use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use lib File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'lib' ); use PVTests; use Test::More tests => 10; use Attribute::Params::Validate; use Params::Validate qw(:all); sub foo :Validate( c => { type => SCALAR } ) { my %data = @_; return $data{c}; } sub bar :Validate( c => { type => SCALAR } ) method { my $self = shift; my %data = @_; return $data{c}; } sub baz :Validate( foo => { type => ARRAYREF, callbacks => { '5 elements' => sub { @{shift()} == 5 } } } ) { my %data = @_; return $data{foo}->[0]; } sub buz : ValidatePos( 1 ) { return $_[0]; } sub quux :ValidatePos( { type => SCALAR }, 1 ) { return $_[0]; } my $res = eval { foo( c => 1 ) }; is( $@, q{}, "Call foo with a scalar" ); is( $res, 1, 'Check return value from foo( c => 1 )' ); eval { foo( c => [] ) }; like( $@, qr/The 'c' parameter .* was an 'arrayref'/, 'Check exception thrown from foo( c => [] )' ); $res = eval { main->bar( c => 1 ) }; is( $@, q{}, 'Call bar with a scalar' ); is( $res, 1, 'Check return value from bar( c => 1 )' ); eval { baz( foo => [1,2,3,4] ) }; like( $@, qr/The 'foo' parameter .* did not pass the '5 elements' callback/, 'Check exception thrown from baz( foo => [1,2,3,4] )' ); $res = eval { baz( foo => [5,4,3,2,1] ) }; is( $@, q{}, 'Call baz( foo => [5,4,3,2,1] )' ); is( $res, 5, 'Check return value from baz( foo => [5,4,3,2,1] )' ); eval { buz( [], 1 ) }; like( $@, qr/2 parameters were passed to .* but 1 was expected/, 'Check exception thrown from quux( [], 1 )' ); $res = eval { quux( 1, [] ) }; is( $@, q{}, 'Call quux' );