package Net::DNS::RR::LOC; # # $Id: 388 2005-06-22 10:06:05Z olaf $ # use strict; BEGIN { eval { require bytes; } } use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION @poweroften $reference_alt $reference_latlon $conv_sec $conv_min $conv_deg $default_min $default_sec $default_size $default_horiz_pre $default_vert_pre ); @ISA = qw(Net::DNS::RR); $VERSION = (qw$LastChangedRevision: 388 $)[1]; # Powers of 10 from 0 to 9 (used to speed up calculations). @poweroften = (1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000, 10_000_000, 100_000_000, 1_000_000_000); # Reference altitude in centimeters (see RFC 1876). $reference_alt = 100_000 * 100; # Reference lat/lon (see RFC 1876). $reference_latlon = 2**31; # Conversions to/from thousandths of a degree. $conv_sec = 1000; $conv_min = 60 * $conv_sec; $conv_deg = 60 * $conv_min; # Defaults (from RFC 1876, Section 3). $default_min = 0; $default_sec = 0; $default_size = 1; $default_horiz_pre = 10_000; $default_vert_pre = 10; sub new { my ($class, $self, $data, $offset) = @_; if ($self->{"rdlength"} > 0) { my ($version) = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); ++$offset; $self->{"version"} = $version; if ($version == 0) { my ($size) = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $size = precsize_ntoval($size); ++$offset; my ($horiz_pre) = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $horiz_pre = precsize_ntoval($horiz_pre); ++$offset; my ($vert_pre) = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $vert_pre = precsize_ntoval($vert_pre); ++$offset; my ($latitude) = unpack("\@$offset N", $$data); $offset += Net::DNS::INT32SZ(); my ($longitude) = unpack("\@$offset N", $$data); $offset += Net::DNS::INT32SZ(); my ($altitude) = unpack("\@$offset N", $$data); $offset += Net::DNS::INT32SZ(); $self->{"size"} = $size; $self->{"horiz_pre"} = $horiz_pre; $self->{"vert_pre"} = $vert_pre; $self->{"latitude"} = $latitude; $self->{"longitude"} = $longitude; $self->{"altitude"} = $altitude; } else { # What to do for unsupported versions? } } return bless $self, $class; } sub new_from_string { my ($class, $self, $string) = @_; if ($string && $string =~ /^ (\d+) \s+ # deg lat ((\d+) \s+)? # min lat (([\d.]+) \s+)? # sec lat (N|S) \s+ # hem lat (\d+) \s+ # deg lon ((\d+) \s+)? # min lon (([\d.]+) \s+)? # sec lon (E|W) \s+ # hem lon (-?[\d.]+) m? # altitude (\s+ ([\d.]+) m?)? # size (\s+ ([\d.]+) m?)? # horiz precision (\s+ ([\d.]+) m?)? # vert precision /ix) { # What to do for other versions? my $version = 0; my ($latdeg, $latmin, $latsec, $lathem) = ($1, $3, $5, $6); my ($londeg, $lonmin, $lonsec, $lonhem) = ($7, $9, $11, $12); my ($alt, $size, $horiz_pre, $vert_pre) = ($13, $15, $17, $19); $latmin = $default_min unless $latmin; $latsec = $default_sec unless $latsec; $lathem = uc($lathem); $lonmin = $default_min unless $lonmin; $lonsec = $default_sec unless $lonsec; $lonhem = uc($lonhem); $size = $default_size unless $size; $horiz_pre = $default_horiz_pre unless $horiz_pre; $vert_pre = $default_vert_pre unless $vert_pre; $self->{"version"} = $version; $self->{"size"} = $size * 100; $self->{"horiz_pre"} = $horiz_pre * 100; $self->{"vert_pre"} = $vert_pre * 100; $self->{"latitude"} = dms2latlon($latdeg, $latmin, $latsec, $lathem); $self->{"longitude"} = dms2latlon($londeg, $lonmin, $lonsec, $lonhem); $self->{"altitude"} = $alt * 100 + $reference_alt; } return bless $self, $class; } sub rdatastr { my $self = shift; my $rdatastr; if (exists $self->{"version"}) { if ($self->{"version"} == 0) { my $lat = $self->{"latitude"}; my $lon = $self->{"longitude"}; my $altitude = $self->{"altitude"}; my $size = $self->{"size"}; my $horiz_pre = $self->{"horiz_pre"}; my $vert_pre = $self->{"vert_pre"}; $altitude = ($altitude - $reference_alt) / 100; $size /= 100; $horiz_pre /= 100; $vert_pre /= 100; $rdatastr = latlon2dms($lat, "NS") . " " . latlon2dms($lon, "EW") . " " . sprintf("%.2fm", $altitude) . " " . sprintf("%.2fm", $size) . " " . sprintf("%.2fm", $horiz_pre) . " " . sprintf("%.2fm", $vert_pre); } else { $rdatastr = "; version " . $self->{"version"} . " not supported"; } } else { $rdatastr = ''; } return $rdatastr; } sub rr_rdata { my $self = shift; my $rdata = ""; if (exists $self->{"version"}) { $rdata .