use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; BEGIN { require DBIx::Class; plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('deploy') unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy') } my $custom_deployment_statements_called = 0; sub DBICTest::Schema::deployment_statements { $custom_deployment_statements_called = 1; my $self = shift; return $self->next::method(@_); } my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema (no_deploy => 1); # Check deployment statements ctx sensitivity { my $not_first_table_creation_re = qr/CREATE TABLE fourkeys_to_twokeys/; my $statements = $schema->deployment_statements; like ( $statements, $not_first_table_creation_re, 'All create statements returned in 1 string in scalar ctx' ); my @statements = $schema->deployment_statements; cmp_ok (scalar @statements, '>', 1, 'Multiple statement lines in array ctx'); my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#statements) { last if $statements[$i] =~ $not_first_table_creation_re; $i++; } ok ( ($i > 0) && ($i <= $#statements), "Creation statement was found somewherere within array ($i)" ); } { my $deploy_hook_called = 0; # replace the sqlt calback with a custom version ading an index $schema->source('Track')->sqlt_deploy_callback(sub { my ($self, $sqlt_table) = @_; $deploy_hook_called = 1; is ( $sqlt_table->schema->translator->producer_type, join ('::', 'SQL::Translator::Producer', $schema->storage->sqlt_type), 'Production type passed to translator object', ); if ($schema->storage->sqlt_type eq 'SQLite' ) { $sqlt_table->add_index( name => 'track_title', fields => ['title'] ) or die $sqlt_table->error; } $self->default_sqlt_deploy_hook($sqlt_table); }); $schema->deploy; # do not remove, this fires the is() test in the callback above ok($deploy_hook_called, 'deploy hook got called'); ok($custom_deployment_statements_called, '->deploy used the schemas deploy_statements method'); } my $translator = SQL::Translator->new( parser_args => { 'DBIx::Schema' => $schema, }, producer_args => {}, ); { my $warn = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift }; my $relinfo = $schema->source('Artist')->relationship_info ('cds'); local $relinfo->{attrs}{on_delete} = 'restrict'; $translator->parser('SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class'); $translator->producer('SQLite'); my $output = $translator->translate(); ok($output, "SQLT produced someoutput") or diag($translator->error); like ( $warn, qr/SQLT attribute .+? was supplied for relationship .+? which does not appear to be a foreign constraint/, 'Warn about dubious on_delete/on_update attributes', ); } # Note that the constraints listed here are the only ones that are tested -- if # more exist in the Schema than are listed here and all listed constraints are # correct, the test will still pass. If you add a class with UNIQUE or FOREIGN # KEY constraints to DBICTest::Schema, add tests here if you think the existing # test coverage is not sufficient my %fk_constraints = ( # TwoKeys twokeys => [ { 'display' => 'twokeys->cd', 'name' => 'twokeys_fk_cd', 'index_name' => 'twokeys_idx_cd', 'selftable' => 'twokeys', 'foreigntable' => 'cd', 'selfcols' => ['cd'], 'foreigncols' => ['cdid'], 'noindex' => 1, on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 0, }, { 'display' => 'twokeys->artist', 'name' => 'twokeys_fk_artist', 'index_name' => 'twokeys_idx_artist', 'selftable' => 'twokeys', 'foreigntable' => 'artist', 'selfcols' => ['artist'], 'foreigncols' => ['artistid'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # FourKeys_to_TwoKeys fourkeys_to_twokeys => [ { 'display' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys->twokeys', 