################################################## package Log::Log4perl::Filter; ################################################## use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Log::Log4perl::Level; use Log::Log4perl::Config; use constant _INTERNAL_DEBUG => 0; our %FILTERS_DEFINED = (); ################################################## sub new { ################################################## my($class, $name, $action) = @_; print "Creating filter $name\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG; my $self = { name => $name }; bless $self, $class; if(ref($action) eq "CODE") { # it's a code ref $self->{ok} = $action; } else { # it's something else die "Code for ($name/$action) not properly defined"; } return $self; } ################################################## sub register { # Register a filter by name # (Passed on to subclasses) ################################################## my($self) = @_; by_name($self->{name}, $self); } ################################################## sub by_name { # Get/Set a filter object by name ################################################## my($name, $value) = @_; if(defined $value) { $FILTERS_DEFINED{$name} = $value; } if(exists $FILTERS_DEFINED{$name}) { return $FILTERS_DEFINED{$name}; } else { return undef; } } ################################################## sub reset { ################################################## %FILTERS_DEFINED = (); } ################################################## sub ok { ################################################## my($self, %p) = @_; print "Calling $self->{name}'s ok method\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG; # Force filter classes to define their own # ok(). Exempt are only sub {..} ok functions, # defined in the conf file. die "This is to be overridden by the filter" unless defined $self->{ok}; # What should we set the message in $_ to? The most logical # approach seems to be to concat all parts together. If some # filter wants to dissect the parts, it still can examine %p, # which gets passed to the subroutine and contains the chunks # in $p{message}. # Split because of CVS local($_) = join $ Log::Log4perl::JOIN_MSG_ARRAY_CHAR, @{$p{message}}; print "\$_ is '$_'\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG; my $decision = $self->{ok}->(%p); print "$self->{name}'s ok'ed: ", ($decision ? "yes" : "no"), "\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG; return $decision; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Log::Log4perl::Filter - Log4perl Custom Filter Base Class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Log::Log4perl; Log::Log4perl->init(<<'EOT'); log4perl.logger = INFO, Screen log4perl.filter.MyFilter = sub { /let this through/ } log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.Filter = MyFilter log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout EOT # Define a logger my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("Some"); # Let this through $logger->info("Here's the info, let this through!"); # Suppress this $logger->info("Here's the info, suppress this!"); ################################################################# # StringMatch Filter: ################################################################# log4perl.filter.M1 = Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch log4perl.filter.M1.StringToMatch = let this through log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = true ################################################################# # LevelMatch Filter: ################################################################# log4perl.filter.M1 = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch log4perl.filter.M1.LevelToMatch = INFO log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = true =head1 DESCRIPTION Log4perl allows the use of customized filters in its appenders to control the output of messages. These filters might grep for certain text chunks in a message, verify that its priority matches or exceeds a certain level or that this is the 10th time the same message has been submitted -- and come to a log/no log decision based upon these circumstantial facts. Filters have names and can be specified in two different ways in the Log4perl configuration file: As subroutines or as filter classes. Here's a simple filter named C which just verifies that the oncoming message matches the regular expression C: log4perl.filter.MyFilter = sub { /let this through/i } It exploits the fact that when C is called on a message, Perl's special C<$_> variable will be set to the message text (prerendered, i.e. concatenated but not layouted) to be logged. The C subroutine is expected to return a true value if it wants the message to be logged or a false value if doesn't. Also, Log::Log4perl will pass a hash to the C method, containing all key/value pairs that it would pass to the corresponding appender, as specified in Log::Log4perl::Appender. Here's an example of a filter checking the priority of the oncoming message: log4perl.filter.MyFilter = sub { \ my %p = @_; \ $p{log4p_level} eq "WARN" or \ $p{log4p_level} eq "INFO" \ } If the message priority equals C or C, it returns a true value, causing the message to be logged. =head2 Predefined Filters For common tasks like verifying that the message priority matches a certain priority, there's already a set of predefined filters available. To perform an exact level match, it's much cleaner to use Log4perl's C filter instead: log4perl.filter.M1 = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch log4perl.filter.M1.LevelToMatch = INFO log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = true This will let the message through if its priority is INFO and suppress it otherwise. The statement can be negated by saying log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = false instead. This way, the message will be logged if its priority is anything but INFO. On a similar note, Log4perl's C filter will check the oncoming message for strings or regular expressions: log4perl.filter.M1 = Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch log4perl.filter.M1.StringToMatch = bl.. bl.. log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = true This will open the gate for messages like C because the regular expression in the C matches them. Again, the setting of C determines if the filter is defined in a positive or negative way. All class filter entries in the configuration file have to adhere to the following rule: Only after a filter has been defined by name and class/subroutine, its attribute values can be assigned, just like the C value above gets assigned to the C attribute I the filter C has been defined. =head2 Attaching a filter to an appender Attaching a filter to an appender is as easy as assigning its name to the appender's C attribute: log4perl.appender.MyAppender.Filter = MyFilter This will cause C to call the filter subroutine/method every time a message is supposed to be passed to the appender. Depending on the filter's return value, C will either continue as planned or withdraw immediately. =head2 Combining filters with Log::Log4perl::Filter::Boolean Sometimes, it's useful to combine the output of various filters to arrive at a log/no log decision. While Log4j, Log4perl's mother ship, has chosen to implement this feature as a filter chain, similar to Linux' IP chains, Log4perl tries a different approach. Typically, filter results will not need to be bumped along chains but combined in a programmatic manner using boolean logic. "Log if this filter says 'yes' and that filter says 'no'" is a fairly common requirement, but hard to implement as a chain. C is a specially predefined custom filter for Log4perl. It combines the results of other custom filters in arbitrary ways, using boolean expressions: log4perl.logger = WARN, AppWarn, AppError log4perl.filter.Match1 = sub { /let this through/ } log4perl.filter.Match2 = sub { /and that, too/ } log4perl.filter.MyBoolean = Log::Log4perl::Filter::Boolean log4perl.filter.MyBoolean.logic = Match1 || Match2 log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen log4perl.appender.Screen.Filter = MyBoolean log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout C's boolean expressions allow for combining different appenders by name using AND (&& or &), OR (|| or |) and NOT (!) as logical expressions. Also, parentheses can be used for defining precedences. Operator precedence follows standard Perl conventions. Here's a bunch of examples: Match1 && !Match2 # Match1 and not Match2 !(Match1 || Match2) # Neither Match1 nor Match2 (Match1 && Match2) || Match3 # Both Match1 and Match2 or Match3 =head2 Writing your own filter classes If none of Log::Log4perl's predefined filter classes fits your needs, you can easily roll your own: Just define a new class, derive it from the baseclass C, and define its C and C methods like this: package Log::Log4perl::Filter::MyFilter; use base Log::Log4perl::Filter; sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = { %options, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub ok { my ($self, %p) = @_; # ... decide and return 1 or 0 } 1; Values you've defined for its attributes in Log4perl's configuration file, will be received through its C method: log4perl.filter.MyFilter = Log::Log4perl::Filter::MyFilter log4perl.filter.MyFilter.color = red will cause C's constructor to be called like this: Log::Log4perl::Filter::MyFilter->new( name => "MyFilter", color => "red" ); The custom filter class should use this to set the object's attributes, to have them available later to base log/nolog decisions on it. C is the filter's method to tell if it agrees or disagrees with logging the message. It will be called by Log::Log4perl whenever it needs the filter to decide. A false value returned by C will block messages, a true value will let them through. =head2 A Practical Example: Level Matching See L for this. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Mike Schilli, Elog4perl@perlmeister.comE, 2003 =cut