CFPreferences.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
/*	CFPreferences.c
	Copyright 1998-2002, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
	Responsibility: Chris Parker

#include <CoreFoundation/CFPreferences.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFURLAccess.h>
#ifndef __WIN32__
#include <CoreFoundation/CFUserNotification.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFPropertyList.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFNumber.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFPriv.h>
#include "CFPriv.h"
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif //__MACH__

#include "../Tests/CFCountingAllocator.c"

static CFURLRef _CFPreferencesURLForStandardDomainWithSafetyLevel(CFStringRef domainName, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, unsigned long safeLevel);

struct __CFPreferencesDomain {
    CFRuntimeBase _base;
    /* WARNING - not copying the callbacks; we know they are always static structs */
    const _CFPreferencesDomainCallBacks *_callBacks;
    CFTypeRef _context;
    void *_domain;

CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, "kCFPreferencesAnyApplication")
CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesAnyHost, "kCFPreferencesAnyHost")
CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesAnyUser, "kCFPreferencesAnyUser")
CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication, "kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication")
CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesCurrentHost, "kCFPreferencesCurrentHost")
CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, "kCFPreferencesCurrentUser")

static CFAllocatorRef _preferencesAllocator = NULL;
__private_extern__ CFAllocatorRef __CFPreferencesAllocator(void) {
    if (!_preferencesAllocator) {
        _preferencesAllocator = CFCountingAllocatorCreate(NULL);
        _preferencesAllocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
    return _preferencesAllocator;

// declaration for telling the 
void _CFApplicationPreferencesDomainHasChanged(CFPreferencesDomainRef);

#warning Preferences debugging on
CF_EXPORT void CFPreferencesDumpMem(void) {
    if (_preferencesAllocator) {
//        CFCountingAllocatorPrintSummary(_preferencesAllocator);
//    CFCountingAllocatorReset(_preferencesAllocator);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Determining host UUID

__private_extern__ CFStringRef _CFPreferencesGetByHostIdentifierString(void) {
    return CFSTR("");

static unsigned long __CFSafeLaunchLevel = 0;

#if 0
#include <shfolder.h>

CF_INLINE CFIndex strlen_UniChar(const UniChar* p) {
	CFIndex result = 0;
	while ((*p++) != 0)
	return result;


static CFURLRef _preferencesDirectoryForUserHostSafetyLevel(CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, unsigned long safeLevel) {
    CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
#if 0

	CFURLRef url = NULL;

	UniChar szPath[MAX_PATH];
	if (S_OK == SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, (LPWSTR) szPath)) {
		CFStringRef directoryPath = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(alloc, szPath, strlen_UniChar(szPath));
		if (directoryPath) {
			CFStringRef completePath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(alloc, NULL, CFSTR("%@\\Apple\\"), directoryPath);
			if (completePath) {
				url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, completePath, kCFURLWindowsPathStyle, true);

	// Can't find a better place?  Home directory then?
	if (url == NULL)
		url = CFCopyHomeDirectoryURLForUser((userName == kCFPreferencesCurrentUser) ? NULL : userName);

	return url;
    CFURLRef  home = NULL;
    CFURLRef  url;
    int levels = 0;
    //    if (hostName != kCFPreferencesCurrentHost && hostName != kCFPreferencesAnyHost) return NULL; // Arbitrary host access not permitted
    if (userName == kCFPreferencesAnyUser) {
        if (!home) home = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(alloc, CFSTR("/Library/Preferences/"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
        levels = 1;
        if (hostName == kCFPreferencesCurrentHost) url = home;
        else {
            url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(alloc, CFSTR("Network/"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true, home);
            levels ++;
    } else {
        home = CFCopyHomeDirectoryURLForUser((userName == kCFPreferencesCurrentUser) ? NULL : userName);
        if (home) {
            url = (safeLevel > 0) ? CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(alloc, CFSTR("Library/Safe Preferences/"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true, home) :
            CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(alloc, CFSTR("Library/Preferences/"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true, home);
            levels = 2;
            if (hostName != kCFPreferencesAnyHost) {
                home = url;
                url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(alloc, CFSTR("ByHost/"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true, home);
                levels ++;
        } else {
            url = NULL;
    return url;

static CFURLRef  _preferencesDirectoryForUserHost(CFStringRef  userName, CFStringRef  hostName) {
    return _preferencesDirectoryForUserHostSafetyLevel(userName, hostName, __CFSafeLaunchLevel);

static Boolean __CFPreferencesWritesXML = true;

