# $Id: 08-online.t 698 2007-12-28 16:42:16Z olaf $ -*-perl-*- use Test::More; use strict; use Socket; use Data::Dumper; BEGIN { if (-e 't/online.enabled') { plan tests => 95; } else { plan skip_all => 'Online tests disabled.'; } } BEGIN { use_ok('Net::DNS'); } my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; #$res->debug(1); my @rrs = ( { type => 'A', name => 'a.t.net-dns.org', address => '', }, { type => 'MX', name => 'mx.t.net-dns.org', exchange => 'a.t.net-dns.org', preference => 10, }, { type => 'CNAME', name => 'cname.t.net-dns.org', cname => 'a.t.net-dns.org', }, { type => 'TXT', name => 'txt.t.net-dns.org', txtdata => 'Net-DNS', }, ); foreach my $data (@rrs) { my $packet = $res->send($data->{'name'}, $data->{'type'}, 'IN'); ok($packet, "Got an answer for $data->{name} IN $data->{type}"); is($packet->header->qdcount, 1, 'Only one question'); is($packet->header->ancount, 1, 'Got single answer'); my $question = ($packet->question)[0]; my $answer = ($packet->answer)[0]; ok($question, 'Got question' ); is($question->qname, $data->{'name'}, 'Question has right name' ); is($question->qtype, $data->{'type'}, 'Question has right type' ); is($question->qclass, 'IN', 'Question has right class'); ok($answer, ); is($answer->class, 'IN', 'Class correct' ); foreach my $meth (keys %{$data}) { if ($meth eq "name"){ #names should be case insensitive is(lc($answer->$meth()),lc($data->{$meth}), "$meth correct ($data->{name})"); }else{ is($answer->$meth(), $data->{$meth}, "$meth correct ($data->{name})"); } } } # Does the mx() function work. my @mx = mx('mx2.t.net-dns.org'); my $wanted_names = [qw(a.t.net-dns.org a2.t.net-dns.org)]; my $names = [ map { $_->exchange } @mx ]; is_deeply($names, $wanted_names, "mx() seems to be working"); # some people seem to use mx() in scalar context is(scalar mx('mx2.t.net-dns.org'), 2, "mx() works in scalar context"); # # test that search() and query() DTRT with reverse lookups # { my @tests = ( { ip => '', host => 'a.root-servers.net', }, { ip => '2001:500:1::803f:235', host => 'h.root-servers.net', }, ); foreach my $test (@tests) { foreach my $method (qw(search query)) { my $packet = $res->$method($test->{'ip'}); isa_ok($packet, 'Net::DNS::Packet') or diag ($res->errorstring); next unless $packet; is(lc(($packet->answer)[0]->ptrdname),lc($test->{'host'}), "$method($test->{'ip'}) works"); } } } $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( domain => 't.net-dns.org', searchlist => ['t.net-dns.org', 'net-dns.org'], ); #$res->debug(1); # # test the search() and query() append the default domain and # searchlist correctly. # { $res->defnames(1); $res->dnsrch(1); $res->persistent_udp(0); my @tests = ( { method => 'search', name => 'a', }, { method => 'search', name => 'a.t', }, { method => 'query', name => 'a', }, ); foreach my $test (@tests) { my $method = $test->{'method'}; my $ans = $res->$method($test->{'name'}); isa_ok($ans, 'Net::DNS::Packet'); is($ans->header->ancount, 1,"Correct answer count (with $method)"); my ($a) = $ans->answer; isa_ok($a, 'Net::DNS::RR::A'); is(lc($a->name), 'a.t.net-dns.org',"Correct name (with $method)"); } # $res->debug(1); my $socket=$res->bgsend('a.t.net-dns.org','A'); ok(ref($socket)=~/^IO::Socket::INET(6?)$/,"Socket returned"); diag("Error condition: ".$res->errorstring ."Socket ref:".ref($socket)) unless ref($socket)=~/^IO::Socket::INET(6?)$/; my $loop=0; # burn a little CPU to get the socket ready. # I could off course used microsleep or something. while ($loop<200000){ $loop++; } $loop=0; while ($loop<6){ last if $res->bgisready($socket); sleep(1); # If burning CPU above was not sufficient. $loop++; } $res->debug(0); ok ($res->bgisready($socket),"Socket is ready"); SKIP: { skip "No socket to read from",5 unless $res->bgisready($socket); my $ans= $res->bgread($socket); ok(defined($ans->answerfrom),"Answerfrom defined" . (defined($ans->answerfrom)? "(".$ans->answerfrom .")":"") ); ok(defined($ans->answersize),"Answersize defined". (defined($ans->answersize)? "(".$ans->answersize .")":"") ); undef $socket; is($ans->header->ancount, 1,"Correct answer count"); my ($a) = $ans->answer; isa_ok($a, 'Net::DNS::RR::A'); is(lc($a->name), 'a.t.net-dns.org',"Correct name"); } } # # test the search() and query() append the default domain and # searchlist correctly. # { $res->defnames(1); $res->dnsrch(1); $res->persistent_udp(1); # $res->debug(1); my @tests = ( { method => 'search', name => 'a', }, { method => 'search', name => 'a.t', }, { method => 'query', name => 'a', }, ); $res->send("a.t.net-dns.org A"); my $sock_id= $res->{'sockets'}[AF_INET]{"UDP"}; ok($sock_id,"Persistend UDP socket identified"); foreach my $test (@tests) { my $method = $test->{'method'}; my $ans = $res->$method($test->{'name'}); is( $res->{'sockets'}[AF_INET]{"UDP"},$sock_id,"Persistent socket matches"); isa_ok($ans, 'Net::DNS::Packet'); is($ans->header->ancount, 1,"Correct answer count (with persistent socket and $method)"); my ($a) = $ans->answer; isa_ok($a, 'Net::DNS::RR::A'); is(lc($a->name), 'a.t.net-dns.org',"Correct name (with persistent socket and $method)"); } }