Makefile.PL   [plain text]

    my @modules = qw(
    foreach my $module (@modules) {
        eval "require $module; $module->import";
        if ($@) {
            push @missing, $module;
    if (@missing) {
        print STDERR <<EOM;
Whoa, you probably git cloned this from the repository, and ran 
"perl Makefile.PL" for the first time.
Looks like you don't have some development tools to build this module.
Please first install the following modules:

        foreach my $module (@missing) {
            print STDERR "    $module\n";

        print <<EOM;

and then re-run "perl Makefile.PL"
        exit 1;

eval {
    local %INC;
    require JSON::RPC;

    # if you got here successfully, we were able to load a
    # pre-existing version.

    if ($JSON::RPC::VERSION < 1.00) {
        print STDERR <<EOM;

***** WARNING! *****

Whoa there! We found JSON::RPC ($JSON::RPC::VERSION) in your system.
If you have code that relies on this previous version, DO NOT UPGRADE.

JSON::RPC has been re-written and re-worked. It's a completely different
code base now, and because the old code pre dates PSGI/Plack, we figured
it was not worth making things API compatible. So if you have code
that uses this old code and upgrade, YOUR CODE WILL BREAK!

If you are sure you want to upgrade, be my guest.


        my $y_n = prompt("Really upgrade? (y/n)", "n");
        chomp $y_n;
        if ( $y_n !~ /^y(?:es)?$/i ) {
            print STDERR <<EOM;
Okay, bailing out. Come back soon!
            exit 1;

        print STDERR <<EOM;
Okay, proceeding!


name 'JSON-RPC';
all_from 'lib/JSON/';

requires 'parent';
requires 'CGI';
requires 'Class::Accessor::Lite';
requires 'HTTP::Request';
requires 'HTTP::Response';
requires 'JSON';
requires 'LWP::UserAgent';
requires 'Plack';
requires 'Router::Simple';

recommends 'JSON::XS';

tests 't/*.t t/*/*.t';

test_requires 'Test::More';
test_requires 'Plack::Test';
test_requires 'Plack::Request';