Boolean __CFPreferencesShouldWriteXML(void) {
    return __CFPreferencesWritesXML;

static CFSpinLock_t domainCacheLock = CFSpinLockInit;
static CFMutableDictionaryRef  domainCache = NULL; // mutable

// Public API

CFTypeRef  CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef  key, CFStringRef  appName, CFStringRef  user, CFStringRef  host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    CFAssert1(key != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences with a NULL key", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if (domain) {
        return _CFPreferencesDomainCreateValueForKey(domain, key);
    } else {
        return NULL;

CFDictionaryRef CFPreferencesCopyMultiple(CFArrayRef keysToFetch, CFStringRef appName, CFStringRef user, CFStringRef host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef result;
    CFIndex idx, count;

    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    __CFGenericValidateType(appName, CFStringGetTypeID());
    __CFGenericValidateType(user, CFStringGetTypeID());
    __CFGenericValidateType(host, CFStringGetTypeID());

    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if (!domain) return NULL;
    if (!keysToFetch) {
        return _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(domain);
    } else {
        __CFGenericValidateType(keysToFetch, CFArrayGetTypeID());
        count = CFArrayGetCount(keysToFetch);
        result = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(domain), count, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        if (!result) return NULL;
        for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx ++) {
            CFStringRef key = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keysToFetch, idx);
            CFPropertyListRef value;
            __CFGenericValidateType(key, CFStringGetTypeID());
            value = _CFPreferencesDomainCreateValueForKey(domain, key);
            if (value) {
                CFDictionarySetValue(result, key, value);
    return result;

void CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef  key, CFTypeRef  value, CFStringRef  appName, CFStringRef  user, CFStringRef  host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    CFAssert1(key != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences with a NULL key", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if (domain) {
        _CFPreferencesDomainSet(domain, key, value);

void CFPreferencesSetMultiple(CFDictionaryRef keysToSet, CFArrayRef keysToRemove, CFStringRef appName, CFStringRef user, CFStringRef host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFIndex idx, count;
    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    if (keysToSet) __CFGenericValidateType(keysToSet, CFDictionaryGetTypeID());
    if (keysToRemove) __CFGenericValidateType(keysToRemove, CFArrayGetTypeID());
    __CFGenericValidateType(appName, CFStringGetTypeID());
    __CFGenericValidateType(user, CFStringGetTypeID());
    __CFGenericValidateType(host, CFStringGetTypeID());

    CFTypeRef *keys = NULL;
    CFTypeRef *values;
    CFIndex numOfKeysToSet = 0;
    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if (!domain) return;

    CFAllocatorRef alloc = CFGetAllocator(domain);
    if (keysToSet && (count = CFDictionaryGetCount(keysToSet))) {
        numOfKeysToSet = count;
        keys = (CFTypeRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, 2*count*sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0);
        if (keys) {
            values = &(keys[count]);
            CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(keysToSet, keys, values);
            for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx ++) {
                _CFPreferencesDomainSet(domain, (CFStringRef)keys[idx], values[idx]);
    if (keysToRemove && (count = CFArrayGetCount(keysToRemove))) {
        for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx ++) {
            CFStringRef removedKey = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(keysToRemove, idx);
            _CFPreferencesDomainSet(domain, removedKey, NULL);

    if(keys) CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, keys);

Boolean CFPreferencesSynchronize(CFStringRef  appName, CFStringRef  user, CFStringRef  host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if(domain) _CFApplicationPreferencesDomainHasChanged(domain);
    return domain ? _CFPreferencesDomainSynchronize(domain) : false;

CFArrayRef  CFPreferencesCopyApplicationList(CFStringRef  user, CFStringRef  host) {
    CFArrayRef  array;
    CFAssert1(user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL user or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    array = _CFPreferencesCreateDomainList(user, host);
    return array;

CFArrayRef  CFPreferencesCopyKeyList(CFStringRef  appName, CFStringRef  user, CFStringRef  host) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFAssert1(appName != NULL && user != NULL && host != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): Cannot access preferences for a NULL application name, user, or host", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(appName, user, host);
    if (!domain) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        CFArrayRef  result;

	CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
	CFDictionaryRef d = _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(domain);
	CFIndex count = d ? CFDictionaryGetCount(d) : 0;
	CFTypeRef *keys = (CFTypeRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, count * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0);
	if (d) CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(d, keys, NULL);
        if (count == 0) {
            result = NULL;
        } else {
            result = CFArrayCreate(alloc, keys, count, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
	CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, keys);
	if (d) CFRelease(d);
        return result;

/*  CFPreferencesDomain     */

static CFStringRef __CFPreferencesDomainCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
    return CFStringCreateWithFormat(__CFPreferencesAllocator(), NULL, CFSTR("<Private CFType %p>\n"), cf);

static void __CFPreferencesDomainDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
    const struct __CFPreferencesDomain *domain = (struct __CFPreferencesDomain *)cf;
    CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
    domain->_callBacks->freeDomain(alloc, domain->_context, domain->_domain);
    if (domain->_context) CFRelease(domain->_context);

static CFTypeID __kCFPreferencesDomainTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;

static const CFRuntimeClass __CFPreferencesDomainClass = {
    NULL,      // init
    NULL,      // copy
    NULL,      // 

/* This is called once at CFInitialize() time. */
__private_extern__ void __CFPreferencesDomainInitialize(void) {
    __kCFPreferencesDomainTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFPreferencesDomainClass);

/* We spend a lot of time constructing these prefixes; we should cache.  REW, 7/19/99 */
static CFStringRef  _CFPreferencesCachePrefixForUserHost(CFStringRef  userName, CFStringRef  hostName) {
    if (userName == kCFPreferencesAnyUser && hostName == kCFPreferencesAnyHost) {
        return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(CFSTR("*/*/"));
    CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(__CFPreferencesAllocator(), 0);
    if (userName == kCFPreferencesCurrentUser) {
        userName = CFGetUserName();
        CFStringAppend(result, userName);
        CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR("/"));
    } else if (userName == kCFPreferencesAnyUser) {
        CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR("*/"));
    if (hostName == kCFPreferencesCurrentHost) {
        CFStringRef hostID = _CFPreferencesGetByHostIdentifierString();
        CFStringAppend(result, hostID);
        CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR("/"));
    } else if (hostName == kCFPreferencesAnyHost) {
        CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR("*/"));
    return result;

// It would be nice if we could remember the key for "well-known" combinations, so we're not constantly allocing more strings....  - REW 2/3/99
static CFStringRef  _CFPreferencesStandardDomainCacheKey(CFStringRef  domainName, CFStringRef  userName, CFStringRef  hostName) {
    CFStringRef  prefix = _CFPreferencesCachePrefixForUserHost(userName, hostName);
    CFStringRef  result = NULL;
    if (prefix) {
        result = CFStringCreateWithFormat(__CFPreferencesAllocator(), NULL, CFSTR("%@%@"), prefix, domainName);
    return result;

static CFURLRef _CFPreferencesURLForStandardDomainWithSafetyLevel(CFStringRef domainName, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName, unsigned long safeLevel) {
    CFURLRef theURL = NULL;
    CFAllocatorRef prefAlloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
#if (DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX) || defined(__WIN32__)
    CFURLRef prefDir = _preferencesDirectoryForUserHostSafetyLevel(userName, hostName, safeLevel);
    CFStringRef  appName;
    CFStringRef  fileName;
    Boolean mustFreeAppName = false;
    if (!prefDir) return NULL;
    if (domainName == kCFPreferencesAnyApplication) {
        appName = CFSTR(".GlobalPreferences");
    } else if (domainName == kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication) {
        CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
        appName = mainBundle ? CFBundleGetIdentifier(mainBundle) : NULL;
        if (!appName || CFStringGetLength(appName) == 0) {
            appName = _CFProcessNameString();
    } else {
        appName = domainName;
    if (userName != kCFPreferencesAnyUser) {
        if (hostName == kCFPreferencesAnyHost) {
            fileName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR("%@.plist"), appName);
        } else if (hostName == kCFPreferencesCurrentHost) {
            CFStringRef hostID = _CFPreferencesGetByHostIdentifierString();
            fileName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR("%@.%@.plist"), appName, hostID);
        } else {
            fileName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR("%@.%@.plist"), appName, hostName);      // sketchy - this allows someone to set an arbitrary hostname.
    } else {
        fileName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR("%@.plist"), appName);
    if (mustFreeAppName) {
    if (fileName) {
        theURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase(prefAlloc, fileName, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false, prefDir);
        if (prefDir) CFRelease(prefDir);
//#error Do not know where to store NSUserDefaults on this platform
    return theURL;

static CFURLRef _CFPreferencesURLForStandardDomain(CFStringRef domainName, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName) {
    return _CFPreferencesURLForStandardDomainWithSafetyLevel(domainName, userName, hostName, __CFSafeLaunchLevel);

