#!perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Linux-xattr.t' ########################## # change 'tests => 2' to 'tests => last_test_to_print'; use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { my $tlib = $0; $tlib =~ s|/[^/]*$|/lib|; push(@INC, $tlib); } use t::Support; if (t::Support::should_skip()) { plan skip_all => 'Tests unsupported on this OS/filesystem'; } else { plan tests => 15; } use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use File::Path; use File::ExtAttr qw(setfattr getfattr delfattr); use IO::File; my $TESTDIR = ($ENV{ATTR_TEST_DIR} || '.'); my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $TESTDIR ); close $fh or die "can't close $filename $!"; # Create a directory. my $dirname = "$filename.dir"; eval { mkpath($dirname); }; if ($@) { warn "Couldn't create $dirname: $@"; } #todo: try wierd characters in here? # try unicode? my $key = "alskdfjadf2340zsdflksjdfa09eralsdkfjaldkjsldkfj"; my $val = "ZZZadlf03948alsdjfaslfjaoweir12l34kealfkjalskdfas90d8fajdlfkj./.,f"; ########################## # Filename-based tests # ########################## foreach ( $filename, $dirname ) { print "# using $_\n"; #create it is (setfattr($_, "$key", $val, { create => 1 }), 1); #replace it is (setfattr($_, "$key", $val, { replace => 1 }), 1); #read it back is (getfattr($_, "$key"), $val); #delete it ok (delfattr($_, "$key")); #check that it's gone is (getfattr($_, "$key"), undef); } ########################## # IO::Handle-based tests # ########################## $fh = new IO::File("<$filename") or die "Unable to open $filename"; print "# using file descriptor ".$fh->fileno()."\n"; #create it is (setfattr($fh, "$key", $val, { create => 1 }), 1); #replace it is (setfattr($fh, "$key", $val, { replace => 1 }), 1); #read it back is (getfattr($fh, "$key"), $val); #delete it ok (delfattr($fh, "$key")); #check that it's gone is (getfattr($fh, "$key"), undef); END { unlink $filename if $filename; rmdir $dirname if $dirname; };