use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { eval "use DBD::SQLite"; plan $@ ? (skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing') : (tests => 6); } INIT { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { like $_[0], qr/clashes with built-in method/, $_[0]; }; use lib 't/testlib'; require Film; } sub Film::accessor_name_for { my ($class, $col) = @_; return "sheep" if lc $col eq "numexplodingsheep"; return $col; } my $data = { Title => 'Bad Taste', Director => 'Peter Jackson', Rating => 'R', }; my $bt; eval { my $data = $data; $data->{sheep} = 1; ok $bt = Film->insert($data), "Modified accessor - with accessor"; isa_ok $bt, "Film"; }; is $@, '', "No errors"; eval { ok $bt->sheep(2), 'Modified accessor, set'; ok $bt->update, 'Update'; }; is $@, '', "No errors";