CFPreferencesDomainRef _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(CFStringRef  domainName, CFStringRef  userName, CFStringRef  hostName) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    CFStringRef  domainKey;
    Boolean shouldReleaseDomain = true;
     domainKey = _CFPreferencesStandardDomainCacheKey(domainName, userName, hostName);
    if (!domainCache) {
        CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
        domainCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(alloc, 0, & kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
    domain = (CFPreferencesDomainRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(domainCache, domainKey);
    if (!domain) {
        // Domain's not in the cache; load from permanent storage
		CFURLRef  theURL = _CFPreferencesURLForStandardDomain(domainName, userName, hostName);
        if (theURL) {
			domain = _CFPreferencesDomainCreate(theURL, &__kCFXMLPropertyListDomainCallBacks);

            if (userName == kCFPreferencesAnyUser) {
                _CFPreferencesDomainSetIsWorldReadable(domain, true);
        if (domain && domainCache) {
            // We've just synthesized a domain & we're about to throw it in the domain cache. The problem is that someone else might have gotten in here behind our backs, so we can't just blindly set the domain (3021920). We'll need to check to see if this happened, and compensate.
            CFPreferencesDomainRef checkDomain = (CFPreferencesDomainRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(domainCache, domainKey);
            if(checkDomain) {
                // Someone got in here ahead of us, so we shouldn't smash the domain we're given. checkDomain is the current version, we should use that.
                // checkDomain was retrieved with a Get, so we don't want to over-release.
                shouldReleaseDomain = false;
                CFRelease(domain);	// release the domain we synthesized earlier.
                domain = checkDomain;	// repoint it at the domain picked up out of the cache.
            } else {
                // We must not have found the domain in the cache, so it's ok for us to put this in.
                CFDictionarySetValue(domainCache, domainKey, domain);                
            if(shouldReleaseDomain) CFRelease(domain);
    return domain;

static void __CFPreferencesPerformSynchronize(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain = (CFPreferencesDomainRef)value;
    Boolean *cumulativeResult = (Boolean *)context;
    if (!_CFPreferencesDomainSynchronize(domain)) *cumulativeResult = false;

__private_extern__ Boolean _CFSynchronizeDomainCache(void) {
    Boolean result = true;
    if (domainCache) {
        CFDictionaryApplyFunction(domainCache, __CFPreferencesPerformSynchronize, &result);
    return result;

