package dbixcsl_dumper_tests; use strict; use Test::More; use File::Path; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Handle; use List::MoreUtils 'any'; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils 'dumper_squashed'; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (); use Class::Unload (); use namespace::clean; use dbixcsl_test_dir '$tdir'; my $DUMP_PATH = "$tdir/dump"; sub cleanup { rmtree($DUMP_PATH, 1, 1); } sub class_file { my ($self, $class) = @_; $class =~ s{::}{/}g; $class = $DUMP_PATH . '/' . $class . '.pm'; return $class; } sub append_to_class { my ($self, $class, $string) = @_; $class = $self->class_file($class); open(my $appendfh, '>>', $class) or die "Failed to open '$class' for append: $!"; print $appendfh $string; close($appendfh); } sub dump_test { my ($self, %tdata) = @_; $tdata{options}{dump_directory} = $DUMP_PATH; $tdata{options}{use_namespaces} ||= 0; SKIP: for my $dumper (\&_dump_directly, \&_dump_dbicdump) { skip 'skipping dbicdump tests on Win32', 1, if $dumper == \&_dump_dbicdump && $^O eq 'MSWin32'; _test_dumps(\%tdata, $dumper->(%tdata)); } } sub _dump_directly { my %tdata = @_; my $schema_class = $tdata{classname}; no strict 'refs'; @{$schema_class . '::ISA'} = ('DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader'); $schema_class->loader_options( quiet => 1, %{$tdata{options}}, ); my @warns; eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push(@warns, @_) }; $schema_class->connect(_get_connect_info(\%tdata)); }; my $err = $@; Class::Unload->unload($schema_class); _check_error($err, $tdata{error}); return @warns; } sub _dump_dbicdump { my %tdata = @_; # use $^X so we execute ./script/dbicdump with the same perl binary that the tests were executed with my @cmd = ($^X, qw(script/dbicdump)); $tdata{options}{quiet} = 1 unless exists $tdata{options}{quiet}; while (my ($opt, $val) = each(%{ $tdata{options} })) { $val = dumper_squashed $val if ref $val; my $param = "$opt=$val"; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $param = q{"} . $param . q{"}; # that's not nearly enough... } push @cmd, '-o', $param; } my @connect_info = _get_connect_info(\%tdata); for my $info (@connect_info) { $info = dumper_squashed $info if ref $info; } push @cmd, $tdata{classname}, @connect_info; # make sure our current @INC gets used by dbicdump use Config; local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, @INC, ($ENV{PERL5LIB} || ''); my $std = { map { $_ => IO::Handle->new } (qw/in out err/) }; my $pid = open3(@{$std}{qw/in out err/}, @cmd); waitpid($pid, 0); my @stdout = $std->{out}->getlines; ok (!scalar @stdout, 'Silence on STDOUT'); my @warnings = $std->{err}->getlines; if ($? >> 8 != 0) { my $exception = pop @warnings; _check_error($exception, $tdata{error}); } return @warnings; } sub _get_connect_info { my $opts = shift; my $test_db_class = $opts->{test_db_class} || 'make_dbictest_db'; eval "require $test_db_class;"; die $@ if $@; my $dsn = do { no strict 'refs'; ${$test_db_class . '::dsn'}; }; return ($dsn, @{ $opts->{extra_connect_info} || [] }); } sub _check_error { my ($got, $expected) = @_; return unless $got; if (not $expected) { fail "Unexpected error in " . ((caller(1))[3]) . ": $got"; return; } if (ref $expected eq 'Regexp') { like $got, $expected, 'error matches expected pattern'; return; } is $got, $expected, 'error matches'; } sub _test_dumps { my ($tdata, @warns) = @_; my %tdata = %{$tdata}; my $schema_class = $tdata{classname}; my $check_warns = $tdata{warnings}; is(@warns, @$check_warns, "$schema_class warning count") or diag @warns; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#$check_warns; $i++) { like(($warns[$i] || ''), $check_warns->[$i], "$schema_class warning $i"); } my $file_regexes = $tdata{regexes}; my $file_neg_regexes = $tdata{neg_regexes} || {}; my $schema_regexes = delete $file_regexes->{schema}; my $schema_path = $DUMP_PATH . '/' . $schema_class; $schema_path =~ s{::}{/}g; _dump_file_like($schema_path . '.pm', @$schema_regexes) if $schema_regexes; foreach my $src (keys %$file_regexes) { my $src_file = $schema_path . '/' . $src . '.pm'; _dump_file_like($src_file, @{$file_regexes->{$src}}); } foreach my $src (keys %$file_neg_regexes) { my $src_file = $schema_path . '/' . $src . '.pm'; _dump_file_not_like($src_file, @{$file_neg_regexes->{$src}}); } } sub _dump_file_like { my $path = shift; open(my $dumpfh, '<', $path) or die "Failed to open '$path': $!"; my $contents = do { local $/; <$dumpfh>; }; close($dumpfh); like($contents, $_, "$path matches $_") for @_; } sub _dump_file_not_like { my $path = shift; open(my $dumpfh, '<', $path) or die "Failed to open '$path': $!"; my $contents = do { local $/; <$dumpfh>; }; close($dumpfh); unlike($contents, $_, "$path does not match $_") for @_; } END { __PACKAGE__->cleanup unless $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_TESTS_NOCLEANUP} }