30future_tz.t   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 5;

use DateTime;

# This test exercises a bug that occurred when date math did not
# always make sure to update the utc_year attribute of the given
# DateTime.  The sympton was that the time zone future span generation
# would fail because utc_year was less than the span's max_year, so
# span generation wouldn't actually do anything, and it would die with
# "Invalid local time".
    # Each iteration needs to use a different zone, because if it
    # works once, the generated spans are cached.
    foreach my $add ( [ years   => 50,                   'America/New_York' ],
                      [ days    => 50 * 365,             'America/Chicago' ],
                      [ minutes => 50 * 365 * 1440,      'America/Denver', ],
                      [ seconds => 50 * 365 * 1440 * 60, 'America/Los_Angeles' ],
                      [ nanoseconds => 50 * 365 * 1440 * 60 * 1_000_000_000,
                        'America/North_Dakota/Center' ],
        my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => $add->[2] );

        my $new = eval { $dt->clone->add( $add->[0], $add->[1] ) };

        ok( ! $@,
            "Make sure we can add 50 years worth of $add->[0] in $add->[2] time zone" );