use lib qw(inc); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Devel::CheckLib; use Cwd; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use IO::File; use strict; # Check whether we have and on Linux. # Suggest what the user needs to install, to get these files. if ($^O eq 'linux') { check_lib_or_exit( lib => [qw(attr)] ); } my @DIRS = qw(. /usr/include); if ($^O eq 'linux') { my %headers = ( 'attr/attributes.h' => 0, 'attr/xattr.h' => 0, ); my $incdir; my $missing = 0; foreach $incdir (@DIRS) { foreach (keys %headers) { $headers{$_}++ if (-r "$incdir/$_"); } } foreach (keys %headers) { if ($headers{$_} == 0) { warn "<$_> not found; perhaps you need to install libattr-devel"; $missing++; } } exit(0) if ($missing > 0); } # OpenBSD does not support extended attributes. if ($^O eq 'openbsd') { warn 'OpenBSD does not support extended attributes'; die "OS unsupported"; } # Check whether extended attributes are supported on this filesystem. # If we're running non-interactive there is no point failing all the tests, # because the machine is not set up correctly. if ($^O eq 'linux') { my $basedir = $ENV{ATTR_TEST_DIR} || getcwd(); my $template .= "$basedir/XXXXXXXX"; my $dir = tempdir($template, CLEANUP => 1); my $file = "$dir/testfile"; my $fh = new IO::File(">$file") or die "Unable to open $file: $!"; undef $fh; my $output = `setfattr -n -v foo $file 2>&1`; if ($output =~ /command not found/i) { warn "Please install the attr package (containing the setfattr program)"; exit(0) if ($ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}); } if ($output =~ /Operation not supported/i) { warn "To run the tests, you need mount the filesystem containing $basedir with the user_xattr option"; warn "Alternatively set the environment variable ATTR_TEST_DIR to point at a filesystem where user_xattr is enabled"; exit(0) if ($ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}); } } # TODO: Check filesystem on other operating systems # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( NAME => 'File::ExtAttr', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/File/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => { # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 'Carp' => 0, 'Scalar::Util' => 0 }, ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/File/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'Kevin M. Goess ' .', Richard Dawe ') : ()), # Don't actually need -lattr on Linux. # LIBS => ['-lattr'], # e.g., '-lm' OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)', DEFINE => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' INC => join(' ', map { "-I$_" } @DIRS), # 'MYEXTLIB' => 'mylib/libxattrlib$(LIB_EXT)', # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later: # OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too # Hand-roll META.yml and MANIFEST. NO_META => 1, );