use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Try::Tiny; # Bail out early if network tests are not requested BEGIN { my ($filename) = 'test.config'; diag("Reading configuration from '$filename' on $^O"); open my $config, '<', $filename or fail("Cannot open '$filename': $!"); my $network_tests; while (my $entry = <$config>) { $entry =~ s/^\s+//; $entry =~ s/\s+\z//; my ($key, $val) = split /[ \t]+/, $entry, 2; diag("$key : $val"); if ($key eq 'network_tests') { $network_tests = $val; } } unless ($network_tests) { plan skip_all => "Network tests disabled"; } } # Make sure prerequisites are there BEGIN { use_ok('Net::SSL'); use_ok('LWP::UserAgent'); use_ok('LWP::Protocol::https'); use_ok('HTTP::Request'); } use constant METHOD => 'HEAD'; use constant URL => ''; use constant PROXY_ADDR_PORT => 'localhost:3128'; test_connect_through_proxy(PROXY_ADDR_PORT); test_connect(METHOD, URL); done_testing; sub test_connect_through_proxy { my ($proxy) = @_; my $test_name = 'connect through proxy'; Net::SSL::send_useragent_to_proxy(0); my $no_proxy; try { live_connect({ chobb => 'schoenmaker'}); } catch { if (/^proxy connect failed: proxy connect to $proxy failed: /) { pass("$test_name - no proxy available"); } else { fail("$test_name - untrapped error"); diag($_); } $no_proxy = 1; }; pass($test_name); SKIP: { if ($no_proxy) { skip(sprintf('no proxy found at %s', PROXY_ADDR_PORT), 1); } Net::SSL::send_useragent_to_proxy(1); try { live_connect( {chobb => 'schoenmaker'} ); } catch { TODO: { local $TODO = "caller stack walk broken (CPAN bug #4759)"; is($_, '', "can forward useragent string to proxy"); } }; } return; } sub test_connect { my ($method, $url) = @_; diag('[RT #73755] Cheat by disabling LWP::UserAgent host verification'); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => "Crypt-SSLeay $Crypt::SSLeay::VERSION tester", ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0 }, ); my $req = HTTP::Request->new; $req->method($method); $req->uri($url); my $test_name = "$method $url"; my $res; try { $res = $ua->request($req); } catch { fail($test_name); diag("Error: '$_'"); }; if ($res->is_success) { pass($test_name); } else { fail($test_name); diag("HTTP status = ", $res->status_line); diag("This may not be the fault of the module, $url may be down"); } return; } sub live_connect { my $hr = shift; local $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = PROXY_ADDR_PORT; my $socket = Net::SSL->new( PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => 443, Timeout => 10, ); return defined $socket; }