package SOAP::Transport::CGI_TEST::Client; use strict; use warnings; use IPC::Open2; use File::Basename qw(dirname); # make a send_receive which performs an open2, much like a web server # connects to STDIN and STDOUT... sub send_receive { my ($self, %parameters) = @_; my ($context, $envelope, $endpoint, $action, $encoding, $parts) = @parameters{qw(context envelope endpoint action encoding parts)}; # safety measure: Die if we hang $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "did not return" }; alarm(3); my $perl = $^X; my $dir = dirname(__FILE__); my $cmd = "$dir/CGI/"; $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = length($envelope); $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = 'POST'; my($child_out, $child_in); my $pid = open2($child_out, $child_in, $perl, '-Mblib', $cmd); die "Cannot open $cmd: $!" if not ($pid); print $child_in $envelope; print $child_in "\n"; close $child_in; my @result = <$child_out>; close $child_out; alarm(0); return $result[-1]; } package main; no strict; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use SOAP::Lite; # +trace; my $soap = SOAP::Lite->new()->proxy('http://'); no warnings qw(redefine once); # make override send_receive in CGI client *SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::send_receive = \&SOAP::Transport::CGI_TEST::Client::send_receive; my $som = $soap->call('test'); my $result = $som->result; if ($] >= 5.008) { ok utf8::is_utf8($result), 'return utf8 string'; { is $result, 'Überall', 'utf8 content: ' . $result; } } else { eval { use bytes; is length $result, 8, "length of >$result< is 8 due to wide character"; } }