CFRuntime.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

/*	CFRuntime.h
	Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.


#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
#include <stddef.h>



// GC: until we link against ObjC must use indirect functions.  Overridden in CFSetupFoundationBridging
CF_EXPORT bool kCFUseCollectableAllocator;
CF_EXPORT bool (*__CFObjCIsCollectable)(void *);

// Only CoreFoundation and Foundation should use these *GCRefZero constants;
// do not listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.

const CFAllocatorRef kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero; // DO NOT USE THIS
const CFAllocatorRef kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero; // DO NOT USE THIS

CF_INLINE CFAllocatorRef _CFConvertAllocatorToNonGCRefZeroEquivalent(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
    if (kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero == allocator) {
        allocator = kCFAllocatorSystemDefault;
    } else if (kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero == allocator || NULL == allocator || kCFAllocatorDefault == allocator) {
        allocator = CFAllocatorGetDefault();
    return allocator;

CF_INLINE CFAllocatorRef _CFConvertAllocatorToGCRefZeroEquivalent(CFAllocatorRef allocator) { // DO NOT USE THIS
    if (!kCFUseCollectableAllocator) return allocator;
    if (kCFAllocatorDefault == allocator || NULL == allocator) {
        allocator = CFAllocatorGetDefault();
    if (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault == allocator) {
        allocator = kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero;
    } else if (CFAllocatorGetDefault() == allocator) {
        allocator = kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero;
    return allocator;

CF_INLINE Boolean _CFAllocatorIsSystemDefault(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
    if (allocator == kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero || allocator == kCFAllocatorSystemDefault) return true;
    if (kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero == allocator || NULL == allocator || kCFAllocatorDefault == allocator) {
        return (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault == CFAllocatorGetDefault());
    return false;

CF_INLINE Boolean _CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
    // not intended as a literal test, but as a behavioral test
    if (!kCFUseCollectableAllocator) return false;
    return (kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero == allocator || kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero == allocator);

// is GC on?
#define CF_USING_COLLECTABLE_MEMORY (kCFUseCollectableAllocator)
// is GC on and is this the GC allocator?
#define CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator) (kCFUseCollectableAllocator && (NULL == (allocator) || kCFAllocatorSystemDefault == (allocator) || _CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(allocator)))
// is this allocated by the collector?
#define CF_IS_COLLECTABLE(obj) (__CFObjCIsCollectable ? __CFObjCIsCollectable((void*)obj) : false)


#define kCFUseCollectableAllocator 0
#define __CFObjCIsCollectable 0
#define kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
#define kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero kCFAllocatorDefault

#define _CFConvertAllocatorToNonGCRefZeroEquivalent(A) (A)
#define _CFConvertAllocatorToGCRefZeroEquivalent(A) (A)

CF_INLINE Boolean _CFAllocatorIsSystemDefault(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
    if (allocator == kCFAllocatorSystemDefault) return true;
    if (NULL == allocator || kCFAllocatorDefault == allocator) {
        return (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault == CFAllocatorGetDefault());
    return false;

#define _CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(A) (0)
#define CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator) 0
#define CF_IS_COLLECTABLE(obj) 0

enum {
    _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID = 0

enum { // Version field constants
    _kCFRuntimeScannedObject =     (1UL << 0),
    _kCFRuntimeResourcefulObject = (1UL << 2),  // tells CFRuntime to make use of the reclaim field
    _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount =    (1UL << 3),  // tells CFRuntime to make use of the refcount field

typedef struct __CFRuntimeClass {
    CFIndex version;
    const char *className; // must be a pure ASCII string, nul-terminated
    void (*init)(CFTypeRef cf);
    CFTypeRef (*copy)(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFTypeRef cf);
    void (*finalize)(CFTypeRef cf);
    Boolean (*equal)(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2);
    CFHashCode (*hash)(CFTypeRef cf);
    CFStringRef (*copyFormattingDesc)(CFTypeRef cf, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions);	// return str with retain
    CFStringRef (*copyDebugDesc)(CFTypeRef cf);	// return str with retain

