print "1..5\n"; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 1); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => ""); my $res = $ua->request($req); print "not " unless $res->is_success && $res->content_type eq "text/plain"; print "ok 1\n"; print "not " unless $res->header("Client-Transfer-Encoding") eq "chunked"; print "ok 2\n"; for (${$res->content_ref}) { s/\015?\012/\n/g; /Below this line, is 1000 repeated lines of 0-9/ || die; s/^.*?-----+\n//s; my @lines = split(/^/); print "not " if @lines != 1000; print "ok 3\n"; # check that all lines are the same my $first = shift(@lines); my $no_they_are_not; for (@lines) { $no_they_are_not++ if $_ ne $first; } print "not " if $no_they_are_not; print "ok 4\n"; print "not " unless $first =~ /^\d+$/; print "ok 5\n"; }