__private_extern__ void _CFPreferencesPurgeDomainCache(void) {
    if (domainCache) {
        domainCache = NULL;

__private_extern__ CFArrayRef  _CFPreferencesCreateDomainList(CFStringRef  userName, CFStringRef  hostName) {
    CFAllocatorRef prefAlloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
    CFArrayRef  domains;
    CFMutableArrayRef  marray;
    CFStringRef  *cachedDomainKeys;
    CFPreferencesDomainRef *cachedDomains;
    SInt32 idx, cnt;
    CFStringRef  suffix;
    UInt32 suffixLen;
    CFURLRef prefDir = _preferencesDirectoryForUserHost(userName, hostName);
    if (!prefDir) {
        return NULL;
    if (hostName == kCFPreferencesAnyHost) {
        suffix = CFStringCreateWithCString(prefAlloc, ".plist", kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    } else if (hostName == kCFPreferencesCurrentHost) {
        CFStringRef hostID = _CFPreferencesGetByHostIdentifierString();
        suffix = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR(".%@.plist"), hostID);
    } else {
        suffix = CFStringCreateWithFormat(prefAlloc, NULL, CFSTR(".%@.plist"), hostName);   // sketchy - this allows someone to create a domain list for an arbitrary hostname.
    suffixLen = CFStringGetLength(suffix);
    domains = (CFArrayRef)CFURLCreatePropertyFromResource(prefAlloc, prefDir, kCFURLFileDirectoryContents, NULL);
    if (domains){
        marray = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(prefAlloc, 0, domains);
    } else {
        marray = CFArrayCreateMutable(prefAlloc, 0, & kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
    for (idx = CFArrayGetCount(marray)-1; idx >= 0; idx --) {
        CFURLRef  url = (CFURLRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(marray, idx);
        CFStringRef string = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
        if (!CFStringHasSuffix(string, suffix)) {
            CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(marray, idx);
        } else {
            CFStringRef  dom = CFStringCreateWithSubstring(prefAlloc, string, CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(string) - suffixLen));
            if (CFEqual(dom, CFSTR(".GlobalPreferences"))) {
                CFArraySetValueAtIndex(marray, idx, kCFPreferencesAnyApplication);
            } else {
                CFArraySetValueAtIndex(marray, idx, dom);
    // Now add any domains added in the cache; delete any that have been deleted in the cache
    if (!domainCache) {
        return marray;
    cnt = CFDictionaryGetCount(domainCache);
    cachedDomainKeys = (CFStringRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(prefAlloc, 2 * cnt * sizeof(CFStringRef), 0);
    cachedDomains = (CFPreferencesDomainRef *)(cachedDomainKeys + cnt);
    CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(domainCache, (const void **)cachedDomainKeys, (const void **)cachedDomains);
    suffix = _CFPreferencesCachePrefixForUserHost(userName, hostName);
    suffixLen = CFStringGetLength(suffix);
    for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx ++) {
        CFStringRef  domainKey = cachedDomainKeys[idx];
        CFPreferencesDomainRef domain = cachedDomains[idx];
        CFStringRef  domainName;
        CFIndex keyCount = 0;
        if (!CFStringHasPrefix(domainKey, suffix)) continue;
        domainName = CFStringCreateWithSubstring(prefAlloc, domainKey, CFRangeMake(suffixLen, CFStringGetLength(domainKey) - suffixLen));
        if (CFEqual(domainName, CFSTR("*"))) {
            domainName = (CFStringRef)CFRetain(kCFPreferencesAnyApplication);
        } else if (CFEqual(domainName, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication)) {
            domainName = (CFStringRef)CFRetain(_CFProcessNameString());
        CFDictionaryRef d = _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(domain);
        keyCount = d ? CFDictionaryGetCount(d) : 0;
        if (keyCount) CFRelease(d);
        if (keyCount == 0) {
            // Domain was deleted
            SInt32 firstIndexOfValue = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(marray, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(marray)), domainName);
            if (0 <= firstIndexOfValue) {
                CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(marray, firstIndexOfValue);
        } else if (!CFArrayContainsValue(marray, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(marray)), domainName)) {
            CFArrayAppendValue(marray, domainName);
    CFAllocatorDeallocate(prefAlloc, cachedDomainKeys);
    return marray;

// CFPreferencesDomain functions

CFPreferencesDomainRef _CFPreferencesDomainCreate(CFTypeRef  context, const _CFPreferencesDomainCallBacks *callBacks) {
    CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
    CFPreferencesDomainRef newDomain;
    CFAssert(callBacks != NULL && callBacks->createDomain != NULL && callBacks->freeDomain != NULL && callBacks->fetchValue != NULL && callBacks->writeValue != NULL, __kCFLogAssertion, "Cannot create a domain with NULL callbacks");
    newDomain = (CFPreferencesDomainRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(alloc, __kCFPreferencesDomainTypeID, sizeof(struct __CFPreferencesDomain) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), NULL);
    if (newDomain) {
        newDomain->_callBacks = callBacks;
        if (context) CFRetain(context);
        newDomain->_context = context;
        newDomain->_domain = callBacks->createDomain(alloc, context);
    return newDomain;

CFTypeRef  _CFPreferencesDomainCreateValueForKey(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain, CFStringRef key) {
    return domain->_callBacks->fetchValue(domain->_context, domain->_domain, key);

void _CFPreferencesDomainSet(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain, CFStringRef  key, CFTypeRef  value) {
    domain->_callBacks->writeValue(domain->_context, domain->_domain, key, value);

__private_extern__ Boolean _CFPreferencesDomainSynchronize(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain) {
    return domain->_callBacks->synchronize(domain->_context, domain->_domain);

