/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2002 * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. * * $Id: TpcbExample.java,v 2003/02/15 04:56:07 zarzycki Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.examples; import com.sleepycat.db.*; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.math.BigDecimal; // // This program implements a basic TPC/B driver program. To create the // TPC/B database, run with the -i (init) flag. The number of records // with which to populate the account, history, branch, and teller tables // is specified by the a, s, b, and t flags respectively. To run a TPC/B // test, use the n flag to indicate a number of transactions to run (note // that you can run many of these processes in parallel to simulate a // multiuser test run). // class TpcbExample extends DbEnv { public static final int TELLERS_PER_BRANCH = 10; public static final int ACCOUNTS_PER_TELLER = 10000; public static final int HISTORY_PER_BRANCH = 2592000; // // The default configuration that adheres to TPCB scaling rules requires // nearly 3 GB of space. To avoid requiring that much space for testing, // we set the parameters much lower. If you want to run a valid 10 TPS // configuration, uncomment the VALID_SCALING configuration // // VALID_SCALING configuration /* public static final int ACCOUNTS = 1000000; public static final int BRANCHES = 10; public static final int TELLERS = 100; public static final int HISTORY = 25920000; */ // TINY configuration /* public static final int ACCOUNTS = 1000; public static final int BRANCHES = 10; public static final int TELLERS = 100; public static final int HISTORY = 10000; */ // Default configuration public static final int ACCOUNTS = 100000; public static final int BRANCHES = 10; public static final int TELLERS = 100; public static final int HISTORY = 259200; public static final int HISTORY_LEN = 100; public static final int RECLEN = 100; public static final int BEGID = 1000000; // used by random_id() public static final int ACCOUNT = 0; public static final int BRANCH = 1; public static final int TELLER = 2; private static boolean verbose = false; private static final String progname = "TpcbExample"; // Program name. public TpcbExample(String home, int cachesize, boolean initializing, int flags) throws DbException, FileNotFoundException { super(0); set_error_stream(System.err); set_errpfx(progname); set_cachesize(0, cachesize == 0 ? 4 * 1024 * 1024 : cachesize, 0); if ((flags & (Db.DB_TXN_NOSYNC)) != 0) set_flags(Db.DB_TXN_NOSYNC, true); flags &= ~(Db.DB_TXN_NOSYNC); int local_flags = flags | Db.DB_CREATE; if (initializing) local_flags |= Db.DB_INIT_MPOOL; else local_flags |= Db.DB_INIT_TXN | Db.DB_INIT_LOCK | Db.DB_INIT_LOG | Db.DB_INIT_MPOOL; open(home, local_flags, 0); // may throw DbException } // // Initialize the database to the specified number of accounts, branches, // history records, and tellers. // // Note: num_h was unused in the original ex_tpcb.c example. // public void populate(int num_a, int num_b, int num_h, int num_t) { Db dbp = null; int err; int balance, idnum; int end_anum, end_bnum, end_tnum; int start_anum, start_bnum, start_tnum; int h_nelem; idnum = BEGID; balance = 500000; h_nelem = num_a; try { dbp = new Db(this, 0); dbp.set_h_nelem(h_nelem); dbp.open(null, "account", null, Db.DB_HASH, Db.DB_CREATE | Db.DB_TRUNCATE, 0644); } // can be DbException or FileNotFoundException catch (Exception e1) { errExit(e1, "Open of account file failed"); } start_anum = idnum; populateTable(dbp, idnum, balance, h_nelem, "account"); idnum += h_nelem; end_anum = idnum - 1; try { dbp.close(0); } catch (DbException e2) { errExit(e2, "Account file close failed"); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Populated accounts: " + String.valueOf(start_anum) + " - " + String.valueOf(end_anum)); // // Since the number of branches is very small, we want to use very // small pages and only 1 key per page. This is the poor-man's way // of getting key locking instead of page locking. // h_nelem = (int)num_b; try { dbp = new Db(this, 0); dbp.set_h_nelem(h_nelem); dbp.set_h_ffactor(1); dbp.set_pagesize(512); dbp.open(null, "branch", null, Db.DB_HASH, Db.DB_CREATE | Db.DB_TRUNCATE, 0644); } // can be DbException or FileNotFoundException catch (Exception e3) { errExit(e3, "Branch file create failed"); } start_bnum = idnum; populateTable(dbp, idnum, balance, h_nelem, "branch"); idnum += h_nelem; end_bnum = idnum - 1; try { dbp.close(0); } catch (DbException dbe4) { errExit(dbe4, "Close of branch