s_all   [plain text]

#!/bin/sh -
#	$Id: s_all,v 12.11 2008/01/17 13:59:11 bostic Exp $

sh s_perm		# permissions.
sh s_symlink		# symbolic links.
sh s_readme		# distribution README file.

sh s_config		# autoconf.
sh s_apiflags		# API flags.
sh s_rpc		# RPC files.
sh s_sig		# Structure signature.
sh s_recover		# logging/recovery files.
sh s_message		# replication and repmgr message files.

# The following order is important, s_include must run after
# the other source files have been created.
sh s_include		# standard include files.

sh s_java		# Java support.
sh s_test		# Test suite support.
sh s_tags		# Tags files.

# We only build the Cscope file for releases, it's too big to
# commit into the CVS tree.
#sh s_cscope		# Cscope files.

# Create the build environments last, they use files created
# by previous steps.
sh s_brew		# BREW support.
sh s_brew_dsp		# BREW support: build environment.
sh s_s60		# S60 support.
sh s_s60_mmp		# S60 support: build environment.
sh s_vxworks		# VxWorks support.
sh s_windows		# Windows support.
sh s_windows_dsp	# Windows support: build environment.