__private_extern__ void _CFPreferencesDomainSetIsWorldReadable(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain, Boolean isWorldReadable) {
    if (domain->_callBacks->setIsWorldReadable) {
        domain->_callBacks->setIsWorldReadable(domain->_context, domain->_domain, isWorldReadable);

__private_extern__ void *_CFPreferencesDomainCopyDictFunc(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain) {
    return domain->_callBacks->copyDomainDictionary;

void _CFPreferencesDomainSetDictionary(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain, CFDictionaryRef dict) {
    CFAllocatorRef alloc = __CFPreferencesAllocator();
    CFDictionaryRef d = _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(domain);
    CFIndex idx, count = d ? CFDictionaryGetCount(d) : 0;

    CFTypeRef *keys = (CFTypeRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, count * sizeof(CFTypeRef), 0);
    if (d) CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(d, keys, NULL);
    for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx ++) {
        _CFPreferencesDomainSet(domain, (CFStringRef)keys[idx], NULL);
    CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, keys);
    if (d) CFRelease(d);

    if (dict && (count = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict)) != 0) {
        CFStringRef *newKeys = (CFStringRef *)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, count * sizeof(CFStringRef), 0);
        CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, (const void **)newKeys, NULL);
        for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx ++) {
            CFStringRef key = newKeys[idx];
            _CFPreferencesDomainSet(domain, key, (CFTypeRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, key));
            CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, newKeys);

CFDictionaryRef _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(CFPreferencesDomainRef domain) {
    CFDictionaryRef result = domain->_callBacks->copyDomainDictionary(domain->_context, domain->_domain);
    if(result && CFDictionaryGetCount(result) == 0) {
        result = NULL;
    return result;

Boolean _CFPreferencesDomainExists(CFStringRef domainName, CFStringRef userName, CFStringRef hostName) {
    CFPreferencesDomainRef domain;
    domain = _CFPreferencesStandardDomain(domainName, userName, hostName);
    if (domain) {
		CFDictionaryRef d = _CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary(domain);
		if (d) CFRelease(d);
		return d != NULL;
    } else {
        return false;

/* Volatile domains - context is ignored; domain is a CFDictionary (mutable) */
static void *createVolatileDomain(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFTypeRef  context) {
    return CFDictionaryCreateMutable(allocator, 0, & kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, & kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

static void freeVolatileDomain(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFTypeRef  context, void *domain) {

static CFTypeRef  fetchVolatileValue(CFTypeRef  context, void *domain, CFStringRef  key) {
    CFTypeRef  result = CFDictionaryGetValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef  )domain, key);
    if (result) CFRetain(result);
    return result;

static void writeVolatileValue(CFTypeRef  context, void *domain, CFStringRef  key, CFTypeRef  value) {
    if (value)
        CFDictionarySetValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef  )domain, key, value);
        CFDictionaryRemoveValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef  )domain, key);

static Boolean synchronizeVolatileDomain(CFTypeRef  context, void *domain) {
    return true;

static void getVolatileKeysAndValues(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFTypeRef context, void *domain, void **buf[], CFIndex *numKeyValuePairs) {
    CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)domain;
    CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(dict);

    if (buf) {
        void **values;
        if ( count < *numKeyValuePairs ) {
            values = *buf + count;
            CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, (const void **)*buf, (const void **)values);
        } else if (alloc != kCFAllocatorNull) {
            if (*buf) {
                *buf = (void **)CFAllocatorReallocate(alloc, *buf, count * 2 * sizeof(void *), 0);
            } else {
                *buf = (void **)CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, count*2*sizeof(void *), 0);
            if (*buf) {
                values = *buf + count;
                CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(dict, (const void **)*buf, (const void **)values);
    *numKeyValuePairs = count;

static CFDictionaryRef copyVolatileDomainDictionary(CFTypeRef context, void *volatileDomain) {
    CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)volatileDomain;
    CFDictionaryRef result = (CFDictionaryRef)CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(__CFPreferencesAllocator(), dict, kCFPropertyListImmutable);
    return result;

const _CFPreferencesDomainCallBacks __kCFVolatileDomainCallBacks = {createVolatileDomain, freeVolatileDomain, fetchVolatileValue, writeVolatileValue, synchronizeVolatileDomain, getVolatileKeysAndValues, copyVolatileDomainDictionary, NULL};