#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use lib qw{blib/arch blib/lib}; use Variable::Magic qw/wizard cast dispell/; sub foo { print STDERR "got ${$_[0]}!\n" } my $bar = sub { ++${$_[0]}; print STDERR "now set to ${$_[0]}!\n"; }; my $a = 1; { my $wiz = wizard get => \&foo, set => $bar, free => sub { print STDERR "deleted!\n"; }; cast $a, $wiz, qw/a b c/; ++$a; # "got 1!", "now set to 3!" dispell $a, $wiz; cast $a, $wiz; my $b = 123; cast $b, $wiz; } # "deleted!" my $b = $a; # "got 3!" $a = 3; # "now set to 4!" $b = 3; # (nothing)