siutils.tcl   [plain text]

#See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 2001,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
# $Id: siutils.tcl,v 12.7 2008/01/08 20:58:53 bostic Exp $
# Secondary index utilities.  This file used to be known as
# sindex.tcl.
# The secondary index tests themselves live in si0*.tcl.
# Standard number of secondary indices to create if a single-element
# list of methods is passed into the secondary index tests.
global nsecondaries
set nsecondaries 2

# The callback function we use for each given secondary in most tests
# is a simple function of its place in the list of secondaries (0-based)
# and the access method (since recnos may need different callbacks).
# !!!
# Note that callbacks 0-3 return unique secondary keys if the input data
# are unique;  callbacks 4 and higher may not, so don't use them with
# the normal wordlist and secondaries that don't support dups.
# The callbacks that incorporate a key don't work properly with recno
# access methods, at least not in the current test framework (the
# error_check_good lines test for e.g. 1foo, when the database has
# e.g. 0x010x000x000x00foo).
proc callback_n { n } {
	switch $n {
		0 { return _s_reversedata }
		1 { return _s_noop }
		2 { return _s_concatkeydata }
		3 { return _s_concatdatakey }
		4 { return _s_reverseconcat }
		5 { return _s_truncdata }
		6 { return _s_constant }
		7 { return _s_twokeys }
		8 { return _s_variablekeys }
	return _s_noop

proc _s_noop { a b } { return $b }
proc _s_reversedata { a b } { return [reverse $b] }
proc _s_truncdata { a b } { return [string range $b 1 end] }
proc _s_concatkeydata { a b } { return $a$b }
proc _s_concatdatakey { a b } { return $b$a }
proc _s_reverseconcat { a b } { return [reverse $a$b] }
proc _s_constant { a b } { return "constant-data" }
proc _s_twokeys { a b } { return [list 1 2] }
proc _s_variablekeys { a b } {
	set rlen [string length $b]
	set result {}
	for {set i 0} {$i < $rlen} {incr i} {
		lappend $result $i
	return $result

# Should the check_secondary routines print lots of output?
set verbose_check_secondaries 0

# Given a primary database handle, a list of secondary handles, a
# number of entries, and arrays of keys and data, verify that all
# databases have what they ought to.
proc check_secondaries { pdb sdbs nentries keyarr dataarr {pref "Check"} \
    {errp NONE} {errs NONE} {errsg NONE}} {
	upvar $keyarr keys
	upvar $dataarr data
	global verbose_check_secondaries

	if { [string compare $errp NONE] != 0 } {
		upvar $errp errorp
	set errorp 0
	if { [string compare $errs NONE] != 0 } {
		upvar $errs errors
	set errors 0
	if { [string compare $errsg NONE] != 0 } {
		upvar $errsg errorsg
	set errorsg 0
	# Make sure each key/data pair is in the primary.
	if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
		puts "\t\t$pref.1: Each key/data pair is in the primary"
	for { set i 0 } { $i < $nentries } { incr i } {
		if { [string equal $errp NONE] } {
			error_check_good pdb_get($i) [$pdb get $keys($i)] \
			    [list [list $keys($i) $data($i)]]
		} else {
			set stat [catch {$pdb get $keys($i)} ret]
			if { $stat == 1 } {
				set errorp $ret
			} else {
				error_check_good pdb_get($i) $ret \
				    [list [list $keys($i) $data($i)]]

	for { set j 0 } { $j < [llength $sdbs] } { incr j } {
		# Make sure each key/data pair is in this secondary.
		if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
			puts "\t\t$pref.2:\
			    Each skey/key/data tuple is in secondary #$j"
		set sdb [lindex $sdbs $j]
		set nskeys 0
		for { set i 0 } { $i < $nentries } { incr i } {
			set skeys [[callback_n $j] $keys($i) $data($i)]
			if { [llength $skeys] == 0 } {
				set skeys [list $skeys]
			foreach skey $skeys {
				incr nskeys
				# Check with pget on the secondary.
				set stat [catch {$sdb pget -get_both \
				    $skey $keys($i)} ret]
				if { [string equal $errs NONE] } {
					error_check_good stat $stat 0
					error_check_good sdb($j)_pget($i) $ret \
					    [list [list \
					    $skey $keys($i) $data($i)]]
				} else {
					if { $stat == 1 } {
						set errors $ret
					} else {
						error_check_good \
						    sdb($j)_pget($i) $ret \
						    [list [list \
						    $skey $keys($i) $data($i)]]
				# Check again with get on the secondary.  Since
				# get_both is not an allowed option with get on
				# a secondary handle, we can't guarantee an
				# exact match on method 5 and over.  We just
				# make sure that one of the returned key/data
				# pairs is the right one.
				if { $j >= 5 } {
					error_check_good sdb($j)_get($i) \
					    [is_substr [$sdb get $skey] \
					    [list [list $skey $data($i)]]] 1
				} else {
					set stat [catch {$sdb get $skey} ret]
					if { [string equal $errs NONE] } {
						error_check_good \
						    sdb($j)_get($i) $ret \
						    [list [list \
						    $skey $data($i)]]
					} else {
						if { $stat == 1 } {
							set errorsg $ret
						} else {
							error_check_good \
							    sdb($j)_get($i) \
							    $ret [list [list \
							    $skey $data($i)]]
				# We couldn't break above because we need to
				# execute the errorsg error as well.
				if { $errors != 0 } {
		if { $errors != 0 || $errorsg != 0 } {