file failed"); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Populated branches: " + String.valueOf(start_bnum) + " - " + String.valueOf(end_bnum)); // // In the case of tellers, we also want small pages, but we'll let // the fill factor dynamically adjust itself. // h_nelem = (int)num_t; try { dbp = new Db(this, 0); dbp.set_h_nelem(h_nelem); dbp.set_h_ffactor(0); dbp.set_pagesize(512); dbp.open(null, "teller", null, Db.DB_HASH, Db.DB_CREATE | Db.DB_TRUNCATE, 0644); } // can be DbException or FileNotFoundException catch (Exception e5) { errExit(e5, "Teller file create failed"); } start_tnum = idnum; populateTable(dbp, idnum, balance, h_nelem, "teller"); idnum += h_nelem; end_tnum = idnum - 1; try { dbp.close(0); } catch (DbException e6) { errExit(e6, "Close of teller file failed"); } if (verbose) System.out.println("Populated tellers: " + String.valueOf(start_tnum) + " - " + String.valueOf(end_tnum)); try { dbp = new Db(this, 0); dbp.set_re_len(HISTORY_LEN); dbp.open(null, "history", null, Db.DB_RECNO, Db.DB_CREATE | Db.DB_TRUNCATE, 0644); } // can be DbException or FileNotFoundException catch (Exception e7) { errExit(e7, "Create of history file failed"); } populateHistory(dbp, num_h, num_a, num_b, num_t); try { dbp.close(0); } catch (DbException e8) { errExit(e8, "Close of history file failed"); } } public void populateTable(Db dbp, int start_id, int balance, int nrecs, String msg) { Defrec drec = new Defrec(); Dbt kdbt = new Dbt(drec.data); kdbt.set_size(4); // sizeof(int) Dbt ddbt = new Dbt(drec.data); ddbt.set_size(drec.data.length); // uses whole array try { for (int i = 0; i < nrecs; i++) { kdbt.set_recno_key_data(start_id + (int)i); drec.set_balance(balance); dbp.put(null, kdbt, ddbt, Db.DB_NOOVERWRITE); } } catch (DbException dbe) { System.err.println("Failure initializing " + msg + " file: " + dbe.toString()); System.exit(1); } } public void populateHistory(Db dbp, int nrecs, int anum, int bnum, int tnum) { Histrec hrec = new Histrec(); hrec.set_amount(10); byte arr[] = new byte[4]; // sizeof(int) int i; Dbt kdbt = new Dbt(arr); kdbt.set_size(arr.length); Dbt ddbt = new Dbt(hrec.data); ddbt.set_size(hrec.data.length); try { for (i = 1; i <= nrecs; i++) { kdbt.set_recno_key_data(i); hrec.set_aid(random_id(ACCOUNT, anum, bnum, tnum)); hrec.set_bid(random_id(BRANCH, anum, bnum, tnum)); hrec.set_tid(random_id(TELLER, anum, bnum, tnum)); dbp.put(null, kdbt, ddbt, Db.DB_APPEND); } } catch (DbException dbe) { errExit(dbe, "Failure initializing history file"); } } static Random rand = new Random(); public static int random_int(int lo, int hi) { int ret; int t; t = rand.nextInt(); if (t < 0) t = -t; ret = (int)(((double)t / ((double)(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1)) * (hi - lo + 1)); ret += lo; return (ret); } public static int random_id(int type, int accounts, int branches, int tellers) { int min, max, num; max = min = BEGID; num = accounts; switch(type) { case TELLER: min += branches; num = tellers; // Fallthrough case BRANCH: if (type == BRANCH) num = branches; min += accounts; // Fallthrough case ACCOUNT: max = min + num - 1; } return (random_int(min, max)); } public void run(int n, int accounts, int branches, int tellers) { Db adb = null; Db bdb = null; Db hdb = null; Db tdb = null; double gtps, itps; int failed, ifailed, ret, txns; long starttime, curtime, lasttime; // // Open the database files. // int err; try { adb = new Db(this, 0); adb.open(null, "account", null, Db.DB_UNKNOWN, Db.DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 0); bdb = new Db(this, 0); bdb.open(null, "branch", null, Db.DB_UNKNOWN, Db.DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 0); tdb = new Db(this, 0); tdb.open(null, "teller", null, Db.DB_UNKNOWN, Db.DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 0); hdb = new Db(this, 0); hdb.open(null, "history", null, Db.DB_UNKNOWN, Db.DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 0); } catch (DbException dbe) { errExit(dbe, "Open of db files failed"); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { errExit(fnfe, "Open of db files failed, missing file"); } txns = failed = ifailed = 0; starttime = (new Date()).getTime(); lasttime = starttime; while (n-- > 0) { txns++; ret = txn(adb, bdb, tdb, hdb, accounts, branches, tellers); if (ret != 0) { failed++; ifailed++; } if (n % 5000 == 0) { curtime = (new Date()).getTime(); gtps = (double)(txns - failed) / ((curtime - starttime) / 1000.0); itps = (double)(5000 - ifailed) / ((curtime - lasttime) / 