011_pc_expo.t   [plain text]

# copied over from JSON::PP::PC and modified to use JSON::PP
# copied over from JSON::PP::XS and modified to use JSON::PP

use Test::More;
use strict;
BEGIN { plan tests => 8 };


use JSON::PP;

my ($js,$obj);
my $pc = new JSON::PP;

$js  = q|[-12.34]|;
$obj = $pc->decode($js);
is($obj->[0], -12.34, 'digit -12.34');
$js = $pc->encode($obj);
is($js,'[-12.34]', 'digit -12.34');

$js  = q|[-1.234e5]|;
$obj = $pc->decode($js);
is($obj->[0], -123400, 'digit -1.234e5');
$js = $pc->encode($obj);
is($js,'[-123400]', 'digit -1.234e5');

$js  = q|[1.23E-4]|;
$obj = $pc->decode($js);
is($obj->[0], 0.000123, 'digit 1.23E-4');
$js = $pc->encode($obj);

if ( $js =~ /\[1/ ) { # for 5.6.2 on Darwin 8.10.0
    like($js, qr/[1.23[eE]-04]/, 'digit 1.23E-4');
else {
    is($js,'[0.000123]', 'digit 1.23E-4');

$js  = q|[1.01e+67]|; # 30 -> 67 ... patched by H.Merijn Brand
$obj = $pc->decode($js);
is($obj->[0], 1.01e+67, 'digit 1.01e+67');
$js = $pc->encode($obj);
like($js,qr/\[1.01[Ee]\+0?67\]/, 'digit 1.01e+67');