ldifdiff.pl   [plain text]

#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Id: ldifdiff.pl,v 3.7 2005/03/15 14:22:45 subbarao Exp $

=head1 NAME

ldifdiff.pl -- Generates LDIF change diff between two sorted LDIF files.


ldifdiff.pl takes as input two sorted LDIF files, source and target, and 
generates on standard output the LDIF changes needed to transform the target 
into the source.


ldifdiff.pl B<-k|--keyattr keyattr> [B<-a|--sourceattrs attr1,attr2,...>] [B<-c|--ciscmp attr1,...>] [B<--dnattrs attr1,...>] [B<--sharedattrs attr1,...>] B<sourcefile> B<targetfile>

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-k|--keyattr> keyattr

Specifies the key attribute to use when comparing source and target entries. 
Entries in both LDIF files must be sorted by this attribute for comparisons to 
be meaningful. F<ldifsort.pl> can be used to sort LDIF files by a given 

=item B<-a|--sourceattrs attr1,attr2,...>

(Optional) Specifies a list of attributes to consider when comparing
source and target entries. By default, all attributes are considered.

=item B<-c|--ciscmp attr1,...>

(Optional) Compare values of the specified attributes case-insensitively. The 
default set is: mail manager member objectclass owner uid uniqueMember

=item B<--dnattrs attr1,...>

(Optional) Specifies a list of attributes to be treated as DNs when being
compared. The default set is: manager member owner uniqueMember

=item B<--sharedattrs attr1,...>

(Optional) Specifies a list of attribues to be treated as "shared" attributes,
where the source may not be a sole authoritative source. When modifying
these attributes, separate "delete" and "add" LDIF changes are generated, 
instead of a single "replace" change. The default set is objectClass.

=item B<sourcefile>

Specifies the source LDIF file.

=item B<targetfile>

Specifies the target LDIF file.



use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use Net::LDAP::Util qw(canonical_dn);
use Getopt::Long;

use strict;

my @sourceattrs;
my (%ciscmp, %dnattrs, %sharedattrs);
my $keyattr;
GetOptions('a|sourceattrs=s' => sub { @sourceattrs = split(/,/, $_[1]) },
	'c|ciscmp=s' => sub { my @a = split(/,/,lc $_[1]); @ciscmp{@a} = (1) x @a },
	'dnattrs=s' => sub { my @a = split(/,/,lc $_[1]); @dnattrs{@a} = (1) x @a },
	'k|keyattr=s' => \$keyattr,
	'sharedattrs=s' => sub {my @a=split(/,/,lc $_[1]);@sharedattrs{@a}=(1) x @a}
unless (keys %ciscmp) {
	foreach (qw(mail manager member objectclass owner uid uniquemember)) 
	{ $ciscmp{$_} = 1 }
unless (keys %dnattrs) {
	foreach (qw(manager member owner uniquemember))
	{ $dnattrs{$_} = 1 }
%sharedattrs = (objectclass => 1)
	unless keys %sharedattrs;

my ($sourcefile, $targetfile);
$sourcefile = shift; $targetfile = shift;

die "usage: $0 -k|--keyattr keyattr [-a|--sourceattrs attr1,attr2,...] [-c|--ciscmp attr1,...] [--dnattrs attr1,...] [--sharedattrs attr1,...] sourcefile targetfile\n"
	unless $keyattr && $sourcefile && $targetfile;

my $source = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new($sourcefile)
	or die "Can't open LDIF file $sourcefile: $!\n";

my $target = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new($targetfile)
	or die "Can't open LDIF file $targetfile: $!\n";

my $ldifout = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new('-', 'w');
$ldifout->{change} = 1;
$ldifout->{wrap} = 78;

diff($source, $target);

# Gets the relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute
sub rdnattr { ($_[0] =~ /^(.*?)=/)[0] }

# Gets the relative distinguished name (RDN) value
sub rdnval { my $rv = ($_[0] =~ /=(.*)/)[0]; $rv =~ s/(?<!\\),.*//; $rv }

# Gets the rest of the DN (the part after the RDN)
sub dnsuperior { my $rv = ($_[0] =~ /^.*?(?<!\\),(.*)/)[0]; $rv }

sub cmpDNs
	my ($adn, $bdn) = @_;
	my $cadn = canonical_dn($adn, casefold => 'lower'); 
	my $cbdn = canonical_dn($bdn, casefold => 'lower');
	if ($ciscmp{lc rdnattr($cadn)}) { $cadn = lc($cadn), $cbdn = lc($cbdn) }

	$cadn cmp $cbdn;

sub cmpEntries
	my ($a, $b) = @_;
	my $dncmp = cmpDNs($a->dn, $b->dn);

	if (lc($keyattr) eq 'dn') { 
		return ($dncmp, $dncmp);
	else { 
		my $aval = $a->get_value($keyattr);
		my $bval = $b->get_value($keyattr);
		if ($ciscmp{$keyattr}) {
			$aval = lc($aval);
			$bval = lc($bval);
		return($aval cmp $bval, $dncmp);

# Diffs two LDIF data sources
sub diff
	my ($source, $target) = @_;
	my ($sourceentry, $targetentry, $incr_source, $incr_target, @ldifchanges);