1000.0); System.out.print(String.valueOf(txns) + " txns " + String.valueOf(failed) + " failed "); System.out.println(showRounded(gtps, 2) + " TPS (gross) " + showRounded(itps, 2) + " TPS (interval)"); lasttime = curtime; ifailed = 0; } } try { adb.close(0); bdb.close(0); tdb.close(0); hdb.close(0); } catch (DbException dbe2) { errExit(dbe2, "Close of db files failed"); } System.out.println((long)txns + " transactions begun " + String.valueOf(failed) + " failed"); } // // XXX Figure out the appropriate way to pick out IDs. // public int txn(Db adb, Db bdb, Db tdb, Db hdb, int anum, int bnum, int tnum) { Dbc acurs = null; Dbc bcurs = null; Dbc hcurs = null; Dbc tcurs = null; DbTxn t = null; Defrec rec = new Defrec(); Histrec hrec = new Histrec(); int account, branch, teller; Dbt d_dbt = new Dbt(); Dbt d_histdbt = new Dbt(); Dbt k_dbt = new Dbt(); Dbt k_histdbt = new Dbt(); account = random_id(ACCOUNT, anum, bnum, tnum); branch = random_id(BRANCH, anum, bnum, tnum); teller = random_id(TELLER, anum, bnum, tnum); // The history key will not actually be retrieved, // but it does need to be set to something. byte hist_key[] = new byte[4]; k_histdbt.set_data(hist_key); k_histdbt.set_size(4 /* == sizeof(int)*/); byte key_bytes[] = new byte[4]; k_dbt.set_data(key_bytes); k_dbt.set_size(4 /* == sizeof(int)*/); d_dbt.set_flags(Db.DB_DBT_USERMEM); d_dbt.set_data(rec.data); d_dbt.set_ulen(rec.length()); hrec.set_aid(account); hrec.set_bid(branch); hrec.set_tid(teller); hrec.set_amount(10); // Request 0 bytes since we're just positioning. d_histdbt.set_flags(Db.DB_DBT_PARTIAL); // START TIMING try { t = txn_begin(null, 0); acurs = adb.cursor(t, 0); bcurs = bdb.cursor(t, 0); tcurs = tdb.cursor(t, 0); hcurs = hdb.cursor(t, 0); // Account record k_dbt.set_recno_key_data(account); if (acurs.get(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_SET) != 0) throw new TpcbException("acurs get failed"); rec.set_balance(rec.get_balance() + 10); acurs.put(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_CURRENT); // Branch record k_dbt.set_recno_key_data(branch); if (bcurs.get(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_SET) != 0) throw new TpcbException("bcurs get failed"); rec.set_balance(rec.get_balance() + 10); bcurs.put(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_CURRENT); // Teller record k_dbt.set_recno_key_data(teller); if (tcurs.get(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_SET) != 0) throw new TpcbException("ccurs get failed"); rec.set_balance(rec.get_balance() + 10); tcurs.put(k_dbt, d_dbt, Db.DB_CURRENT); // History record d_histdbt.set_flags(0); d_histdbt.set_data(hrec.data); d_histdbt.set_ulen(hrec.length()); if (hdb.put(t, k_histdbt, d_histdbt, Db.DB_APPEND) != 0) throw(new DbException("put failed")); acurs.close(); bcurs.close(); tcurs.close(); hcurs.close(); // null out t in advance; if the commit fails, // we don't want to abort it in the catch clause. DbTxn tmptxn = t; t = null; tmptxn.commit(0); // END TIMING return (0); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (acurs != null) acurs.close(); if (bcurs != null) bcurs.close(); if (tcurs != null) tcurs.close(); if (hcurs != null) hcurs.close(); if (t != null) t.abort(); } catch (DbException dbe) { // not much we can do here. } if (verbose) { System.out.println("Transaction A=" + String.valueOf(account) + " B=" + String.valueOf(branch) + " T=" + String.valueOf(teller) + " failed"); System.out.println("Reason: " + e.toString()); } return (-1); } } static void errExit(Exception err, String s) { System.err.print(progname + ": "); if (s != null) { System.err.print(s + ": "); } System.err.println(err.toString()); System.exit(1); } public static void main(String argv[]) { long seed; int accounts, branches, tellers, history; boolean iflag, txn_no_sync; int mpool, ntxns; String home, endarg; home = "TESTDIR"; accounts = branches = history = tellers = 0; txn_no_sync = false; mpool = ntxns = 0; verbose = false; iflag = false; seed = (new GregorianCalendar()).get(Calendar.SECOND); for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; ++i) { if (argv[i].equals("-a")) { // Number of account records if ((accounts = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-b")) { // Number of branch records if ((branches = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-c")) { // Cachesize in bytes if ((mpool = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-f")) { // Fast mode: no txn sync. txn_no_sync = true; } else if (argv[i].equals("-h")) { // DB home. home = argv[++i]; } else