    void (*reclaim)(CFTypeRef cf); // Set _kCFRuntimeResourcefulObject in the .version to indicate this field should be used

    uint32_t (*refcount)(intptr_t op, CFTypeRef cf); // Set _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount in the .version to indicate this field should be used
        // this field must be non-NULL when _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount is in the .version field
        // - if the callback is passed 1 in 'op' it should increment the 'cf's reference count and return 0
        // - if the callback is passed 0 in 'op' it should return the 'cf's reference count, up to 32 bits
        // - if the callback is passed -1 in 'op' it should decrement the 'cf's reference count; if it is now zero, 'cf' should be cleaned up and deallocated (the finalize callback above will NOT be called unless the process is running under GC, and CF does not deallocate the memory for you; if running under GC, finalize should do the object tear-down and free the object memory); then return 0
        // remember to use saturation arithmetic logic and stop incrementing and decrementing when the ref count hits UINT32_MAX, or you will have a security bug
        // remember that reference count incrementing/decrementing must be done thread-safely/atomically
        // objects should be created/initialized with a custom ref-count of 1 by the class creation functions
        // do not attempt to use any bits within the CFRuntimeBase for your reference count; store that in some additional field in your CF object

} CFRuntimeClass;

#define RADAR_5115468_FIXED 1

/* Note that CF runtime class registration and unregistration is not currently
 * thread-safe, which should not currently be a problem, as long as unregistration
 * is done only when valid to do so.

CF_EXPORT CFTypeID _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(const CFRuntimeClass * const cls);
	/* Registers a new class with the CF runtime.  Pass in a
	 * pointer to a CFRuntimeClass structure.  The pointer is
	 * remembered by the CF runtime -- the structure is NOT
	 * copied.
	 * - version field must be zero currently.
	 * - className field points to a null-terminated C string
	 *   containing only ASCII (0 - 127) characters; this field
	 *   may NOT be NULL.
	 * - init field points to a function which classes can use to
	 *   apply some generic initialization to instances as they
	 *   are created; this function is called by both
	 *   _CFRuntimeCreateInstance and _CFRuntimeInitInstance; if
	 *   this field is NULL, no function is called; the instance
	 *   has been initialized enough that the polymorphic funcs
	 *   CFGetTypeID(), CFRetain(), CFRelease(), CFGetRetainCount(),
	 *   and CFGetAllocator() are valid on it when the init
	 *   function if any is called.
	 * - finalize field points to a function which destroys an
	 *   instance when the retain count has fallen to zero; if
	 *   this is NULL, finalization does nothing. Note that if
	 *   the class-specific functions which create or initialize
	 *   instances more fully decide that a half-initialized
	 *   instance must be destroyed, the finalize function for
	 *   that class has to be able to deal with half-initialized
	 *   instances.  The finalize function should NOT destroy the
	 *   memory for the instance itself; that is done by the
	 *   CF runtime after this finalize callout returns.
	 * - equal field points to an equality-testing function; this
	 *   field may be NULL, in which case only pointer/reference
	 *   equality is performed on instances of this class. 
	 *   Pointer equality is tested, and the type IDs are checked
	 *   for equality, before this function is called (so, the
	 *   two instances are not pointer-equal but are of the same
	 *   class before this function is called).
	 * NOTE: the equal function must implement an immutable
	 *   equality relation, satisfying the reflexive, symmetric,
	 *    and transitive properties, and remains the same across
	 *   time and immutable operations (that is, if equal(A,B) at
	 *   some point, then later equal(A,B) provided neither
	 *   A or B has been mutated).
	 * - hash field points to a hash-code-computing function for
	 *   instances of this class; this field may be NULL in which
	 *   case the pointer value of an instance is converted into
	 *   a hash.
	 * NOTE: the hash function and equal function must satisfy
	 *   the relationship "equal(A,B) implies hash(A) == hash(B)";
	 *   that is, if two instances are equal, their hash codes must
	 *   be equal too. (However, the converse is not true!)
	 * - copyFormattingDesc field points to a function returning a
	 *   CFStringRef with a human-readable description of the
	 *   instance; if this is NULL, the type does not have special
	 *   human-readable string-formats.
	 * - copyDebugDesc field points to a function returning a
	 *   CFStringRef with a debugging description of the instance;
	 *   if this is NULL, a simple description is generated.
	 * This function returns _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID on failure, or
	 * on success, returns the CFTypeID for the new class.  This
	 * CFTypeID is what the class uses to allocate or initialize
	 * instances of the class. It is also returned from the
	 * conventional *GetTypeID() function, which returns the
	 * class's CFTypeID so that clients can compare the
	 * CFTypeID of instances with that of a class.
	 * The function to compute a human-readable string is very
	 * optional, and is really only interesting for classes,
	 * like strings or numbers, where it makes sense to format
	 * the instance using just its contents.

