#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 4 * 8 + 10 + 1 + 1; use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast VMG_UVAR/; sub expect { my ($name, $where, $suffix) = @_; $where = defined $where ? quotemeta $where : '\(eval \d+\)'; my $end = defined $suffix ? "$suffix\$" : '$'; qr/^\Q$name\E at $where line \d+\.$end/ } my @scalar_tests = ( [ 'data', sub { \(my $x) }, sub { } ], [ 'get', sub { \(my $x) }, sub { my $y = ${$_[0]} } ], [ 'set', sub { \(my $x) }, sub { ${$_[0]} = 1 } ], [ 'len', sub { [ 1 .. 3 ] }, sub { my $res = @{$_[0]} } ], ); # Data, get, set, len for my $t (@scalar_tests) { my ($name, $init, $code) = @$t; my $wiz = wizard $name => sub { die 'leek' }; { local $@; eval { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz); $code->($x); }; like $@, expect('leek', $0), "die in $name callback (direct, \$@ unset) in eval"; } { local $@; eval { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz); $@ = 'artichoke'; $code->($x); }; like $@, expect('leek', $0), "die in $name callback (direct, \$@ set) in eval"; } { local $@; eval q{BEGIN { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz); $code->($x); }}; like $@, expect('leek', $0, "\nBEGIN.*"), "die in $name callback (direct, \$@ unset) in BEGIN"; } { local $@; eval q{BEGIN { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz); $@ = 'artichoke'; $code->($x); }}; like $@, expect('leek', $0, "\nBEGIN.*"), "die in $name callback (direct, \$@ set) in BEGIN"; } $wiz = wizard( ($name eq 'data' ? () : (data => sub { $_[1] })), $name => sub { $_[1]->(); () }, ); { local $@; eval { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz, sub { die 'lettuce' }); $code->($x); }; like $@, expect('lettuce', $0), "die in $name callback (indirect, \$@ unset) in eval"; } { local $@; eval { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz, sub { die 'carrot' }); $@ = 'artichoke'; $code->($x); }; like $@, expect('carrot', $0), "die in $name callback (indirect, \$@ unset) in eval"; } { local $@; eval q{BEGIN { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz, sub { die "pumpkin" }); $code->($x); }}; like $@, expect('pumpkin', undef, "\nBEGIN.*"), "die in $name callback (indirect, \$@ unset) in BEGIN"; } { local $@; eval q{BEGIN { my $x = $init->(); &cast($x, $wiz, sub { die "chard" }); $@ = 'artichoke'; $code->($x); }}; like $@, expect('chard', undef, "\nBEGIN.*"), "die in $name callback (indirect, \$@ set) in BEGIN"; } } # Free my $wiz; eval { $wiz = wizard data => sub { $_[1] }, free => sub { $_[1]->(); () }; my $x; cast $x, $wiz, sub { die "spinach" }; }; like $@, expect('spinach', $0), 'die in free callback'; eval { $wiz = wizard free => sub { die 'zucchini' }; $@ = ""; { my $x; cast $x, $wiz; } die 'not reached'; }; like $@, expect('zucchini', $0), 'die in free callback in block in eval with $@ unset'; eval { $wiz = wizard free => sub { die 'eggplant' }; $@ = "artichoke"; { my $x; cast $x, $wiz; } die 'not reached again'; }; like $@, expect('eggplant', $0), 'die in free callback in block in eval with $@ set'; eval q{BEGIN { $wiz = wizard free => sub { die 'onion' }; my $x; cast $x, $wiz; }}; like $@, expect('onion', undef, "\nBEGIN.*"), 'die in free callback in BEGIN'; eval q{BEGIN { $wiz = wizard data => sub { $_[1] }, len => sub { $_[1]->(); $_[2] }, free => sub { my $x = @{$_[0]}; () }; my @a = (1 .. 5); cast @a, $wiz, sub { die "pepperoni" }; }}; like $@, expect('pepperoni', undef, "\nBEGIN.*"), 'die in free callback in len callback in BEGIN'; # Inspired by B::Hooks::EndOfScope eval q{BEGIN { $wiz = wizard data => sub { $_[1] }, free => sub { $_[1]->(); () }; $^H |= 0x020000; cast %^H, $wiz, sub { die 'cabbage' }; }}; like $@, expect('cabbage'), 'die in free callback at end of scope'; use lib 't/lib'; my $vm_tse_file = 't/lib/Variable/Magic/TestScopeEnd.pm'; eval "use Variable::Magic::TestScopeEnd"; like $@, expect('turnip', $vm_tse_file, "\nBEGIN(?s:.*)"), 'die in BEGIN in require in eval string triggers hints hash destructor'; eval q{BEGIN { Variable::Magic::TestScopeEnd::hook { pass 'in hints hash destructor 2'; }; die "tomato"; }}; like $@, expect('tomato', undef, "\nBEGIN.*"), 'die in BEGIN in eval triggers hints hash destructor'; sub run_perl { my $code = shift; my $SystemRoot = $ENV{SystemRoot}; local %ENV; $ENV{SystemRoot} = $SystemRoot if $^O eq 'MSWin32' and defined $SystemRoot; system { $^X } $^X, '-T', map("-I$_", @INC), '-e', $code; } my $has_capture_tiny = do { local $@; eval 'use Capture::Tiny 0.08 (); 1' }; SKIP: { my $count = 1; skip 'Capture::Tiny 0.08 is not installed' => $count unless $has_capture_tiny; my $output = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged(sub { run_perl <<' CODE' }); use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/; { BEGIN { $^H |= 0x020000; cast %^H, wizard free => sub { die q[cucumber] } } } CODE skip 'Test code didn\'t run properly' => 1 unless defined $output; like $output, expect('cucumber', '-e', "\nExecution(?s:.*)"), 'die in free callback at compile time and not in eval string'; --$count; } # Uvar SKIP: { my $count = 1; skip 'No nice uvar magic for this perl' => $count unless VMG_UVAR; skip 'Capture::Tiny 0.08 is not installed' => $count unless $has_capture_tiny; my $output = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged(sub { run_perl <<' CODE' }); use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast/; BEGIN { cast %::, wizard fetch => sub { die q[salsify] } } hlagh() CODE skip 'Test code didn\'t run properly' => $count unless defined $output; my $suffix = "\nExecution(?s:.*)"; if ($] >= 5.011005) { $suffix = "(?:\nsalsify at -e line \\d+.){12}" . $suffix; } elsif ($] >= 5.011) { $suffix = "(?:\nsalsify at -e line \\d+.){3}" . $suffix; } like $output, expect('salsify', '-e', $suffix), 'die in free callback at compile time and not in eval string'; --$count; }