Makefile.PL   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# A template for Makefile.PL.
# - Set the $PACKAGE variable to the name of your module.
# - Set $LAST_API_CHANGE to reflect the last version you changed the API 
#   of your module.
# - Fill in your dependencies in PREREQ_PM
# Alternatively, you can say the hell with this and use h2xs.

BEGIN { require 5.006; }
use strict;

use lib qw(lib inc);    # build ourself with ourself
use File::Spec;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.50;

    die "You have File::Spec version $File::Spec::VERSION\n".
      "ExtUtils::MakeMaker requires File::Spec >= 0.8 to build at all.\n"
        if $File::Spec::VERSION < 0.8;

my $PACKAGE = 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker';
my $version = do { no strict 'refs'; ${$PACKAGE.'::VERSION'}; };
$version =~ s/_//;  # for X.Y_Z alpha releases
(my $PACKAGE_FILE = $PACKAGE) =~ s|::|/|g;
my $LAST_API_CHANGE = 5.50;

my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';

eval "require $PACKAGE";

unless ($@) { # Make sure we did find the module.
    print <<"CHANGE_WARN" if $version < $LAST_API_CHANGE;

NOTE: There have been API changes between this version and any older
than version $LAST_API_CHANGE!  Please read the Changes file if you
are upgrading from a version older than $LAST_API_CHANGE.


# Test::Harnesses prior to 2.00 shoved all of @INC onto the command line
# when a test had -T.  This made it too long.  So we need a Test::Harness
# > 2.00 on VMS for t/testlib.t
my %prereq = ( );
$prereq{'Test::Harness'} = 2.00 if $^O eq 'VMS';


my $MM = WriteMakefile(
    NAME            => $PACKAGE,
    VERSION_FROM    => "lib/$", # finds $VERSION
    PREREQ_PM       => { %prereq,

                         # splitpath(), rel2abs()
                         'File::Spec'       => 0.8,

                         # manifypods needs Pod::Man
                         'Pod::Man'         => 0,

                         'File::Basename'   => 0,
                         DirHandle          => 0,       
    MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.006',

    PMLIBDIRS       => [qw(lib inc)],
    # PMLIBPARENTDIRS is an experimental feature
    PMLIBPARENTDIRS => [qw(lib inc)],

    EXE_FILES       => [qw(bin/instmodsh)],

    META_MERGE      => {
        no_index => {
            # "in" is a PAUSE misparse.
            package => ['DynaLoader', 'in'],
        resources => {
            license     =>      '',
            homepage    =>      '',
            bugtracker  =>      '',
            repository  =>      '',
            MailingList =>      '',

    # We don't need ourself to install ourself.
        'Data::Dumper' => 0,

    INSTALLDIRS     => 'perl',

    LICENSE         => 'perl',

    ABSTRACT_FROM   => "lib/$",
    AUTHOR          => 'Michael G Schwern <>',

if( !$Is_VMS && $MM->{PERL} =~ /\S\s+\S/ ) {
    require Test::Harness;
    my $th_version = defined $Test::Harness::VERSION ? $Test::Harness::VERSION
                                                     : 0;
    print <<SPACE_WARN if $th_version < 2.27;

NOTE: Your Perl looks like it contains a space in the path name.
MakeMaker is now OK with that but your version of Test::Harness is not
which means 'make test' will likely puke.

You will have to install this new version of MakeMaker, then upgrade
Test::Harness from CPAN, then run the MakeMaker tests.



# Display warnings about the environment.
sub check_environment {
    if( $Is_VMS && $ENV{bin} ) {
        print <<BIN_WARN;

The logical name BIN may be present.  This may interfere with MakeMaker's
tests and operations.  GNV is the prime suspect for setting this.


        sleep 2;

    package MY;

    # Make sure PERLRUN uses the MakeMaker about to be installed
    # and not the currently installed one.
    sub init_PERL {
        my($self) = shift;
        for my $key (qw(PERLRUN FULLPERLRUN ABSPERLRUN)) {
            $self->{$key}     .= q[ "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)"];

    sub init_PM {
        my $self = shift;


        # Only override older versions of modules with ours in inc/
        for my $inc (grep /^inc/, keys %{$self->{PM}}) {
            next unless $inc =~ /\.pm$/;

            my $installed = _find_installed($inc);
            next unless defined $installed;

            # Shut up "isn't numeric" warning on X.Y_Z versions.
            local $^W = 0;
            my $installed_version = $self->parse_version($installed);
            my $inc_version       = $self->parse_version($inc);
            if( $installed_version >= $inc_version ) {
                delete $self->{PM}{$inc};
            else {
                my $module = _module_name($inc);
                print qq{Using included version of $module ($inc_version) as it is newer than the installed version ($installed_version).\n};


    # If ExtUtils::Manifest isn't included don't include MANIFEST.SKIP either.
    sub _remove_MANIFEST_SKIP {
        my $self = shift;
        return if grep /Manifest\.pm$/i, keys %{$self->{PM}};
        my($maniskip_key)    = grep /MANIFEST\.SKIP$/i, keys %{$self->{PM}};
        return unless $maniskip_key;
        return delete $self->{PM}{$maniskip_key};

    sub _find_installed {
        my $file = shift;

        $file =~ s{^(\W*)inc\W}{$1}i;

        foreach my $inc (grep { $_ ne 'inc' } @INC) {
            my $path = File::Spec->catfile($inc, $file);
            return $path if -r $path;


    sub _module_name {
        my $path = shift;
        my($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
        my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
        shift @dirs;  # remove inc

        $file =~ s{\.pm$}{};
        return join '::', grep { length } @dirs, $file;

    # Test with multiple versions of perl
    sub dist_test {
        my $self = shift;

        my $make = $self->SUPER::dist_test(@_);
        return $make unless $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} and $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} eq 'MSCHWERN';

        # Strip off all the whitespace at the end, we'll put our own in.
        $make =~ s{\s+\z}{\n};

        my @perls = qw(

        for my $perl (@perls) {
            $make .= sprintf <<'END', $perl;
	cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) clean && %s Makefile.PL && $(MAKE) test $(PASTHRU)

        $make .= "\n";

        return $make;