dbcorewix.in   [plain text]

<!-- $Id: dbcorewix.in,v 1.10 2006/09/14 15:50:50 mjc Exp $
 - Dbcorewix.in is the DB core WiX input file, and is used by
 - s_winmsi to create dbcore.wxs (an input to WiX).
 - Most everything here is pure 'WiX' syntax within XML,
 - the exceptions are:
 -    1) everything is pushed through the m4 preprocessor first.
 -       this makes certain boilerplate actions in the UI tolerable.
 -       We put all needed defines at the top of this file.
 -    2) a very few identifiers beginning with WIX_DB_*
 -       are predefined as m4 macros on the command line.
 -       These are items that only the caller (s_winmsi) can know.
 - M4 makes many things easier, but there are peculiarities.
 - In particular, if you are using a macro with args, like
 - TOPSTRIPE, note that *any* occurance of the characters "( ) ,"
 - are interpreted by m4, even if they occur in an Xml comment or string.
 - Remember this when editing this file!
 - Beyond that, there is a lot to understand about WiX
 - and how this file operates, to get started, look at
 - various WiX tutorials, like:
 -    http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/04/19/wix.html
 -    http://blogs.msdn.com/robmen/archive/2004/04/05/107709.aspx
 - Also view the lecture covered here:
 -    http://blogs.msdn.com/robmen/archive/2004/09/23/233684.aspx
 - Finally, understand that WiX is an XML layering above the concepts
 - defined by the world of the MSI installer.  To really know how to do WiX,
 - (and especially the UI), you need to understand the MSI installer.
 - A key point is that MSI (and hence WiX) is not really procedural.
 - MSI defines a number of tables (like Feature or CustomAction) in
 - an internal database.  WiX merely specifies how to fill these tables,
 - and the msiexec program merely cranks through the various tables,
 - processing each row.  It is true that you can do procedural things
 - via CustomActions, but to get them in order, you must specify columns
 - in the table with things like After="SomeOtherRowId".
 - See "About the User Interface" and subordinate documents:
 -    http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/about_the_user_interface.asp

m4_include(WIX_DB_SHARED_WINMSIDIR/dbwix.m4)   <!-- Define common macros -->

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi">

  <!-- The ???? stuff asks WiX to create a unique GUID for us -->
  <Product Id='????????-????-????-????-????????????'
   Name='Berkeley DB WIX_DB_VERSION' Version='WIX_DB_VERSION.0'
   Manufacturer='Oracle Corporation' Language='1033'>

    <!-- Store files as a compressed 'cabinet' embedded in the .MSI file. -->
    <Package Id='????????-????-????-????-????????????'
     Keywords="Embedded Database Datastore"
     Description='Berkeley DB WIX_DB_VERSION'
     Comments='includes sources and binaries' InstallerVersion='200'
     Compressed='yes' Platforms="Intel"
     Languages="1033" SummaryCodepage="1252" />

    <Media Id='1' Cabinet='dbcore.cab' EmbedCab='yes' />


    <!-- Declare properties for environment -->

    <Condition Message=
       "To install [ProductName], you must be running Windows 2000 or Windows XP.">

    <Condition Message=
      "You must have administrative access to install this product.">
      NOT Priviledged

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="." SourceName="." />
      <Directory Id="FavoritesFolder" Name="." SourceName="." />

      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="." SourceName=".">
        <Directory Id="OracleFolder" Name="Oracle" LongName="Oracle">
          <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="WIX_DB_8CHAR_VERSION"
                   LongName="Berkeley DB WIX_DB_VERSION">
            <Directory Id="INSTALLUTIL" Name="instutil"

