/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2000,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: FastInputStream.java,v 12.7 2007/05/04 00:28:26 mark Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; /** * A replacement for ByteArrayInputStream that does not synchronize every * byte read. * *

This class extends {@link InputStream} and its read() * methods allow it to be used as a standard input stream. In addition, it * provides readFast() methods that are not declared to throw * IOException. IOException is never thrown by this * class.

* * @author Mark Hayes */ public class FastInputStream extends InputStream { protected int len; protected int off; protected int mark; protected byte[] buf; /** * Creates an input stream. * * @param buffer the data to read. */ public FastInputStream(byte[] buffer) { buf = buffer; len = buffer.length; } /** * Creates an input stream. * * @param buffer the data to read. * * @param offset the byte offset at which to begin reading. * * @param length the number of bytes to read. */ public FastInputStream(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { buf = buffer; off = offset; len = offset + length; } // --- begin ByteArrayInputStream compatible methods --- public int available() { return len - off; } public boolean markSupported() { return true; } public void mark(int readLimit) { mark = off; } public void reset() { off = mark; } public long skip(long count) { int myCount = (int) count; if (myCount + off > len) { myCount = len - off; } skipFast(myCount); return myCount; } public int read() throws IOException { return readFast(); } public int read(byte[] toBuf) throws IOException { return readFast(toBuf, 0, toBuf.length); } public int read(byte[] toBuf, int offset, int length) throws IOException { return readFast(toBuf, offset, length); } // --- end ByteArrayInputStream compatible methods --- /** * Equivalent to skip() but takes an int parameter instead of a * long, and does not check whether the count given is larger than the * number of remaining bytes. * @see #skip(long) */ public final void skipFast(int count) { off += count; } /** * Equivalent to read() but does not throw * IOException. * @see #read() */ public final int readFast() { return (off < len) ? (buf[off++] & 0xff) : (-1); } /** * Equivalent to read(byte[]) but does not throw * IOException. * @see #read(byte[]) */ public final int readFast(byte[] toBuf) { return readFast(toBuf, 0, toBuf.length); } /** * Equivalent to read(byte[],int,int) but does not throw * IOException. * @see #read(byte[],int,int) */ public final int readFast(byte[] toBuf, int offset, int length) { int avail = len - off; if (avail <= 0) { return -1; } if (length > avail) { length = avail; } System.arraycopy(buf, off, toBuf, offset, length); off += length; return length; } /** * Returns the underlying data being read. * * @return the underlying data. */ public final byte[] getBufferBytes() { return buf; } /** * Returns the offset at which data is being read from the buffer. * * @return the offset at which data is being read. */ public final int getBufferOffset() { return off; } /** * Returns the end of the buffer being read. * * @return the end of the buffer. */ public final int getBufferLength() { return len; } }