CF_EXPORT const CFRuntimeClass * _CFRuntimeGetClassWithTypeID(CFTypeID typeID);
	/* Returns the pointer to the CFRuntimeClass which was
	 * assigned the specified CFTypeID.

CF_EXPORT void _CFRuntimeUnregisterClassWithTypeID(CFTypeID typeID);
	/* Unregisters the class with the given type ID.  It is
	 * undefined whether type IDs are reused or not (expect
	 * that they will be).
	 * Whether or not unregistering the class is a good idea or
	 * not is not CF's responsibility.  In particular you must
	 * be quite sure all instances are gone, and there are no
	 * valid weak refs to such in other threads.

/* All CF "instances" start with this structure.  Never refer to
 * these fields directly -- they are for CF's use and may be added
 * to or removed or change format without warning.  Binary
 * compatibility for uses of this struct is not guaranteed from
 * release to release.
typedef struct __CFRuntimeBase {
    uintptr_t _cfisa;
    uint8_t _cfinfo[4];
#if __LP64__
    uint32_t _rc;
} CFRuntimeBase;

#if __BIG_ENDIAN__
#define INIT_CFRUNTIME_BASE(...) {0, {0, 0, 0, 0x80}}
#define INIT_CFRUNTIME_BASE(...) {0, {0x80, 0, 0, 0}}

CF_EXPORT CFTypeRef _CFRuntimeCreateInstance(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFTypeID typeID, CFIndex extraBytes, unsigned char *category);
	/* Creates a new CF instance of the class specified by the
	 * given CFTypeID, using the given allocator, and returns it. 
	 * If the allocator returns NULL, this function returns NULL.
	 * A CFRuntimeBase structure is initialized at the beginning
	 * of the returned instance.  extraBytes is the additional
	 * number of bytes to allocate for the instance (BEYOND that
	 * needed for the CFRuntimeBase).  If the specified CFTypeID
	 * is unknown to the CF runtime, this function returns NULL.
	 * No part of the new memory other than base header is
	 * initialized (the extra bytes are not zeroed, for example).
	 * All instances created with this function must be destroyed
	 * only through use of the CFRelease() function -- instances
	 * must not be destroyed by using CFAllocatorDeallocate()
	 * directly, even in the initialization or creation functions
	 * of a class.  Pass NULL for the category parameter.

CF_EXPORT void _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeID(CFTypeRef cf, CFTypeID typeID);
	/* This function changes the typeID of the given instance.
	 * If the specified CFTypeID is unknown to the CF runtime,
	 * this function does nothing.  This function CANNOT be used
	 * to initialize an instance.  It is for advanced usages such
	 * as faulting. You cannot change the CFTypeID of an object
	 * of a _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount class, or to a 
         * _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount class.

