[plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 2002,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id:,v 1.1 2008/02/07 17:12:27 mark Exp $

package com.sleepycat.persist.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.sleepycat.persist.model.ClassMetadata;
import com.sleepycat.persist.model.FieldMetadata;
import com.sleepycat.persist.raw.RawField;
import com.sleepycat.persist.raw.RawObject;

 * Format for a composite key class.
 * This class is similar to ComplexFormat in that a composite key class and
 * other complex classes have fields, and the Accessor interface is used to
 * access those fields.  Composite key classes are different in the following
 * ways:
 * - The superclass must be Object.  No inheritance is allowed.
 * - All instance fields must be annotated with @KeyField, which determines
 *   their order in the data bytes.
 * - Although fields may be reference types (primitive wrappers or other simple
 *   reference types), they are stored as if they were primitives.  No object
 *   format ID is stored, and the class of the object must be the declared
 *   classs of the field; i.e., no polymorphism is allowed for key fields.
 *   In other words, a composite key is stored as an ordinary tuple as defined
 *   in the com.sleepycat.bind.tuple package.  This keeps the key small and
 *   gives it a well defined sort order.
 * - If the key class implements Comparable, it is called by the Database
 *   btree comparator.  It must therefore be available during JE recovery,
 *   before the store and catalog have been opened.  To support this, this
 *   format can be constructed during recovery.  A SimpleCatalog singleton
 *   instance is used to provide a catalog of simple types that is used by
 *   the composite key format.
 * - When interacting with the Accessor, the composite key format treats the
 *   Accessor's non-key fields as its key fields.  The Accessor's key fields
 *   are secondary keys, while the composite format's key fields are the
 *   component parts of a single key.
 * @author Mark Hayes
public class CompositeKeyFormat extends Format {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 306843428409314630L;

    private ClassMetadata metadata;
    private List<FieldInfo> fields;
    private transient Accessor objAccessor;
    private transient Accessor rawAccessor;
    private transient volatile Map<String,RawField> rawFields;
    private transient volatile FieldInfo[] rawInputFields;

    static String[] getFieldNameArray(List<FieldMetadata> list) {
        int index = 0;
        String[] a = new String[list.size()];
        for (FieldMetadata f : list) {
            a[index] = f.getName();
            index += 1;
        return a;

    CompositeKeyFormat(Class cls,
                       ClassMetadata metadata,
                       List<FieldMetadata> fieldNames) {
        this(cls, metadata, getFieldNameArray(fieldNames));

    CompositeKeyFormat(Class cls,
                       ClassMetadata metadata,
                       String[] fieldNames) {
        this.metadata = metadata;

        /* Check that the superclass is Object. */
        Class superCls = cls.getSuperclass();
        if (superCls != Object.class) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                ("Composite key class must be derived from Object: " +

        /* Populate fields list in fieldNames order. */
        List<FieldInfo> instanceFields = FieldInfo.getInstanceFields(cls);
        fields = new ArrayList<FieldInfo>(instanceFields.size());
        for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
            FieldInfo field = null;
            for (FieldInfo tryField : instanceFields) {
                if (fieldName.equals(tryField.getName())) {
                    field = tryField;
            if (field == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException
                    ("Composite key field is not an instance field:" +
                     getClassName() + '.' + fieldName);
            if (!SimpleCatalog.isSimpleType(field.getFieldClass())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException
                    ("Composite key field is not a simple type: " +
                     getClassName() + '.' + fieldName);
        if (instanceFields.size() > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                ("All composite key instance fields must be key fields: " +
                 getClassName() + '.' + instanceFields.get(0).getName());

    void migrateFromBeta(Map<String,Format> formatMap) {
        for (FieldInfo field : fields) {

    boolean isModelClass() {
        return true;

