[plain text]


#, given a list of modules + metadata and corresponding tarballs
# (downloaded via, creates a Modules subdirectory containing
# subdirectories with the tarball, Makefile, LICENSE and oss.partial (querying
# the CPAN servers for OSS information), suitable to be used in the CPAN
# project's Modules directory.
# By default, prints out what it would do; use the -w option to
# actually create the subdirectories and write the files.  The tarballs are
# expected to be in the current directory, or else the path of the directory
# containing the tarballs can be passed on the command line.
# The -o options prints out all the opensource licensing info, useful for
# including in an opensource approval request.
# The %modules hash should be modified to specify metadata for the modules.
# The versioned module name is the hash key, and the value is a hash reference
# containing three key/value pair.  The "copyright" key points to a string
# containing copyright information about the module, while the "license"
# key points to a string giving the license name.
# The third key/value pair can be any one of the following:
# licensestr => string specifying the license terms
# licensefile => string containing path to a file containing license terms
# licensefilelist => list reference containing multiple path string to files
#                    containing license terms
# (licensing term can be a URL where the terms are stated)

use strict;
use CPAN;
use File::Basename ();
use File::Copy ();
use File::stat ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use IO::File;

my $Modules = 'Modules';
my $PerlLicense = <<EOF;
Licensed under the same terms as Perl:
my $ArtisticLicense = <<EOF;
my $Apache20License = <<EOF;

my %modules = (
    'Capture-Tiny-0.23' => {
	copyright => 'This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by David Golden.',
	license => 'Apache 2.0',
	licensestr => $Apache20License,
    'Class-Tiny-0.014' => {
	copyright => 'This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden.',
	license => 'Apache 2.0',
	licensestr => $Apache20License,
    'Devel-StackTrace-1.31' => {
	copyright => 'This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dave Rolsky.',
	license => 'ArtisticLicense',
	licensestr => $ArtisticLicense,
    'ExtUtils-Config-0.007' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Ken Williams, Leon Timmermans.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'ExtUtils-Helpers-0.021' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Ken Williams, Leon Timmermans.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.010' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Ken Williams, Leon Timmermans.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'Import-Into-1.002000' => {
	copyright => 'Copyright (c) 2012 mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>, haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) <>',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.007' => {
	copyright => 'Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Andrew Main (Zefram) <>',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'Module-Build-Tiny-0.034' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Leon Timmermans, David Golden.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'bareword-filehandles-0.003' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'indirect-0.31' => {
	copyright => 'Copyright 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,
    'multidimensional-0.011' => {
	copyright => 'This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker.',
	license => 'Perl',
	licensestr => $PerlLicense,

my $URLprefix = '';

my $opensource; # output opensource copyright and license info
my $write;
Getopt::Long::GetOptions('o' => \$opensource, 'w' => \$write);

sub importDate {
    my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = scalar(@_) > 0 ? localtime(shift) : localtime;
    sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);

sub nameVers {
    my $x = shift;
    my @parts = split('-', $x);
    my $vers = pop(@parts);
    (join('-', @parts), $vers)

if($opensource) {
    # Legal now says that the full text of the license file is not needed, if
    # it is just one of the standard licenses.  Next time we update CPAN, we
    # should use licensefile more sparingly.
    for my $m (sort(keys(%modules))) {
	print "******** $m ********\n";
	my $h = $modules{$m};
	my @list;
	if(defined($h->{licensefilelist})) {
	    @list = @{$h->{licensefilelist}};
	} elsif(defined($h->{licensefile})) {
	    push(@list, $h->{licensefile});
	die "$m: no copyright\n" unless defined($h->{copyright});
	if(length($h->{copyright}) > 0) {
	    print "$h->{copyright}\n\n";
	} elsif(scalar(@list) <= 0) {
	    die "$m: copyright empty and no licence file\n";
	if(scalar(@list) > 0) {
	    for(@list) {
		system("cat $_") == 0 or die "\"cat $_\" failed\n";
		print "\n";
	} else {
	    die "$m: no licensestr\n" unless defined($h->{licensestr});
	    print "$h->{licensestr}\n\n";


my($dist, $name, $vers, $url);
my($OUT, $license, $importDate);
#my @svncmd = qw(svn add);