		# Make sure this secondary contains only $nskeys
		# items.
		if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
			puts "\t\t$pref.3: Secondary #$j has $nskeys items"
		set dbc [$sdb cursor]
		error_check_good dbc($i) \
		    [is_valid_cursor $dbc $sdb] TRUE
		for { set k 0 } { [llength [$dbc get -next]] > 0 } \
		    { incr k } { }
		error_check_good numitems($i) $k $nskeys
		error_check_good dbc($i)_close [$dbc close] 0
	if { $errorp != 0 || $errors != 0 || $errorsg != 0 } {

	if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
		puts "\t\t$pref.4: Primary has $nentries items"
	set dbc [$pdb cursor]
	error_check_good pdbc [is_valid_cursor $dbc $pdb] TRUE
	for { set k 0 } { [llength [$dbc get -next]] > 0 } { incr k } { }
	error_check_good numitems $k $nentries
	error_check_good pdbc_close [$dbc close] 0

# Given a primary database handle and a list of secondary handles, walk
# through the primary and make sure all the secondaries are correct,
# then walk through the secondaries and make sure the primary is correct.
# This is slightly less rigorous than the normal check_secondaries--we
# use it whenever we don't have up-to-date "keys" and "data" arrays.
proc cursor_check_secondaries { pdb sdbs nentries { pref "Check" } } {
	global verbose_check_secondaries

	# Make sure each key/data pair in the primary is in each secondary.
	set pdbc [$pdb cursor]
	error_check_good ccs_pdbc [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE
	set i 0
	if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
		puts "\t\t$pref.1:\
		    Key/data in primary => key/data in secondaries"

	for { set dbt [$pdbc get -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
	    { set dbt [$pdbc get -next] } {
		incr i
		set pkey [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
		set pdata [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
		for { set j 0 } { $j < [llength $sdbs] } { incr j } {
			set sdb [lindex $sdbs $j]
			# Check with pget.
			foreach skey [[callback_n $j] $pkey $pdata] {
			set sdbt [$sdb pget -get_both $skey $pkey]
			error_check_good pkey($pkey,$j) \
			    [lindex [lindex $sdbt 0] 1] $pkey
			error_check_good pdata($pdata,$j) \
			    [lindex [lindex $sdbt 0] 2] $pdata
	error_check_good ccs_pdbc_close [$pdbc close] 0
	error_check_good primary_has_nentries $i $nentries

	for { set j 0 } { $j < [llength $sdbs] } { incr j } {
		if { $verbose_check_secondaries } {
			puts "\t\t$pref.2:\
			    Key/data in secondary #$j => key/data in primary"
		set sdb [lindex $sdbs $j]
		set sdbc [$sdb cursor]
		error_check_good ccs_sdbc($j) [is_valid_cursor $sdbc $sdb] TRUE
		for { set dbt [$sdbc pget -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
		    { set dbt [$sdbc pget -next] } {
			set pkey [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
			set pdata [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 2]
			error_check_good pdb_get($pkey/$pdata,$j) \
			    [$pdb get -get_both $pkey $pdata] \
			    [list [list $pkey $pdata]]

		# To exercise pget -last/pget -prev, we do it backwards too.
		for { set dbt [$sdbc pget -last] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
		    { set dbt [$sdbc pget -prev] } {
			set pkey [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
			set pdata [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 2]
			error_check_good pdb_get_bkwds($pkey/$pdata,$j) \
			    [$pdb get -get_both $pkey $pdata] \
			    [list [list $pkey $pdata]]

		error_check_good ccs_sdbc_close($j) [$sdbc close] 0

# The secondary index tests take a list of the access methods that
# each array ought to use.  Convert at one blow into a list of converted
# argses and omethods for each method in the list.
proc convert_argses { methods largs } {
	set ret {}
	foreach m $methods {
		lappend ret [convert_args $m $largs]
	return $ret
proc convert_methods { methods } {
	set ret {}
	foreach m $methods {
		lappend ret [convert_method $m]
	return $ret