'name' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys_fk_t_artist_t_cd', 'index_name' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys_idx_t_artist_t_cd', 'selftable' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys', 'foreigntable' => 'twokeys', 'selfcols' => ['t_artist', 't_cd'], 'foreigncols' => ['artist', 'cd'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, { 'display' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys->fourkeys', 'index_name' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys_idx_f_foo_f_bar_f_hello_f_goodbye', 'name' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys_fk_f_foo_f_bar_f_hello_f_goodbye', 'selftable' => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys', 'foreigntable' => 'fourkeys', 'selfcols' => [qw(f_foo f_bar f_hello f_goodbye)], 'foreigncols' => [qw(foo bar hello goodbye)], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # CD_to_Producer cd_to_producer => [ { 'display' => 'cd_to_producer->cd', 'name' => 'cd_to_producer_fk_cd', 'index_name' => 'cd_to_producer_idx_cd', 'selftable' => 'cd_to_producer', 'foreigntable' => 'cd', 'selfcols' => ['cd'], 'foreigncols' => ['cdid'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, { 'display' => 'cd_to_producer->producer', 'name' => 'cd_to_producer_fk_producer', 'index_name' => 'cd_to_producer_idx_producer', 'selftable' => 'cd_to_producer', 'foreigntable' => 'producer', 'selfcols' => ['producer'], 'foreigncols' => ['producerid'], on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 1, }, ], # Self_ref_alias self_ref_alias => [ { 'display' => 'self_ref_alias->self_ref for self_ref', 'name' => 'self_ref_alias_fk_self_ref', 'index_name' => 'self_ref_alias_idx_self_ref', 'selftable' => 'self_ref_alias', 'foreigntable' => 'self_ref', 'selfcols' => ['self_ref'], 'foreigncols' => ['id'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, { 'display' => 'self_ref_alias->self_ref for alias', 'name' => 'self_ref_alias_fk_alias', 'index_name' => 'self_ref_alias_idx_alias', 'selftable' => 'self_ref_alias', 'foreigntable' => 'self_ref', 'selfcols' => ['alias'], 'foreigncols' => ['id'], on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 1, }, ], # CD cd => [ { 'display' => 'cd->artist', 'name' => 'cd_fk_artist', 'index_name' => 'cd_idx_artist', 'selftable' => 'cd', 'foreigntable' => 'artist', 'selfcols' => ['artist'], 'foreigncols' => ['artistid'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # Artist_undirected_map artist_undirected_map => [ { 'display' => 'artist_undirected_map->artist for id1', 'name' => 'artist_undirected_map_fk_id1', 'index_name' => 'artist_undirected_map_idx_id1', 'selftable' => 'artist_undirected_map', 'foreigntable' => 'artist', 'selfcols' => ['id1'], 'foreigncols' => ['artistid'], on_delete => 'RESTRICT', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, { 'display' => 'artist_undirected_map->artist for id2', 'name' => 'artist_undirected_map_fk_id2', 'index_name' => 'artist_undirected_map_idx_id2', 'selftable' => 'artist_undirected_map', 'foreigntable' => 'artist', 'selfcols' => ['id2'], 'foreigncols' => ['artistid'], on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 1, }, ], # Track track => [ { 'display' => 'track->cd', 'name' => 'track_fk_cd', 'index_name' => 'track_idx_cd', 'selftable' => 'track', 'foreigntable' => 'cd', 'selfcols' => ['cd'], 'foreigncols' => ['cdid'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # TreeLike treelike => [ { 'display' => 'treelike->treelike for parent', 'name' => 'treelike_fk_parent', 'index_name' => 'treelike_idx_parent', 'selftable' => 'treelike', 'foreigntable' => 'treelike', 'selfcols' => ['parent'], 'foreigncols' => ['id'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # TwoKeyTreeLike