if($write) {
    if(!-d $Modules) {
	mkdir $Modules or die "Can't mkdir $Modules\n";
} else {
    $OUT = \*STDOUT;

my $tardir = '.';
$tardir = $ARGV[0] if scalar(@ARGV) > 0;
for my $m (sort(keys(%modules))) {
    printf "Looking for %s\n", $m;
    my($n, $v) = nameVers($m);
    my $found;
    my $mname = $n;
    $mname =~ s/-/::/g;
    for my $mod (CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "/$mname/")) {
	$dist = $mod->distribution;
	next unless defined($dist);
	($name, $vers) = nameVers($dist->base_id);
	next unless $name eq $mname;
	next unless $vers eq $v;
	print "    Found $name-$vers\n";
	$found = $dist;
    if(!defined($found)) {
	for my $dist (CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", "/\/$n-/")) {
	    ($name, $vers) = nameVers($dist->base_id);
	    next unless $name eq $n;
	    next unless $vers eq $v;
	    print "    Found $name-$vers\n";
	    $found = $dist;
	if(!defined($found)) {
	    print "***Can't find $m\n";
    $url = $found->pretty_id;
    my $base = $found->base_id;
    $url =~ s/$base/$m/ unless $base eq $m;
    my $a = substr($url, 0, 1);
    my $a2 = substr($url, 0, 2);
    $url = join('/', $URLprefix, $a, $a2, $url);
    my $t = File::Spec->join($tardir, "$m.*");
    my @t = glob($t);
    die "\"$t\" produces no matches\n" if scalar(@t) == 0;
    die "\"$t\" produces multiple matches\n" if scalar(@t) > 1;
    $t = $t[0];
    my($tail, $dir, $suf) = File::Basename::fileparse($t, qr/\.(tar\.gz|tgz)/);
    die "$t has unknown suffix\n" if $suf eq '';
    if($write) {
	if(!-d "$Modules/$m") {
	    mkdir "$Modules/$m" or die "Can't mkdir $Modules/$m\n";
	File::Copy::syscopy($t, "$Modules/$m/$tail$suf") or die "Can't copy $t: $!\n";
	$OUT = IO::File->new("$Modules/$m/Makefile", 'w');
	if(!defined($OUT)) {
	    warn "***Can't create $Modules/$m/Makefile\n";
    } else {
	if(!-f $t) {
	    warn "No $t\n";
	print "    Would copy $t\n";
	print "=== $m/Makefile ===\n";

    print $OUT <<EOF;
NAME = $name
VERSION = $vers

include ../
    if($suf ne '.tar.gz') {
	print $OUT <<EOF;

    if($write) {
	$OUT = IO::File->new("$Modules/$m/oss.partial", 'w');
	if(!defined($OUT)) {
	    warn "***Can't create $Modules/$m/oss.partial\n";
    } else {
	print "=== $m/oss.partial ===\n";
    my $h = $modules{$m};
    die "$m: no license\n" unless defined($h->{license});
    print $OUT <<EOF;
    my $stat = File::stat::stat($t);
    $importDate = defined($h->{date}) ? $h->{date} : importDate($stat->mtime);
    print $OUT <<EOF;
    print $OUT <<EOF;
    if($write) {
	$license = "$Modules/$m/LICENSE";
    my @list;
    if(defined($h->{licensefilelist})) {
	@list = @{$h->{licensefilelist}};
    } elsif(defined($h->{licensefile})) {
	push(@list, $h->{licensefile});
    if(scalar(@list) > 0) {
	if(!$write) {
	    print "License Files:\n";
	for(@list) {
	    if($write) {
		system("cat $_ >> $license") == 0 or die "\"cat $_ >> $license\" failed\n";
	    } else {
		if(!-f $_) {
		    warn "***No $_\n";
		print "    $_\n";
    } else {
	die "$m: no licensestr\n" unless defined($h->{licensestr});
	if($write) {
	    $OUT = IO::File->new($license, 'w') or die "Can't create $license\n";
	    print $OUT $h->{licensestr};
	} else {
	    print "=========== License String ==========\n";
	    print $h->{licensestr};
	    print "=====================================\n";
#    if($write) {
#	system(@svncmd, $license, "$Modules/$m/oss.partial") == 0 or die "\"@svncmd $license $Modules/$m/oss.partial\" failed\n";
#    }