedItem($newAttr); @att = $root->attributes; ok(@att); ok(scalar(@att), 4); # because of the namespace ... $newAttr = $doc->createAttributeNS( "http://kungfoo", "x:kung", "bar" ); $attributes->setNamedItem($newAttr); @att = $root->attributes; ok(@att); ok(scalar(@att), 4); ok($att[2]->isSameNode($newAttr)); $attributes->removeNamedItem("x:kung"); @att = $root->attributes; ok(@att); ok(scalar(@att), 3); ok($attributes->length, 3); } print "# 7. importing and adopting\n"; { my $parser = XML::LibXML->new; my $doc1 = $parser->parse_string( "bar" ); my $doc2 = XML::LibXML::Document->new; ok( $doc1 && $doc2 ); my $rnode1 = $doc1->documentElement; ok( $rnode1 ); my $rnode2 = $doc2->importNode( $rnode1 ); ok( not $rnode2->isSameNode( $rnode1 ) ) ; $doc2->setDocumentElement( $rnode2 ); my $node = $rnode2->cloneNode(0); ok( $node ); my $cndoc = $node->ownerDocument; ok( $cndoc ); ok( $cndoc->isSameNode( $doc2 ) ); my $xnode = XML::LibXML::Element->new("test"); my $node2 = $doc2->importNode($xnode); ok( $node2 ); my $cndoc2 = $node2->ownerDocument; ok( $cndoc2 ); ok( $cndoc2->isSameNode( $doc2 ) ); my $doc3 = XML::LibXML::Document->new; my $node3 = $doc3->adoptNode( $xnode ); ok( $node3 ); ok( $xnode->isSameNode( $node3 ) ); ok( $doc3->isSameNode( $node3->ownerDocument ) ); my $xnode2 = XML::LibXML::Element->new("test"); $xnode2->setOwnerDocument( $doc3 ); # alternate version of adopt node ok( $xnode2->ownerDocument ); ok( $doc3->isSameNode( $xnode2->ownerDocument ) ); }