twokeytreelike => [ { 'display' => 'twokeytreelike->twokeytreelike for parent1,parent2', 'name' => 'twokeytreelike_fk_parent1_parent2', 'index_name' => 'twokeytreelike_idx_parent1_parent2', 'selftable' => 'twokeytreelike', 'foreigntable' => 'twokeytreelike', 'selfcols' => ['parent1', 'parent2'], 'foreigncols' => ['id1','id2'], on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 1, }, ], # Tags tags => [ { 'display' => 'tags->cd', 'name' => 'tags_fk_cd', 'index_name' => 'tags_idx_cd', 'selftable' => 'tags', 'foreigntable' => 'cd', 'selfcols' => ['cd'], 'foreigncols' => ['cdid'], on_delete => 'CASCADE', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # Bookmark bookmark => [ { 'display' => 'bookmark->link', 'name' => 'bookmark_fk_link', 'index_name' => 'bookmark_idx_link', 'selftable' => 'bookmark', 'foreigntable' => 'link', 'selfcols' => ['link'], 'foreigncols' => ['id'], on_delete => 'SET NULL', on_update => 'CASCADE', deferrable => 1, }, ], # ForceForeign forceforeign => [ { 'display' => 'forceforeign->artist', 'name' => 'forceforeign_fk_artist', 'index_name' => 'forceforeign_idx_artist', 'selftable' => 'forceforeign', 'foreigntable' => 'artist', 'selfcols' => ['artist'], 'foreigncols' => ['artistid'], 'noindex' => 1, on_delete => '', on_update => '', deferrable => 1, }, ], ); my %unique_constraints = ( # CD cd => [ { 'display' => 'cd artist and title unique', 'name' => 'cd_artist_title', 'table' => 'cd', 'cols' => ['artist', 'title'], }, ], # Producer producer => [ { 'display' => 'producer name unique', 'name' => 'prod_name', # explicit name 'table' => 'producer', 'cols' => ['name'], }, ], # TwoKeyTreeLike twokeytreelike => [ { 'display' => 'twokeytreelike name unique', 'name' => 'tktlnameunique', # explicit name 'table' => 'twokeytreelike', 'cols' => ['name'], }, ], # Employee # Constraint is commented out in DBICTest/Schema/ # employee => [ # { # 'display' => 'employee position and group_id unique', # 'name' => 'position_group', # 'table' => 'employee', cols => ['position', 'group_id'], # }, # ], ); my %indexes = ( artist => [ { 'fields' => ['name'] }, ], track => [ { 'fields' => ['title'] } ], ); my $tschema = $translator->schema(); # Test that the $schema->sqlt_deploy_hook was called okay and that it removed # the 'dummy' table ok( !defined($tschema->get_table('dummy')), "Dummy table was removed by hook"); # Test that the Artist resultsource sqlt_deploy_hook was called okay and added # an index SKIP: { skip ('Artist sqlt_deploy_hook is only called with an SQLite backend', 1) if $schema->storage->sqlt_type ne 'SQLite'; ok( ( grep { $_->name eq 'artist_name_hookidx' } $tschema->get_table('artist')->get_indices ), 'sqlt_deploy_hook fired within a resultsource'); } # Test that nonexistent constraints are not found my $constraint = get_constraint('FOREIGN KEY', 'cd', ['title'], 'cd', ['year']); ok( !defined($constraint), 'nonexistent FOREIGN KEY constraint not found' ); $constraint = get_constraint('UNIQUE', 'cd', ['artist']); ok( !defined($constraint), 'nonexistent UNIQUE constraint not found' ); $constraint = get_constraint('FOREIGN KEY', 'forceforeign', ['cd'], 'cd', ['cdid']); ok( !defined($constraint), 'forced nonexistent FOREIGN KEY constraint not found' ); for my $expected_constraints (keys %fk_constraints) { for my $expected_constraint (@{ $fk_constraints{$expected_constraints} }) { my $desc = $expected_constraint->{display}; my $constraint = get_constraint( 'FOREIGN KEY', $expected_constraint->{selftable}, $expected_constraint->{selfcols}, $expected_constraint->{foreigntable}, $expected_constraint->{foreigncols}, ); ok( defined($constraint), "FOREIGN KEY constraint matching `$desc' found" ); test_fk($expected_constraint, $constraint); } } for