package Class::DBI::SQL::Transformer; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME Class::DBI::SQL::Transformer - Transform SQL =head1 SYNOPSIS my $trans = $tclass->new($self, $sql, @args); return $self->SUPER::transform_sql($trans->sql => $trans->args); =head1 DESCRIPTION Class::DBI hooks into the transform_sql() method in Ima::DBI to provide its own SQL extensions. Class::DBI::SQL::Transformer does the heavy lifting of these transformations. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new my $trans = $tclass->new($self, $sql, @args); Create a new transformer for the SQL and arguments that will be used with the given object (or class). =cut sub new { my ($me, $caller, $sql, @args) = @_; bless { _caller => $caller, _sql => $sql, _args => [@args], _transformed => 0, } => $me; } =head2 sql / args my $sql = $trans->sql; my @args = $trans->args; The transformed SQL and args. =cut # TODO Document what the different transformations are # and factor out how they're called so that people can pick and mix the # ones they want and add new ones. sub sql { my $self = shift; $self->_do_transformation if !$self->{_transformed}; return $self->{_transformed_sql}; } sub args { my $self = shift; $self->_do_transformation if !$self->{_transformed}; return @{ $self->{_transformed_args} }; } sub _expand_table { my $self = shift; my ($class, $alias) = split /=/, shift, 2; my $caller = $self->{_caller}; my $table = $class ? $class->table : $caller->table; $self->{cmap}{ $alias || $table } = $class || ref $caller || $caller; ($alias ||= "") &&= " $alias"; return $table . $alias; } sub _expand_join { my $self = shift; my $joins = shift; my @table = split /\s+/, $joins; my $caller = $self->{_caller}; my %tojoin = map { $table[$_] => $table[ $_ + 1 ] } 0 .. $#table - 1; my @sql; while (my ($t1, $t2) = each %tojoin) { my ($c1, $c2) = map $self->{cmap}{$_} || $caller->_croak("Don't understand table '$_' in JOIN"), ($t1, $t2); my $join_col = sub { my ($c1, $c2) = @_; my $meta = $c1->meta_info('has_a'); my ($col) = grep $meta->{$_}->foreign_class eq $c2, keys %$meta; $col; }; my $col = $join_col->($c1 => $c2) || do { ($c1, $c2) = ($c2, $c1); ($t1, $t2) = ($t2, $t1); $join_col->($c1 => $c2); }; $caller->_croak("Don't know how to join $c1 to $c2") unless $col; push @sql, sprintf " %s.%s = %s.%s ", $t1, $col, $t2, $c2->primary_column; } return join " AND ", @sql; } sub _do_transformation { my $me = shift; my $sql = $me->{_sql}; my @args = @{ $me->{_args} }; my $caller = $me->{_caller}; $sql =~ s/__TABLE\(?(.*?)\)?__/$me->_expand_table($1)/eg; $sql =~ s/__JOIN\((.*?)\)__/$me->_expand_join($1)/eg; $sql =~ s/__ESSENTIAL__/join ", ", $caller->_essential/eg; $sql =~ s/__ESSENTIAL\((.*?)\)__/join ", ", map "$1.$_", $caller->_essential/eg; if ($sql =~ /__IDENTIFIER__/) { my $key_sql = join " AND ", map "$_=?", $caller->primary_columns; $sql =~ s/__IDENTIFIER__/$key_sql/g; } $me->{_transformed_sql} = $sql; $me->{_transformed_args} = [@args]; $me->{_transformed} = 1; return 1; } 1;