300_bl_sh.t   [plain text]

# Blocking Shared Lock Test

use Test;
use File::NFSLock;

# $m simultaneous processes trying to obtain a shared lock
my $m = 20;
my $shared_delay = 5;

$| = 1; # Buffer must be autoflushed because of fork() below.
plan tests => (13 + 3*$m);

my $datafile = "testfile.dat";

# Create a blank file
sysopen ( FH, $datafile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC );
close (FH);
# test 1
ok (-e $datafile && !-s _);

# test 2
ok (pipe(RD1,WR1)); # Connected pipe for child1
if (!fork) {
  # Child #1 process
  # Obtain exclusive lock to block the shared attempt later
  my $lock = new File::NFSLock {
    file => $datafile,
    lock_type => LOCK_EX,
  print WR1 !!$lock; # Send boolean success status down pipe
  close(WR1); # Signal to parent that the Blocking lock is done
  if ($lock) {
    sleep 2;  # hold the lock for a moment
    sysopen(FH, $datafile, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC);
    # And then put a magic word into the file
    print FH "exclusive\n";
    close FH;
# test 3
ok 1; # Fork successful
close (WR1);
# Waiting for child1 to finish its lock status
my $child1_lock = <RD1>;
close (RD1);
# Report status of the child1_lock.
# It should have been successful
# test 4
ok ($child1_lock);

# test 5
ok (pipe(RD2,WR2)); # Connected pipe for child2
if (!fork) {
  # This should block until the exclusive lock is done
  my $lock = new File::NFSLock {
    file => $datafile,
    lock_type => LOCK_SH,
  if ($lock) {
    sysopen(FH, $datafile, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC);
    # Immediately put the magic word into the file
    print FH "shared\n";
    truncate (FH, tell FH);
    close FH;
    # Normally shared locks never modify the contents because
    # of the race condition.  (The last one to write wins.)
    # But in this case, the parent will wait until the lock
    # status is reported (close RD2) so it defines execution
    # sequence will be correct.  Hopefully the shared lock
    # will not happen until the exclusive lock has been released.
    # This is also a good test to make sure that other shared
    # locks can still be obtained simultaneously.
  print WR2 !!$lock; # Send boolean success status down pipe
  close(WR2); # Signal to parent that the Blocking lock is done
  # Then hold this shared lock for a moment
  # while other shared locks are attempted
  exit; # Release the shared lock
# test 6
ok 1; # Fork successful
close (WR2);
# Waiting for child2 to finish its lock status
my $child2_lock = <RD2>;
close (RD2);
# Report status of the child2_lock.
# This should have eventually been successful.
# test 7
ok ($child2_lock);

# If all these processes take longer than $shared_delay seconds,
# then they are probably not running synronously
# and the shared lock is not working correctly.
# But if all the children obatin the lock simultaneously,
# like they're supposed to, then it shouldn't take
# much longer than the maximum delay of any of the
# shared locks (at least 5 seconds set above).
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
  # test (unknown)
  ok 0;
  die "Shared locks not running simultaneously";

# Use pipe to read lock success status from children
# test 8
ok (pipe(RD3,WR3));

# Wait a few seconds less than if all locks were
# aquired asyncronously to ensure that they overlap.

for (my $i = 0; $i < $m ; $i++) {
  if (!fork) {
    # All of these locks should immediately be successful since
    # there already exist a shared lock.
    my $lock = new File::NFSLock {
      file => $datafile,
      lock_type => LOCK_SH,
    # Send boolean success status down pipe
    print WR3 !!$lock,"\n";
    if ($lock) {
      sleep $shared_delay;  # Hold the shared lock for a moment
      # Appending should always be safe across NFS
      sysopen(FH, $datafile, O_RDWR | O_APPEND);
      # Put one line to signal the lock was successful.
      print FH "1\n";
      close FH;
    } else {
      warn "Lock [$i] failed!";

# Parent process never writes to pipe

# There were $m children attempting the shared locks.
for (my $i = 0; $i < $m ; $i++) {
  # Report status of each lock attempt.
  my $got_shared_lock = <RD3>;
  # test 9 .. 8+$m
  ok $got_shared_lock;

# There should not be anything left in the pipe.
my $extra = <RD3>;
# test 9 + $m
ok !$extra;
close (RD3);

# If we made it here, then it must have been faster
# than the timeout.  So reset the timer.
# test 10 + $m
ok 1;

# There are $m children plus the child1 exclusive locker
# and the child2 obtaining the first shared lock.
for (my $i = 0; $i < $m + 2 ; $i++) {
  # Wait until all the children are finished.
  # test 11+$m .. 12+2*$m
  ok 1;

# Load up whatever the file says now
sysopen(FH, $datafile, O_RDONLY);

# The first line should say "shared" if child2 really
# waited for child1's exclusive lock to finish.
$_ = <FH>;
# test 13 + 2*$m
ok /shared/;

for (my $i = 0; $i < $m ; $i++) {
  $_ = <FH>;
  # test 14+2*$m .. 13+3*$m
  ok $_, 1;
close FH;

# Wipe the temporary file
unlink $datafile;