use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; eval { require DBI; require DBI::DBD; die "Your DBI Version is too old - DBD::SQLite requires at least 1.21" unless $DBI::VERSION >= 1.21; }; if ($@) { warn $@; } use Config; use strict; eval { require DBD::SQLite; if ($DBD::SQLite::VERSION < 1.0) { print <catdir($sqlite_base, 'lib'); $sqlite_inc = File::Spec->catdir($sqlite_base, 'include'); } if ($force_local = (grep(/USE_LOCAL_SQLITE=.*/, @ARGV))[0]) { $force_local =~ /=(.*)/; $force_local = "$1" ? 1 : 0; if ($force_local) { undef $sqlite_lib; # Keep these from making into CFLAGS/LDFLAGS undef $sqlite_inc; } } # Now, check for a compatible sqlite3 unless ($force_local) { my ($dir, $file, $fh, $version); print "Checking installed SQLite version...\n"; if ($sqlite_inc) { open($fh, '< ' . File::Spec->catfile($sqlite_inc, 'sqlite3.h')) or die "Error opening sqlite3.h in $sqlite_inc: $!"; while (defined($_ = <$fh>)) { if (/\#define\s+SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER\s+(\d+)/) { $version = $1; last; } } close($fh); } else { # Go hunting for the file (Matt: Add more dirs here as you see fit) for $dir ([ qw(usr include) ], [ qw(usr local include) ]) { $file = File::Spec->catfile('', @$dir, 'sqlite3.h'); next unless (-f $file); open($fh, "< $file") or die "Error opening $file: $!"; while (defined($_ = <$fh>)) { if (/\#define\s+SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER\s+(\d+)/) { $version = $1; last; } } close($fh); last if $version; } } unless ($version && ($version >= 3001003)) { warn "SQLite version must be at least 3.1.3. No header file at that\n"; warn "version or higher was found. Using the local version instead.\n"; $force_local = 1; undef $sqlite_lib; undef $sqlite_inc; } else { print "Looks good\n"; } } @ARGV = grep(! /SQLITE_LOCATION|USE_LOCAL_SQLITE/, @ARGV); my $nlid = $DBI::VERSION > 1.42 ? '' : '-Dno_last_insert_id'; my $libs = ''; $libs .= "-L$sqlite_lib " if ($sqlite_lib); $libs .= "-lsqlite3 " unless ($force_local); WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'DBD::SQLite', 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/DBD/', # finds $VERSION 'PREREQ_PM' => {DBI => 1.21}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 'OBJECT' => ($force_local) ? '$(O_FILES)' : 'SQLite.o dbdimp.o', 'INC' => '-I. -I$(DBI_INSTARCH_DIR)' . (($sqlite_inc) ? " -I$sqlite_inc" : ''), $libs ? ('LIBS' => $libs) : (), 'OPTIMIZE' => "-O2", 'DEFINE' => "-DNDEBUG=1 -DSQLITE_PTR_SZ=$Config{ptrsize}" . ( ($Config{d_usleep} || $Config{osname} =~ m/linux/) ? " -DHAVE_USLEEP=1" : "" ) . ($DBI::VERSION > 1.42 ? '' : ' -Dno_last_insert_id'), 'clean' => { FILES => 'SQLite.xsi config.h tv.log output' }, 'PL_FILES' => {}, 'EXE_FILES' => [], ); package MY; sub postamble { eval { DBI::DBD::dbd_postamble(@_) }; } sub libscan { my ($self, $path) = @_; return if $path =~ /\.pl$/; ($path =~ m/\~$/) ? undef : $path; }