	$sourceentry = $source->read_entry();
	$targetentry = $target->read_entry();

	while () {
		# End of all data
		last if !$sourceentry && !$targetentry;

		# End of source data, but more target data. Delete.
		if (!$sourceentry && $targetentry) {
			$incr_target = 1, next;

		# End of target data, but more data in source. Add.
		if ($sourceentry && !$targetentry) {
            $incr_source = 1, next;

		my ($entrycmp, $dncmp) = cmpEntries($sourceentry, $targetentry);

		# Check if the current source entry has a higher sort position than 
		# the current target. If so, we interpret this to mean that the 
		# target entry no longer exists on the source. Issue a delete to LDAP.
		if ($entrycmp > 0) {
            $incr_target = 1, next;
		# Check if the current source entry has a lower sort position than 
		# the current target entry. If so, we interpret this to mean that the
		# source entry doesn't exist on the target. Issue an add to LDAP.
		elsif ($entrycmp < 0) {
            $incr_source = 1, next;

		# When we get here, we're dealing with the same person in $sourceentry
		# and $targetentry. Compare the data and generate the update.

		# If a mod{R}DN is necessary, it needs to happen before other mods
		if ($dncmp) {
			my $rdnattr = rdnattr($sourceentry->dn);
			my $rdnval = rdnval($sourceentry->dn);
			my $newsuperior = dnsuperior($sourceentry->dn);
			my $oldsuperior = dnsuperior($targetentry->dn);
			my $changetype; 

			if (cmpDNs($oldsuperior, $newsuperior)) {
				$changetype = 'moddn';
				$targetentry->add(newsuperior => $newsuperior);
			else { $changetype = 'modrdn' }
			$targetentry->{changetype} = $changetype;
			$targetentry->add(newrdn => "$rdnattr=$rdnval",
							  deleteoldrdn => '1');
			$targetentry->delete('newsuperior') if $changetype eq 'moddn';
			$targetentry->replace($rdnattr, $sourceentry->get_value($rdnattr))
				if $sourceentry->exists($rdnattr);

		# Check for differences and generate LDIF as appropriate
		updateFromEntry($sourceentry, $targetentry, @sourceattrs);
		$ldifout->write_entry($targetentry) if @{$targetentry->{changes}};
		$incr_source = 1, $incr_target = 1, next;

    } continue {
		if ($incr_source) {
			$sourceentry = $source->read_entry(); $incr_source = 0;
		if ($incr_target) {
			$targetentry = $target->read_entry(); $incr_target = 0;

# Generate LDIF to update $target with information in $source.
# Optionally restrict the set of attributes to consider.
sub updateFromEntry
	my ($source, $target, @attrs) = @_;
	my ($attr, $val, $ldifstr);

	unless (@attrs) {
		# add all source entry attributes
		@attrs = $source->attributes;
		# add any other attributes we haven't seen from the target entry
		foreach my $tattr ($target->attributes) { 
			push(@attrs, $tattr) unless grep(/^$tattr$/i, @attrs) 

	$target->{changetype} = 'modify';

	foreach $attr (@attrs) {
		my $lcattr = lc $attr;
		next if $lcattr eq 'dn'; # Can't handle modrdn here

		# Build lists of unique values in the source and target, to
		# speed up comparisons.
		my @sourcevals = $source->get_value($attr);
		my @targetvals = $target->get_value($attr);
		my (%sourceuniqvals, %targetuniqvals);
		foreach (@sourcevals) {
			my ($origval, $val) = ($_, $_);
			$val = lc $val if $ciscmp{$lcattr};
			# Get rid of spaces after non-escaped commas in DN attrs
			$val =~ s/(?<!\\),\s+/,/g if $dnattrs{$lcattr};
			$sourceuniqvals{$val} = $origval;
		foreach (@targetvals) {
			my ($origval, $val) = ($_, $_);
			$val = lc $val if $ciscmp{$lcattr};
			# Get rid of spaces after non-escaped commas in DN attrs
			$val =~ s/(?<!\\),\s+/,/g if $dnattrs{$lcattr};
			$targetuniqvals{$val} = $origval;
		foreach my $val (keys %sourceuniqvals) {
			if (exists $targetuniqvals{$val}) {
				delete $sourceuniqvals{$val};
				delete $targetuniqvals{$val};

		# Move on if there are no differences
		next unless keys(%sourceuniqvals) || keys(%targetuniqvals);

		# Make changes as appropriate
		if ($sharedattrs{$lcattr}) {
			# For 'shared' attributes (e.g. objectclass) where $source may not 
			# be a sole authoritative source, we issue separate delete and 
			# add modifications instead of a single replace.
			$target->delete($attr => [ values(%targetuniqvals) ])
				if keys(%targetuniqvals);
			$target->add($attr => [ values(%sourceuniqvals) ])
				if keys(%sourceuniqvals);
		else {
			# Issue a replace or delete as needed
			if (@sourcevals) { $target->replace($attr => [ @sourcevals ]) }
			else { $target->delete($attr) }

	# Get rid of the "changetype: modify" if there were no changes
	delete($target->{changetype}) unless @{$target->{changes}};


=head1 AUTHOR

Kartik Subbarao E<lt>subbarao@computer.orgE<gt>