= pack("C", $self->{"version"}); if ($self->{"version"} == 0) { $rdata .= pack("C3", precsize_valton($self->{"size"}), precsize_valton($self->{"horiz_pre"}), precsize_valton($self->{"vert_pre"})); $rdata .= pack("N3", $self->{"latitude"}, $self->{"longitude"}, $self->{"altitude"}); } else { # What to do for other versions? } } return $rdata; } sub precsize_ntoval { my $prec = shift; my $mantissa = (($prec >> 4) & 0x0f) % 10; my $exponent = ($prec & 0x0f) % 10; return $mantissa * $poweroften[$exponent]; } sub precsize_valton { my $val = shift; my $exponent = 0; while ($val >= 10) { $val /= 10; ++$exponent; } return (int($val) << 4) | ($exponent & 0x0f); } sub latlon2dms { my ($rawmsec, $hems) = @_; # Tried to use modulus here, but Perl dumped core if # the value was >= 2**31. my ($abs, $deg, $min, $sec, $msec, $hem); $abs = abs($rawmsec - $reference_latlon); $deg = int($abs / $conv_deg); $abs -= $deg * $conv_deg; $min = int($abs / $conv_min); $abs -= $min * $conv_min; $sec = int($abs / $conv_sec); $abs -= $sec * $conv_sec; $msec = $abs; $hem = substr($hems, ($rawmsec >= $reference_latlon ? 0 : 1), 1); return sprintf("%d %02d %02d.%03d %s", $deg, $min, $sec, $msec, $hem); } sub dms2latlon { my ($deg, $min, $sec, $hem) = @_; my ($retval); $retval = ($deg * $conv_deg) + ($min * $conv_min) + ($sec * $conv_sec); $retval = -$retval if ($hem eq "S") || ($hem eq "W"); $retval += $reference_latlon; return $retval; } sub latlon { my $self = shift; my ($retlat, $retlon); if ($self->{"version"} == 0) { $retlat = latlon2deg($self->{"latitude"}); $retlon = latlon2deg($self->{"longitude"}); } else { $retlat = $retlon = undef; } return ($retlat, $retlon); } sub latlon2deg { my $rawmsec = shift; my $deg; $deg = ($rawmsec - $reference_latlon) / $conv_deg; return $deg; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DNS::RR::LOC - DNS LOC resource record =head1 SYNOPSIS C; =head1 DESCRIPTION Class for DNS Location (LOC) resource records. See RFC 1876 for details. =head1 METHODS =head2 version print "version = ", $rr->version, "\n"; Returns the version number of the representation; programs should always check this. C currently supports only version 0. =head2 size print "size = ", $rr->size, "\n"; Returns the diameter of a sphere enclosing the described entity, in centimeters. =head2 horiz_pre print "horiz_pre = ", $rr->horiz_pre, "\n"; Returns the horizontal precision of the data, in centimeters. =head2 vert_pre print "vert_pre = ", $rr->vert_pre, "\n"; Returns the vertical precision of the data, in centimeters. =head2 latitude print "latitude = ", $rr->latitude, "\n"; Returns the latitude of the center of the sphere described by the C method, in thousandths of a second of arc. 2**31 represents the equator; numbers above that are north latitude. =head2 longitude print "longitude = ", $rr->longitude, "\n"; Returns the longitude of the center of the sphere described by the C method, in thousandths of a second of arc. 2**31 represents the prime meridian; numbers above that are east longitude. =head2 latlon ($lat, $lon) = $rr->latlon; system("xearth", "-pos", "fixed $lat $lon"); Returns the latitude and longitude as floating-point degrees. Positive numbers represent north latitude or east longitude; negative numbers represent south latitude or west longitude. =head2 altitude print "altitude = ", $rr->altitude, "\n"; Returns the altitude of the center of the sphere described by the C method, in centimeters, from a base of 100,000m below the WGS 84 reference spheroid used by GPS. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Chris Reinhardt. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Some of the code and documentation is based on RFC 1876 and on code contributed by Christopher Davis. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, RFC 1876 =cut