if (argv[i].equals("-i")) { // Initialize the test. iflag = true; } else if (argv[i].equals("-n")) { // Number of transactions if ((ntxns = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-S")) { // Random number seed. seed = Long.parseLong(argv[++i]); if (seed <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-s")) { // Number of history records if ((history = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-t")) { // Number of teller records if ((tellers = Integer.parseInt(argv[++i])) <= 0) invarg(argv[i]); } else if (argv[i].equals("-v")) { // Verbose option. verbose = true; } else { usage(); } } rand.setSeed((int)seed); TpcbExample app = null; // Initialize the database environment. // Must be done in within a try block. // try { app = new TpcbExample(home, mpool, iflag, txn_no_sync ? Db.DB_TXN_NOSYNC : 0); } catch (Exception e1) { errExit(e1, "initializing environment failed"); } accounts = accounts == 0 ? ACCOUNTS : accounts; branches = branches == 0 ? BRANCHES : branches; tellers = tellers == 0 ? TELLERS : tellers; history = history == 0 ? HISTORY : history; if (verbose) System.out.println((long)accounts + " Accounts, " + String.valueOf(branches) + " Branches, " + String.valueOf(tellers) + " Tellers, " + String.valueOf(history) + " History"); if (iflag) { if (ntxns != 0) usage(); app.populate(accounts, branches, history, tellers); } else { if (ntxns == 0) usage(); app.run(ntxns, accounts, branches, tellers); } // Shut down the application. try { app.close(0); } catch (DbException dbe2) { errExit(dbe2, "appexit failed"); } System.exit(0); } private static void invarg(String str) { System.err.println("TpcbExample: invalid argument: " + str); System.exit(1); } private static void usage() { System.err.println( "usage: TpcbExample [-fiv] [-a accounts] [-b branches]\n" + " [-c cachesize] [-h home] [-n transactions ]\n" + " [-S seed] [-s history] [-t tellers]"); System.exit(1); } // round 'd' to 'scale' digits, and return result as string private String showRounded(double d, int scale) { return new BigDecimal(d). setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN).toString(); } // The byte order is our choice. // static long get_int_in_array(byte[] array, int offset) { return ((0xff & array[offset+0]) << 0) | ((0xff & array[offset+1]) << 8) | ((0xff & array[offset+2]) << 16) | ((0xff & array[offset+3]) << 24); } // Note: Value needs to be long to avoid sign extension static void set_int_in_array(byte[] array, int offset, long value) { array[offset+0] = (byte)((value >> 0) & 0x0ff); array[offset+1] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0x0ff); array[offset+2] = (byte)((value >> 16) & 0x0ff); array[offset+3] = (byte)((value >> 24) & 0x0ff); } }; // Simulate the following C struct: // struct Defrec { // u_int32_t id; // u_int32_t balance; // u_int8_t pad[RECLEN - sizeof(int) - sizeof(int)]; // }; class Defrec { public Defrec() { data = new byte[TpcbExample.RECLEN]; } public int length() { return TpcbExample.RECLEN; } public long get_id() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 0); } public void set_id(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 0, value); } public long get_balance() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 4); } public void set_balance(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 4, value); } static { Defrec d = new Defrec(); d.set_balance(500000); } public byte[] data; } // Simulate the following C struct: // struct Histrec { // u_int32_t aid; // u_int32_t bid; // u_int32_t tid; // u_int32_t amount; // u_int8_t pad[RECLEN - 4 * sizeof(u_int32_t)]; // }; class Histrec { public Histrec() { data = new byte[TpcbExample.RECLEN]; } public int length() { return TpcbExample.RECLEN; } public long get_aid() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 0); } public void set_aid(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 0, value); } public long get_bid() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 4); } public void set_bid(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 4, value); } public long get_tid() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 8); } public void set_tid(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 8, value); } public long get_amount() { return TpcbExample.get_int_in_array(data, 12); } public void set_amount(long value) { TpcbExample.set_int_in_array(data, 12, value); } public byte[] data; } class TpcbException extends Exception { TpcbException() { super(); } TpcbException(String s) { super(s); } }