use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Config; BEGIN { plan skip_all => 'Perl not compiled with useithreads' if !$Config{useithreads}; plan skip_all => 'This test does not cope well with this version of perl' if "$]" == 5.008_002 or ("$]" < 5.013_004 and not $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}); plan tests => 4; } use threads; use Data::UUID; my $ug = Data::UUID->new; my @threads = map { threads->create(sub { ($ug->create_str, Data::UUID->new->create_str) }); } 1 .. 20; my @ret = map { $_->join } @threads; pass 'we survived our threads'; is @ret, 40, 'got as all the uuids we expected'; ok !grep({ !defined } @ret), 'uuids look sane'; my %uuids = map { $_ => 1 } @ret; is keys %uuids, @ret, "all UUIDs are unique";