#!./perl -w # ID: 1.2, 7/17/97 use strict ; BEGIN { unless(grep /blib/, @INC) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib'; } } use BerkeleyDB; use t::util ; BEGIN { if ($BerkeleyDB::db_version < 3) { print "1..0 # Skip: this needs Berkeley DB 3.x or better\n" ; exit 0 ; } } print "1..14\n"; my $Dfile = "dbhash.tmp"; umask(0); { # set_mutexlocks my $home = "./fred" ; ok 1, my $lexD = new LexDir($home) ; chdir "./fred" ; ok 2, my $env = new BerkeleyDB::Env -Flags => DB_CREATE ; ok 3, $env->set_mutexlocks(0) == 0 ; chdir ".." ; undef $env ; } { # c_dup my $lex = new LexFile $Dfile ; my %hash ; my ($k, $v) ; ok 4, my $db = new BerkeleyDB::Hash -Filename => $Dfile, -Flags => DB_CREATE ; # create some data my @data = ( "green" => "house", "red" => 2, "blue" => "sea", ) ; my $ret = 0 ; while (@data) { my $k = shift @data ; my $v = shift @data ; $ret += $db->db_put($k, $v) ; } ok 5, $ret == 0 ; # create a cursor ok 6, my $cursor = $db->db_cursor() ; # point to a specific k/v pair $k = "green" ; ok 7, $cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_SET) == 0 ; ok 8, $v eq "house" ; # duplicate the cursor my $dup_cursor = $cursor->c_dup(DB_POSITION); ok 9, $dup_cursor ; # move original cursor off green/house my $s = $cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) ; ok 10, $k ne "green" ; ok 11, $v ne "house" ; # duplicate cursor should still be on green/house ok 12, $dup_cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_CURRENT) == 0; ok 13, $k eq "green" ; ok 14, $v eq "house" ; }