CF_EXPORT void _CFRuntimeInitStaticInstance(void *memory, CFTypeID typeID);
	/* This function initializes a memory block to be a constant
	 * (unreleaseable) CF object of the given typeID.
	 * If the specified CFTypeID is unknown to the CF runtime,
	 * this function does nothing.  The memory block should
	 * be a chunk of in-binary writeable static memory, and at
	 * least as large as sizeof(CFRuntimeBase) on the platform
	 * the code is being compiled for.  The init function of the
	 * CFRuntimeClass is invoked on the memory as well, if the
	 * class has one. Static instances cannot be initialized to
	 * _kCFRuntimeCustomRefCount classes.

#if 0
// ========================= EXAMPLE =========================

// Example: EXRange -- a "range" object, which keeps the starting
//       location and length of the range. ("EX" as in "EXample").

// ---- API ----

typedef const struct __EXRange * EXRangeRef;

CFTypeID EXRangeGetTypeID(void);

EXRangeRef EXRangeCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, uint32_t location, uint32_t length);

uint32_t EXRangeGetLocation(EXRangeRef rangeref);
uint32_t EXRangeGetLength(EXRangeRef rangeref);

// ---- implementation ----

#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>

struct __EXRange {
    CFRuntimeBase _base;
    uint32_t _location;
    uint32_t _length;

static Boolean __EXRangeEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
    EXRangeRef rangeref1 = (EXRangeRef)cf1;
    EXRangeRef rangeref2 = (EXRangeRef)cf2;
    if (rangeref1->_location != rangeref2->_location) return false;
    if (rangeref1->_length != rangeref2->_length) return false;
    return true;

static CFHashCode __EXRangeHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
    EXRangeRef rangeref = (EXRangeRef)cf;
    return (CFHashCode)(rangeref->_location + rangeref->_length);

static CFStringRef __EXRangeCopyFormattingDesc(CFTypeRef cf, CFDictionaryRef formatOpts) {
    EXRangeRef rangeref = (EXRangeRef)cf;
    return CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator(rangeref), formatOpts,
		CFSTR("[%u, %u)"),
		rangeref->_location + rangeref->_length);

static CFStringRef __EXRangeCopyDebugDesc(CFTypeRef cf) {
    EXRangeRef rangeref = (EXRangeRef)cf;
    return CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator(rangeref), NULL,
		CFSTR("<EXRange %p [%p]>{loc = %u, len = %u}"),

static void __EXRangeEXRangeFinalize(CFTypeRef cf) {
    EXRangeRef rangeref = (EXRangeRef)cf;
    // nothing to finalize

static CFTypeID _kEXRangeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;

static CFRuntimeClass _kEXRangeClass = {0};

/* Something external to this file is assumed to call this
 * before the EXRange class is used.
void __EXRangeClassInitialize(void) {
    _kEXRangeClass.version = 0;
    _kEXRangeClass.className = "EXRange";
    _kEXRangeClass.init = NULL;
    _kEXRangeClass.copy = NULL;
    _kEXRangeClass.finalize = __EXRangeEXRangeFinalize;
    _kEXRangeClass.equal = __EXRangeEqual;
    _kEXRangeClass.hash = __EXRangeHash;
    _kEXRangeClass.copyFormattingDesc = __EXRangeCopyFormattingDesc;
    _kEXRangeClass.copyDebugDesc = __EXRangeCopyDebugDesc;
    _kEXRangeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass((const CFRuntimeClass * const)&_kEXRangeClass);

CFTypeID EXRangeGetTypeID(void) {
    return _kEXRangeID;

EXRangeRef EXRangeCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, uint32_t location, uint32_t length) {
    struct __EXRange *newrange;
    uint32_t extra = sizeof(struct __EXRange) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
    newrange = (struct __EXRange *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, _kEXRangeID, extra, NULL);
    if (NULL == newrange) {
	return NULL;
    newrange->_location = location;
    newrange->_length = length;
    return (EXRangeRef)newrange;

uint32_t EXRangeGetLocation(EXRangeRef rangeref) {
    return rangeref->_location;

uint32_t EXRangeGetLength(EXRangeRef rangeref) {
    return rangeref->_length;