my $expected_constraints (keys %unique_constraints) { for my $expected_constraint (@{ $unique_constraints{$expected_constraints} }) { my $desc = $expected_constraint->{display}; my $constraint = get_constraint( 'UNIQUE', $expected_constraint->{table}, $expected_constraint->{cols}, ); ok( defined($constraint), "UNIQUE constraint matching `$desc' found" ); test_unique($expected_constraint, $constraint); } } for my $table_index (keys %indexes) { for my $expected_index ( @{ $indexes{$table_index} } ) { ok ( get_index($table_index, $expected_index), "Got a matching index on $table_index table"); } } # Returns the Constraint object for the specified constraint type, table and # columns from the SQL::Translator schema, or undef if no matching constraint # is found. # # NB: $type is either 'FOREIGN KEY' or 'UNIQUE'. In UNIQUE constraints the last # two parameters are not used. sub get_constraint { my ($type, $table_name, $cols, $f_table, $f_cols) = @_; $f_table ||= ''; # For UNIQUE constraints, reference_table is '' $f_cols ||= []; my $table = $tschema->get_table($table_name); my %fields = map { $_ => 1 } @$cols; my %f_fields = map { $_ => 1 } @$f_cols; die "No $table_name" unless $table; CONSTRAINT: for my $constraint ( $table->get_constraints ) { next unless $constraint->type eq $type; next unless $constraint->reference_table eq $f_table; my %rev_fields = map { $_ => 1 } $constraint->fields; my %rev_f_fields = map { $_ => 1 } $constraint->reference_fields; # Check that the given fields are a subset of the constraint's fields for my $field ($constraint->fields) { next CONSTRAINT unless $fields{$field}; } if ($type eq 'FOREIGN KEY') { for my $f_field ($constraint->reference_fields) { next CONSTRAINT unless $f_fields{$f_field}; } } # Check that the constraint's fields are a subset of the given fields for my $field (@$cols) { next CONSTRAINT unless $rev_fields{$field}; } if ($type eq 'FOREIGN KEY') { for my $f_field (@$f_cols) { next CONSTRAINT unless $rev_f_fields{$f_field}; } } return $constraint; # everything passes, found the constraint } return undef; # didn't find a matching constraint } sub get_index { my ($table_name, $index) = @_; my $table = $tschema->get_table($table_name); CAND_INDEX: for my $cand_index ( $table->get_indices ) { next CAND_INDEX if $index->{name} && $cand_index->name ne $index->{name} || $index->{type} && $cand_index->type ne $index->{type}; my %idx_fields = map { $_ => 1 } $cand_index->fields; for my $field ( @{ $index->{fields} } ) { next CAND_INDEX unless $idx_fields{$field}; } %idx_fields = map { $_ => 1 } @{$index->{fields}}; for my $field ( $cand_index->fields) { next CAND_INDEX unless $idx_fields{$field}; } return $cand_index; } return undef; # No matching idx } # Test parameters in a FOREIGN KEY constraint other than columns sub test_fk { my ($expected, $got) = @_; my $desc = $expected->{display}; is( $got->name, $expected->{name}, "name parameter correct for '$desc'" ); is( $got->on_delete, $expected->{on_delete}, "on_delete parameter correct for '$desc'" ); is( $got->on_update, $expected->{on_update}, "on_update parameter correct for '$desc'" ); is( $got->deferrable, $expected->{deferrable}, "is_deferrable parameter correct for '$desc'" ); my $index = get_index( $got->table, { fields => $expected->{selfcols} } ); if ($expected->{noindex}) { ok( !defined $index, "index doesn't for '$desc'" ); } else { ok( defined $index, "index exists for '$desc'" ); is( $index->name, $expected->{index_name}, "index has correct name for '$desc'" ); } } sub test_unique { my ($expected, $got) = @_; my $desc = $expected->{display}; is( $got->name, $expected->{name}, "name parameter correct for '$desc'" ); } done_testing;