    ClassMetadata getClassMetadata() {
        if (metadata == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(getClassName());
        return metadata;

    public Map<String,RawField> getFields() {

         * Lazily create the raw type information.  Synchronization is not
         * required since this object is immutable.  If by chance we create two
         * maps when two threads execute this block, no harm is done.  But be
         * sure to assign the rawFields field only after the map is fully
         * populated.
        if (rawFields == null) {
            Map<String,RawField> map = new HashMap<String,RawField>();
            for (RawField field : fields) {
                map.put(field.getName(), field);
            rawFields = map;
        return rawFields;

    void collectRelatedFormats(Catalog catalog,
                               Map<String,Format> newFormats) {
        /* Collect field formats. */
        for (FieldInfo field : fields) {
            field.collectRelatedFormats(catalog, newFormats);

    void initialize(Catalog catalog, int initVersion) {
        /* Initialize all fields. */
        for (FieldInfo field : fields) {
            field.initialize(catalog, initVersion);
        /* Create the accessor. */
        Class type = getType();
        if (type != null) {
            if (EnhancedAccessor.isEnhanced(type)) {
                objAccessor = new EnhancedAccessor(type);
            } else {
                objAccessor = new ReflectionAccessor(catalog, type, fields);
        rawAccessor = new RawAccessor(this, fields);

    Object newArray(int len) {
        return objAccessor.newArray(len);

    public Object newInstance(EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) {
        Accessor accessor = rawAccess ? rawAccessor : objAccessor;
        return accessor.newInstance();

    public Object readObject(Object o, EntityInput input, boolean rawAccess) {
        Accessor accessor = rawAccess ? rawAccessor : objAccessor;
        accessor.readNonKeyFields(o, input, 0, Accessor.MAX_FIELD_NUM, -1);
        return o;

    void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) {
        Accessor accessor = rawAccess ? rawAccessor : objAccessor;
        accessor.writeNonKeyFields(o, output);

    Object convertRawObject(Catalog catalog,
                            boolean rawAccess,
                            RawObject rawObject,
                            IdentityHashMap converted) {

         * Synchronization is not required since rawInputFields is immutable.
         * If by chance we create duplicate values when two threads execute
         * this block, no harm is done.  But be sure to assign the field only
         * after the values are fully populated.
        FieldInfo[] myFields = rawInputFields;
        if (myFields == null) {
            myFields = new FieldInfo[fields.size()];
            rawInputFields = myFields;
        if (rawObject.getSuper() != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                ("RawObject has too many superclasses: " +
        RawObject[] objects = new RawObject[myFields.length];
        Arrays.fill(objects, rawObject);
        EntityInput in = new RawComplexInput
            (catalog, rawAccess, converted, myFields, objects);
        Object o = newInstance(in, rawAccess);
        converted.put(rawObject, o);
        return readObject(o, in, rawAccess);

    void skipContents(RecordInput input) {
        int maxNum = fields.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < maxNum; i += 1) {

    void copySecKey(RecordInput input, RecordOutput output) {
        int maxNum = fields.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < maxNum; i += 1) {
            fields.get(i).getType().copySecKey(input, output);

    Format getSequenceKeyFormat() {
        if (fields.size() != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
                ("A composite key class used with a sequence may contain " +
                 "only a single integer key field: " + getClassName());
        return fields.get(0).getType().getSequenceKeyFormat();

    boolean evolve(Format newFormatParam, Evolver evolver) {

        /* Disallow evolution to a non-composite format. */
        if (!(newFormatParam instanceof CompositeKeyFormat)) {
                (this, newFormatParam, null,
                 "A composite key class may not be changed to a different " +
            return false;
        CompositeKeyFormat newFormat = (CompositeKeyFormat) newFormatParam;

        /* Check for added or removed key fields. */
        if (fields.size() != newFormat.fields.size()) {
                (this, newFormat,
                 "Composite key class fields were added or removed ",
                 "Old fields: " + fields +
                 " new fields: " + newFormat.fields);
            return false;

        /* Check for modified key fields. */
        boolean newVersion = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i += 1) {
            int result = evolver.evolveRequiredKeyField
                (this, newFormat, fields.get(i),
            if (result == Evolver.EVOLVE_FAILURE) {
                return false;
            if (result == Evolver.EVOLVE_NEEDED) {
                newVersion = true;

         * We never need to use a custom reader because the physical key field
         * formats never change.  But we do create a new evolved format when
         * a type changes (primitive <-> primitive wrapper) so that the new
         * type information is correct.
        if (newVersion) {
            evolver.useEvolvedFormat(this, newFormat, newFormat);
        } else {
            evolver.useOldFormat(this, newFormat);
        return true;