12empty.t   [plain text]

#!perl -w

# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Linux-xattr.t'


# change 'tests => 2' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';

use strict;
use Test::More;
use Config;

  my $tlib = $0;
  $tlib =~ s|/[^/]*$|/lib|;
  push(@INC, $tlib);
use t::Support;

if (t::Support::should_skip()) {
  plan skip_all => 'Tests unsupported on this OS/filesystem';
} elsif (($Config{osname} eq 'darwin') && ($Config{osvers} =~ m/^[0-8]\./)) {
  plan skip_all => "Mac OS X 10.4 and earlier don't support empty values";
} else {
  plan tests => 12;

use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use File::Path;
use File::ExtAttr qw(setfattr getfattr delfattr);
use IO::File;

my $TESTDIR = ($ENV{ATTR_TEST_DIR} || '.');
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $TESTDIR );

close $fh or die "can't close $filename $!";

# Create a directory.
my $dirname = "$filename.dir";
eval { mkpath($dirname); };
if ($@) {
    warn "Couldn't create $dirname: $@";

#todo: try wierd characters in here?
#     try unicode?
my $key = "alskdfjadf2340zsdflksjdfa09eralsdkfjaldkjsldkfj";
my $val = '';

#  Filename-based tests  #

foreach ( $filename, $dirname ) {
    print "# using $_\n";

#for (1..30000) { #checking memory leaks

   #will die if xattr stuff doesn't work at all
   setfattr($_, "$key", $val) or die "setfattr failed on filename $_: $!"; 

   #set it
   is (setfattr($_, "$key", $val), 1);

   #read it back
   is (getfattr($_, "$key"), $val);

   #delete it
   ok (delfattr($_, "$key"));

   #check that it's gone
   is (getfattr($_, "$key"), undef);


# IO::Handle-based tests #

$fh = new IO::File("<$filename") or die "Unable to open $filename";

print "# using file descriptor ".$fh->fileno()."\n";

#for (1..30000) { #checking memory leaks

   #will die if xattr stuff doesn't work at all
   setfattr($fh, "$key", $val)
    or die "setfattr failed on file descriptor ".$fh->fileno().": $!"; 

   #set it
   is (setfattr($fh, "$key", $val), 1);

   #read it back
   is (getfattr($fh, "$key"), $val);

   #delete it
   ok (delfattr($fh, "$key"));

   #check that it's gone
   is (getfattr($fh, "$key"), undef);
#print STDERR "done\n";

# todo: Add support for IO::Dir handles, and test here.

    unlink $filename if $filename;
    rmdir $dirname if $dirname;