basic.t   [plain text]


use strict;
use warnings;

# we need to run a test in GD and this fails
# use Test::More tests => 3;
# use ok 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';

use Scope::Guard;

print "1..4\n";

sub ok ($$) {
	print "not " if !$_[0];
	print "ok";
	print " - $_[1]" if defined $_[1];
	print "\n";

ok( eval "use Devel::GlobalDestruction; 1", "use Devel::GlobalDestruction" );

ok( defined &in_global_destruction, "exported" );

ok( !in_global_destruction(), "not in GD" );

our $sg = Scope::Guard->new(sub { ok( in_global_destruction(), "in GD" ) });