            <!-- Note: these guids must be changed when an installer
              -  for a new release is made available.
              -  TODO: to play by the rules of components (see
              -  http://blogs.msdn.com/robmen/archive/2003/10/18/56497.aspx,
              -  "Component Rules 101" by Rob Mensching),
              -  we should devise a strategy for ALL guids (remember
              -  many are created by s_winmsi).  This should work:
              -  Each guid is composed of three parts, like so:
              -  The P part is unique to the product, e.g.
              -  the bdb core installer might always use 9A3FE019.
              -  The V part is the version of the product, e.g.
              -  4.2.37 might be translated as 0402-0025   # 25 is 37 in hex
              -  The H part is a hash value created from the directory
              -  that houses the component.  Like if the component for
              -  the directory "bin/Debug" hashed to 1234567890abcdef,
              -  then the H part is 1234-567890abcdef.
              -  This scheme guarantees that rebuilds of the installer
              -  over the same release tree get the same GUIDs.
              -  But for a different release tree (which *should* get
              -  installed in a different directory, since install
              -  directories are named by release number), we will get
              -  completely different GUIDs.
            <Component Id="RequiredFiles"
                   KeyPath="yes" SharedDllRefCount="yes"
                   Location="either" DiskId="1">

              <File Id="LICENSE.txt" Name="LICENSE.txt"
                    src="WIX_DB_SRCDIR\LICENSE" />
              <File Id="README.txt" Name="README.txt"
                    src="WIX_DB_SRCDIR\README" />
	      <Registry Id="RootDir.RegistryVal" Root="HKLM"
                   Key="SOFTWARE\Oracle\Berkeley DB\WIX_DB_VERSION"
                   Name="RootDirectory" Value="[INSTALLDIR]" Type="string"
                   Action="write" />
              <CreateFolder />


            <!-- <Directory>, <Component> generated from files.in -->

      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="." SourceName=".">
        <Directory Id="BerkeleyDbMenu" Name="WIX_DB_8CHAR_VERSION"
         LongName="Berkeley DB WIX_DB_VERSION" />

    <!-- <File>, <Shortcut> generated from links.in -->

    COMMON_FEATURES(`Berkeley DB')

    <!-- ================================================================ -->

      <Property Id="DefaultUIFont"><![CDATA[Tahoma8]]></Property>
      <TextStyle Id="Tahoma8" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />

      DIALOG_WELCOME(MainWelcomeDlg, , ShowLicenseDlg)
      DIALOG_LICENSE(ShowLicenseDlg, MainWelcomeDlg, TargetFolderDlg,
                     `Berkeley DB')
      DIALOG_TARGET(TargetFolderDlg, ShowLicenseDlg, FeatureSelectionDlg)
      DIALOG_FEATURE(FeatureSelectionDlg, TargetFolderDlg, EnvVarDlg,
                     `Debug libraries are needed for working C/C++ examples.')
      DIALOG_ENVIRONMENT(EnvVarDlg, FeatureSelectionDlg, ReadyToInstallDlg)
      DIALOG_READY(ReadyToInstallDlg, EnvVarDlg, )

      DIALOG_PROGRESS(ShowProgressDlg, , )
      DIALOG_SUCCESS(InstallSuccessDlg, , , `Berkeley DB',
                     `Oracle Technology Network Berkeley DB forum')

      <!-- Here are extra admin dialogs -->
      DIALOG_ADMIN_NOSPACE(OutOfSpaceDlg, FeatureSelectionDlg)
      DIALOG_ADMIN_INTERRUPTED(InstallErrorDlg, Return)
      DIALOG_ADMIN_INTERRUPTED(InstallCancelledDlg, Exit)

      <!-- This sequence tells MSI what to do when (at the highest level) -->
        <Show Dialog="InstallErrorDlg" OnExit="error" />
        <Show Dialog="InstallCancelledDlg" OnExit="cancel" />
        <Show Dialog="InstallSuccessDlg" OnExit="success" />
        <Show Dialog="MainWelcomeDlg" After="CostFinalize" />
        <Show Dialog="ShowProgressDlg" After="MainWelcomeDlg" />

      <Property Id="MaxInstallSize">49 MB</Property>


