#!./perl -w # ID: %I%, %G% use strict ; BEGIN { unless(grep /blib/, @INC) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib'; } } use BerkeleyDB; use t::util ; if ($BerkeleyDB::db_ver < 2.005002) { print "1..0 # Skip: join needs Berkeley DB 2.5.2 or later\n" ; exit 0 ; } print "1..41\n"; my $Dfile1 = "dbhash1.tmp"; my $Dfile2 = "dbhash2.tmp"; my $Dfile3 = "dbhash3.tmp"; unlink $Dfile1, $Dfile2, $Dfile3 ; umask(0) ; { # error cases my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile1, $Dfile2, $Dfile3 ; my %hash1 ; my $value ; my $status ; my $cursor ; ok 1, my $db1 = tie %hash1, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile1, -Flags => DB_CREATE, -DupCompare => sub { $_[0] lt $_[1] }, -Property => DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT ; # no cursors supplied eval '$cursor = $db1->db_join() ;' ; ok 2, $@ =~ /Usage: \$db->BerkeleyDB::db_join\Q([cursors], flags=0)/; # empty list eval '$cursor = $db1->db_join([]) ;' ; ok 3, $@ =~ /db_join: No cursors in parameter list/; # cursor list, isn not a [] eval '$cursor = $db1->db_join({}) ;' ; ok 4, $@ =~ /db_join: first parameter is not an array reference/; eval '$cursor = $db1->db_join(\1) ;' ; ok 5, $@ =~ /db_join: first parameter is not an array reference/; my ($a, $b) = ("a", "b"); $a = bless [], "fred"; $b = bless [], "fred"; eval '$cursor = $db1->db_join($a, $b) ;' ; ok 6, $@ =~ /db_join: first parameter is not an array reference/; } { # test a 2-way & 3-way join my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile1, $Dfile2, $Dfile3 ; my %hash1 ; my %hash2 ; my %hash3 ; my $value ; my $status ; my $home = "./fred" ; ok 7, my $lexD = new LexDir($home); ok 8, my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Home => $home, -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_TXN |DB_INIT_MPOOL; #|DB_INIT_MPOOL| DB_INIT_LOCK; ok 9, my $txn = $env->txn_begin() ; ok 10, my $db1 = tie %hash1, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile1, -Flags => DB_CREATE, -DupCompare => sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }, -Property => DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT, -Env => $env, -Txn => $txn ; ; ok 11, my $db2 = tie %hash2, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash', -Filename => $Dfile2, -Flags => DB_CREATE, -DupCompare => sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }, -Property => DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT, -Env => $env, -Txn => $txn ; ok 12, my $db3 = tie %hash3, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree', -Filename => $Dfile3, -Flags => DB_CREATE, -DupCompare => sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }, -Property => DB_DUP|DB_DUPSORT, -Env => $env, -Txn => $txn ; ok 13, addData($db1, qw( apple Convenience peach Shopway pear Farmer raspberry Shopway strawberry Shopway gooseberry Farmer blueberry Farmer )); ok 14, addData($db2, qw( red apple red raspberry red strawberry yellow peach yellow pear green gooseberry blue blueberry)) ; ok 15, addData($db3, qw( expensive apple reasonable raspberry expensive strawberry reasonable peach reasonable pear expensive gooseberry reasonable blueberry)) ; ok 16, my $cursor2 = $db2->db_cursor() ; my $k = "red" ; my $v = "" ; ok 17, $cursor2->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; # Two way Join ok 18, my $cursor1 = $db1->db_join([$cursor2]) ; my %expected = qw( apple Convenience raspberry Shopway strawberry Shopway ) ; # sequence forwards while ($cursor1->c_get($k, $v) == 0) { delete $expected{$k} if defined $expected{$k} && $expected{$k} eq $v ; #print "[$k] [$v]\n" ; } ok 19, keys %expected == 0 ; ok 20, $cursor1->status() == DB_NOTFOUND ; # Three way Join ok 21, $cursor2 = $db2->db_cursor() ; $k = "red" ; $v = "" ; ok 22, $cursor2->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; ok 23, my $cursor3 = $db3->db_cursor() ; $k = "expensive" ; $v = "" ; ok 24, $cursor3->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; ok 25, $cursor1 = $db1->db_join([$cursor2, $cursor3]) ; %expected = qw( apple Convenience strawberry Shopway ) ; # sequence forwards while ($cursor1->c_get($k, $v) == 0) { delete $expected{$k} if defined $expected{$k} && $expected{$k} eq $v ; #print "[$k] [$v]\n" ; } ok 26, keys %expected == 0 ; ok 27, $cursor1->status() == DB_NOTFOUND ; # test DB_JOIN_ITEM # ################# ok 28, $cursor2 = $db2->db_cursor() ; $k = "red" ; $v = "" ; ok 29, $cursor2->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; ok 30, $cursor3 = $db3->db_cursor() ; $k = "expensive" ; $v = "" ; ok 31, $cursor3->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; ok 32, $cursor1 = $db1->db_join([$cursor2, $cursor3]) ; %expected = qw( apple 1 strawberry 1 ) ; # sequence forwards $k = "" ; $v = "" ; while ($cursor1->c_get($k, $v, DB_JOIN_ITEM) == 0) { delete $expected{$k} if defined $expected{$k} ; #print "[$k]\n" ; } ok 33, keys %expected == 0 ; ok 34, $cursor1->status() == DB_NOTFOUND ; ok 35, $cursor1->c_close() == 0 ; ok 36, $cursor2->c_close() == 0 ; ok 37, $cursor3->c_close() == 0 ; ok 38, ($status = $txn->txn_commit) == 0; undef $txn ; ok 39, my $cursor1a = $db1->db_cursor() ; eval { $cursor1 = $db1->db_join([$cursor1a]) }; ok 40, $@ =~ /BerkeleyDB Aborting: attempted to do a self-join at/; eval { $cursor1 = $db1->db_join([$cursor1]) } ; ok 41, $@ =~ /BerkeleyDB Aborting: attempted to do a self-join at/; undef $cursor1a; #undef $cursor1; #undef $cursor2; #undef $cursor3; undef $db1 ; undef $db2 ; undef $db3 ; undef $env ; untie %hash1 ; untie %hash2 ; untie %hash3 ; } print "# at the end\n";